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Lokesh Reddy B

In 1948, Dennis Gabor introduced A new
microscopic principle termed as Holography
In 1971, Gabor was awarded the Nobel prize in
physics for his invention and development of
the holographic method.
The basic meaning of the word, hologram, by
splitting it up into its two halves, holo and gram.
Holo = whole or entire or for all
Graphy or gram= recording or writing

A more scientific description defines a hologram as a
pattern of intensities formed when an electromagnetic
wave scattered by some object interferes with a coherent
reference beam.
Unlike a conventional photograph which can only record
intensity, a hologram records both intensity and phase, thus
the holo in hologram.
In practice, scientists use lasers to record holograms by
capturing onto the film both the scattered laser beam off
the photographed object as well as the original reference

The result of the differing phases and intensities of the two
light fields combine at the hologram plane to create an
interference pattern, also known as a fringe pattern, which
defines the hologram.
By diffraction theory we can model each point of the complex
object as a point source of light, each one interfering with the
reference beam and creating an individual fringe pattern on
the film.
The resulting hologram is a superposition of these interference
patterns. Since this interference pattern is dependent upon the
intensity and phase of each point on the object, by recording
The hologram saves a full description of the light field emitted
from the object.

Upon shining a laser back through the developed film,
each individual point source diffraction grating found
within the complex hologram diffracts part of the laser
beam such that it reconstructs the original point.
Since our hologram is made up of the superposition of
an infinite number of point sources and their reference
beam interference patterns, the wavefronts passing
through the hologram combine together to recreate all of
the original points, thus reconstructing the image of the
original object.

Holography is a two-step process:

1) writing the hologram, which
involves recording on film the
amplitude and phase information, and
2) reading the hologram, by which the
hologram is illuminated with reference
field similar to that in step 1.

Applications of Holography
Data storage (Holographic Memory)
Holographic data storage records information throughout
the volume of the medium and is capable of recording
multiple images in the same area utilizing light at different
Holographic storage is capable of recording and reading
millions of bits in parallel, enabling data transfer rates
greater than those attained by traditional
Magnetic data storage and
conventional optical data
storage rely on individual bits being stored as distinct
magnetic or optical changes.

Holographic interferometry
It enables static and dynamic displacements of
objects with optically rough surfaces to be
measured to optical interferometric precision
It can also be used to detect optical-path-length
variations in transparent media
It has been widely used to measure stress, strain,
and vibration in engineering structures

Interferometric microscopy
The hologram keeps the information on the amplitude and
phase of the field. Several holograms may keep information
about the same distribution of light, emitted to various
The numerical analysis of such holograms allows one to
emulate large numerical aperture, which, in turn, enables
enhancement of the resolution of optical microscopy. The
called interferometric
Recent achievements of interferometric microscopy allow
one to approach the quarter-wavelength limit of resolution.

Security holograms are very difficult to
forge, because they arereplicatedfrom
a master hologram that requires
technologically advanced equipment.
Examples: currencies

Sensors or biosensors
The hologram is made with a modified
material that interacts with certain
molecules generating a change in the
fringe periodicity or refractive index,
therefore, the color of the holographic

If you look at these holograms from different
angles, you see objects from different perspectives,
just like you would if you were looking at a real
They usually just look like sparkly pictures or
smears of color
If you cut one in half, each half contains whole
views of the entire holography image. The same is
true with smaller and smaller pieces

Photography vs. holography

Convential photography
2D of a 3D scene (object)
Photograph lacks depth perception
Film sensitive only to intensity

Converts phase information into amplitude
In-phase =max amplitude (amplification)
Out-of-phase=min amplitude (fringe fields)

Interfere wavefront of light from object beam with

a reference wave
The hologram is a complex interference pattern.
Its a kind of diffraction grading

There are 2 methods of experiment

creating a hologram
On axis or In-line Holography
Off axis or Off-line Holography

On-axis or In-line
At the most fundamental level a
hologram can be created using
coherent light incident upon a point
source in front of a film

At point P in Figure1 the incident wave
interfering with the coherent light passing
by the edges of P and beyond. A resulting
diffraction pattern emerges on the film at
the hologram plane
In Figure 2 we derive an expression for r,
the distance between constructive fringes,
based on our understanding of the wave
nature of light.


Constructive interference happens at
both points Q and Q0, the difference
in distance traveled by the light from
point P to Q and point P to Q0 is
equal to an integer number of
wavelengths, n.
After manipulating this equation we
find r for a single point source,

Since P is an on-axis point we argue
by symmetry that the interference
pattern will be the same everywhere
on the film as we rotate about the
axis PQ
The hologram made will simply be a
number of concentric rings, called a
Fresnel zone plate

Holographic process is to reconstruct the image by
shining coherent light back through the hologram.
The only light that will constructively interfere in this
process will be the light rays incident along the same
path PQ0 (this time now running from Q0 to P) and
PQ (running from Q to P) to create the virtual image
of the object just photographed at point P
This constructive interference is due to the integer
number of wavelength difference between the
distances PQ0 and PQ


The first is to record the hologram
using an incident reference beam
and point object. To reconstruct the
image, we remove the object and
shine the same reference light
through the newly created hologram.
The light illuminating through the
hologram should combine to
construct the image at point B.

Mathematical analysis:
As in phase contrast microscopy, the light
passing through a semitransparent object
consists of the scattered ( U1 ) and
unscattered field (U0 ).
At a distance z behind(back) the object,
the detector (photographic film during
distribution generated by the interference
of these two fields

Assuming a linear response to
photographic film, we find that its
transmission function has the form
where a and b are constants. Thus,
the hologram is now written and all
the necessary information about the
object is in the transmission function

Reading the hologram essentially
means illuminating the hologram as
if it is a new object.
The field scattered from the
hologram is the product between the
illuminating plane wave (assumed to
be U0 ) and the transmission function


In below eq,the first term is spatially
constant, and the second term is
negligible compared to the last two
terms because, for a transparent
object, the scattered field is much
weaker than the unscattered field,
mod(U) > U( x, y)

last two terms of above Eq. are the
relevant ones. Remarkably, these
terms contain the complex field U1
and its U1*
Therefore, an observer positioned
behind the hologram will see at
position z behind the transparency an
image that resembles the original
object (field U1 ).

Field U* indicates backward propagation, such
that a second (virtual) image is formed at a
distance z in front of the film
If the observer focuses on the plane of the first
(real) image, she/he will see an overlap between
the infocus image and the out-of-focus
(twin) image due to propagation over a
distance 2z
This overlap significantly degrades the signal
to noise of the reconstruction and represents
the main drawback of in-line holography.

Summary of In-line
In-line holography can be summarized as the process of
recording the Fresnel diffraction pattern of the object onto a
photosensitive film
The visualization is the reverse process by which the
hologram is illuminated with a plane wave and the resulting
field observed at the same Fresnel distance away
The existence of the twin images in essence is due to the
hologram being a real signal, the Fourier transform of
which must be an even function, i.e. symmetric with
respect to the film position.

Reference wave traverses the same way and has same
direction and incident angle to the recording medium as
object wave
No reference beam
For reconstruct uses phase shifting methods
Distributed reconstruction due to bright reference beam
and the twin images i.e. real and virtual images are along
the same line of sight. So while focusing on one of them
we see it overlapped by an out of focus images of the other
one(angle is less so overlap)
Low axial resolution and BW limit

Off-axis Holography
Can also produce a hologram by placing
the recording medium off-axis while
leaving the reference beam on-axis
We derive another equation for r in
Figure 2.6, for the distance between
constructive interference fringes, RR.
We know the distance between PR and
PR in this case is equal to an integer
number of wavelengths, n

A major drawback of this technique
was the poor quality of the
reconstructed image, because it was
degraded by the conjugate image,
which was superimposed on it, as
well as by scattered light from the
directly transmitted beam


Taking the limit of this function as

goes to 0 also yields our previous
result in Equation(on-axis) as



A hologram can also be created
using an off-axis incident beam.
When light is scattered of point P in
constructively interfere at points Q,
Q, and Q, the difference in distance
between the traveling reference
wavefront (labeled off-axis incident
beam) and the scattered rays will be
an integer multiple of the incident

Subsequently the scattered rays
through the hologram are the only rays
that are in phase with one another
Upon reconstruction of the hologram
the only rays that will constructively
interfere are those that pass through
points Q, Q, and Q and intersect at P
to reconstruct the image of the original

Multi point sources

We can extend the arguments above to multiple off-axis point
sources. Consider a complex object made up of an infinite
number of point sources
The light propagating from each point source combines with
the incident reference beam creating a unique diffraction
pattern on the film
This diffraction pattern will in turn interfere with other
diffraction patterns of other point sources in the scene resulting in
a hologram made up of a montage of diffraction patterns
Upon reconstruction via a coherent light source, each diffraction
pattern within the hologram will reconstruct each point source,
thus reconstructing the original three-dimensional scene

Mathematical analysis:

The object is illuminated by a
monochromatic plane wave, U0 , and
the transmitted field reaches the
photographic film at a distance z.
The field distribution across the film,
i.e. the Fresnel diffraction pattern, Uf
(x ,y) , is a convolution between the
transmission function of the object, U,
and the Fresnel diffraction kernel is

In contrast to in-line holography,
here the reference field, Ur , is
delivered at an angle (hence offaxis) with respect to the object
beam. The total field at the film
plane is

Note that the z-component of the
reference wave vector produces a
constant phase shift, kHz .z , which
can be ignored. Thus the resulting
transmission function associated with
the hologram is proportional to the
intensity, i.e.

Reading the hologram

Illuminating the hologram with a
reference plane wave, Ur , the field
at the plane of the film becomes

Equation above establishes that, along the optical axis, the
observer has access to the complex field UF( x y) (3rd term
in Eq. above), which, at a distance z from the film,
reconstructs the identical replica of the object field.
In other words, in reading the hologram, the free space
performs the inverse operation of that in Eq. UF(x,y), that is,
a de-convolution.
This is the real image. The last term in Eq. above is
modulated at a frequency 2k rx .
Observing along this direction gives access to U F * , which
reconstructs the object field behind the film, due to the
complex conjugation. This is the virtual image.

The main accomplishment of this
configuration is that the two images
are now observed along different
directions, without obstructing each
other. Note that the first two terms in
Eq. above, the DC component,
propagates along the direction of r
k , which is also convenient.

With the proper off-axis angle for
writing/reading the real image can be
obtained unobstructed. In practice,
the modulation frequency, krx , has to
be carefully chosen
To ensure the desired resolution in the
final reconstruction, i.e. it must
satisfy the Nyquist theorem applied to
this problem.

Summary of off-axis
Two beam holography/split beam
It uses reference wave
Both object and reference wave dont have the
same incident angle to the recording medium
Angle is more b/w object and reference so no
overlap b/w the virtual and real constructed
Bandwidth is more
We use complex wave retrieval
The recoding object has to placed at a relatively large
distance from the recording sensors

Super position of two points

At point p at r (r1,r2) then
amplitude of r1 is small than r2
Amp r2>r1, wave length r2>r1 i.e 180
r2-r1= + /2, + 3/2
In general r2-r1= + (2n+1)/2, n= 0,
+1, +2 .

In general r2-r1= + (n)/2, n= 0, +1, +2 .
- The distance between two points is constant,we get
an ellipse in mathematics. If the difference is
constant between points for + /2, then curve is
- If the two pints are seperated by a distance(d) then
[r2-r1=0]i.e. max amplitude i.e. constructive i.e
perpendicular to the midpoint and after that
hyperboloid (r2-r1= ),.. And destructive
interference (r2-r1= /2),

Digital holography
Photo films are used
Less sensitive
Need additional handling of film and

Digital holography:
CCD used to read the holograms
Sensors are more sensitive
Faster recording

Types of holograms
There are two basic types of holograms:
reflection holograms
transmission holograms
(i) Reflection holograms form images by reflecting a beam of light
off the surface of the hologram. This type of hologram produces
very high quality images but is very expensive to create.
(ii) Transmission holograms form images by transmitting a beam
of light through the hologram. This type of hologram is more
commonly seen since they can be inexpensively mass-produced.
Embossed holograms, such as those found on credit cards, are
transmission holograms with a mirrored backing.

i. Reflection Holograms
With a reflectionhologram, the
image is stored in a thick emulsion
and can be viewed in white light. The
simplest such hologram to make is
the direct beam reflection hologram.
In this case the direct beam through
the film serves as the reference

Reflection holograms form images by
reflecting a beam of light off the
surface of the hologram. This type of
hologram produces very high quality
images but is very expensive to

(a) Recording Reflection Holograms
The laser provides a highly coherent source of light.
The beam of light hits the beam splitter, which is a
semi-reflecting plate that splits the beam into two:
an object beam and a reference beam.
The object beam is widened by a beam spreader
(expanding lens) and the light is reflected off the
object and is projected onto the photographic plate.
The reference beam is also widened by a beam
spreader and the light reflects off a mirror and
shines on the photographic plate.

The reference and object beams
meet at the photographic plate and
create the interference pattern that
records the amplitude and phase of
the resultant wave.

A reconstruction beam of light is
used to reconstruct the object
wavefront. The reconstruction beam
is positioned at the same angle as
the illuminating beam that was used
during the recording phase.
The virtual image appears behind the
hologram at the same position as the


ii. Transmission holograms

Transmission holograms form images
by transmitting a beam of light
through the hologram. This type of
hologram is more commonly seen
since they can be inexpensively
holograms, such as those found on
holograms with a mirrored backing.


(a)Recording Transmission Holograms
As with reflection holograms, a laser is used to
provide a highly coherent source of light. A
beam splitter and beam spreaders are also used
in the recording of transmission holograms
After the object beam passes through the beam
spreader, the light is reflected off a mirror and
onto the object.
The object beam is then
reflected onto the photographic plate.
The reference beam is also reflected off a mirror
and shines on the photographic plate.

The incoming object and reference
beams create a resultant wave. The
amplitude and phase of the resultant
photographic plate as an interference

(b) Reconstructing Transmission Holograms
A reconstruction beam is used to illuminate the hologram
and is positioned at the same angle as the reference beam
that was used during the recording phase.
When the reconstruction beam is placed at the right angle,
three beams of light will pass through the hologram:
An undiffracted beam (zeroth order) will pass directly
through the hologram but will not produce an image.
A second beam forms the primary (virtual) image (first
order) that is diffracted at the same angle as the incoming
object beam that was used during recording.
A third beam forms the secondary (real) image (first order).

As we can see in the diagram, the
beams that form the images are
diffracted at the same angle, , from
the undiffracted beam.Between the
image beams, the angle is twice as
large, or 2.

If we look at the hologram at the
same angle as the primary image
beam (also same angle as recording
object beam), we will see a virtual
image of the object located behind
the hologram.

If we look at the hologram at the
same angle as the secondary image
beam, we will see a real image of the
object located in front of the

3.Rainbow Holograms
Rainbow holograms are holograms which can be viewed in white light.
They are made by a double holographic process where an ordinary
hologram such as a transmission hologram is used as the object and a
second hologram is made through a slit.
A horizontal slit limits the vertical perspective of the first image so that
there is no vertical parallax in the resultant rainbow hologram. This slit
process removes the coherence requirement on the viewing light so that
full advantage can be taken of the image brightness obtained from
ordinary room light, while maintaining the three-dimensional character of
the image as the viewers eye is moved horizontally.
If the viewers eye is moved vertically, no parallax is seen and the image
color sweeps through the rainbow spectrum from blue to red, hence
"rainbow hologram".

When the hologram is illuminated
with a white light source directed
from the left of the hologram plate,
each colour re-constructs a different
part of the image at a slightly
different angle, so that the whole
object is now seen, but with the
colour varying in the vertical

4. Wave Guide Holograms

In conventional holography, a plane wave which propagates
in free space is used as the reference wave in recording a
hologram and as the illuminating wave in reconstructing it.
However, the use of the evanescent wave of the plane-wave
total reflection at a dielectric boundary and the use of a
trapped beam in a hologram plate have also been reported
On the other hand, the use of an optical waveguide may
provide various applications in constructing a holographic
memory system. A few works reported on the
reconstruction of a hologram with the radiation field from
an optical fiber or a film waveguide

In this communication, we propose a new class of
holography, in which
(1) the evanescent part of a guided wave which exists in
both sides of a wave-guiding thin film,
(2) the guided wave itself in an inhomogeneous thin film
which forms a hologram,
is utilized as the reference wave and/or the illuminating
one. The hologram, designated as waveguide hologram
by the authors, reconstructs signal waves by the principle of
the grating output coupler in integrated optics, as shown in
fig. 1.

The recording and reconstructing geometries have some
similarities to that of the edge-illuminated hologram
proposed for the purpose of improving the maximum
image resolution. The waveguide hologram presented
here, however, is the first which has been made, having a
thin film waveguide specially designed for integrated
optics. The proposed hologram has its advantages in the
possibility of integration, wide field of view, and
compactness and high reliability of the reconstructing
system. Therefore it would be promising as a component
of optical integrated circuits.


5.Fourier Hologram
An interesting hologram recording
configuration is one in which the
complex amplitudes of the waves
that interfere at the hologram are the
Fourier transforms of the complex
amplitudes of the original object and
reference waves. Normally, this
thickness, such as a transparency.

To record a Fourier hologram, the
object transparency is placed in the
front focal plane of a lens, as shown
in fig below, and illuminated with a
collimated beam of monochromatic

The reference beam is derived from a
point source also located in the front focal
plane of the lens. The hologram is
recorded on a photographic plate placed
in the back focal plane of the lens
If the complex amplitude of the wave
leaving the object plane is o(x, y), its
complex amplitude at the photographic
plate located in the back focal plane of the
lens is

The reference beam is derived from a
point source also located in the front
focal plane of the lens. If (x+b, y) is
the complex amplitude of the wave
leaving this point source, the
complex amplitude of the reference
wave at the photographic plate can
be written as

The intensity in the interference pattern
produced by these two waves is, therefore

To reconstruct the image, the processed

hologram is replaced in the front focal plane
of the lens, as shown in fig below, and
illuminated with a collimated beam of
monochromatic light


If the incident wave has unit
transmittance of the processed
hologram is a linear function of the
intensity, the complex amplitude of
the transmitted wave is
The complex amplitude in the back
focal plane of the lens is then the
Fourier transform of U(zeeta,neeta).
We have


the first term on the right hand side of comes to a focus on the axis
while that corresponding to the second term forms a halo around it.
The third term produces an image of the original object, shifted
downwards by a distance b,
while the fourth term gives rise to a conjugate image, rotated by
180 and shifted upwards by the same distance b.

Fourier holograms have the useful
property that the reconstructed image
does Not move when the hologram is
translated in its own plane.
This is because a shift of a function in
the spatial domain only results in its
Fourier transform being multiplied by
a phase factor which has no effect on
the intensity distribution

6.Lensless Fourier
A hologram with the same properties as a
Fourier hologram can be produced, without a
lens, with the arrangement shown in fig below
which the object is illuminated with a plane
wave, and the reference wave comes from a
point source in the plane of the object
In this recording arrangement, the effect of the
spherical phase factor associated with the nearfield (or Fresnel) diffraction pattern of the object
transparency is eliminated by using a spherical
reference wave with the same average curvature


7.Image Holograms
For some applications, there are
advantages in recording a hologram
of a real image of the object formed
by a lens. As shown in fig.

Hologram plate is set in the central plane of the image, and a
hologram is recorded in the normal fashion with an off-axis
reference beam.
When the hologram is illuminated with the original
reference beam, part of the reconstructed image lies in front
of the hologram, and part of the image lies behind it.
Since the image is very close to the hologram plane, the
spatial and temporal coherence requirements for the
illumination used to reconstruct the image are much less
critical, and it is even possible, with an object of limited
depth, to use an extended white-light source

8.Theory of plane hologram or

Image of point
we consider, as shown in fig. (a), the
reference wave from a point source
R(xR,yR,zR), using light of wavelength

Formation of the image of a point
object by a hologram.If, then, this
monochromatic light with a wavelength
2 from a point source P(xP,yP,zP), as
shown in fig.(b), it can be shown that
the coordinates of the primary image of
O are


where =2/1, while those of the
conjugate image of O are show in
above euations.
The lateral(sides) magnification of
the primary image can be defined as

while that of the conjugate image is

Similarly, the longitudinal(actual data)

magnification of the primary image is

while that of the conjugate image is

9. Image aberrations
If the hologram is illuminated with the
reference wave originally used to record it,
the primary image has the same size as
the original object and coincides with it.
However, any change in the position, or
the wavelength, of the point source used
for reconstruction results in a change in
the position and magnification of the
reconstructed images and can introduce

If the hologram is replaced in the position in which
it was recorded and illuminated with the original
reference beam, zP=zR, and =1. The primary
image then coincides with the object. In any other
case, the image may exhibit aberrations.
These aberrations can be defined as the phase
difference between the reference spheres centered
on the image points and
The actual reconstructed wave fronts. They can be
evaluated if we retain the third degree terms in the
expansion for the phase of a spherical wavefront

Classification of aberrations
Hologram aberrations can be
classified in the same manner as lens
aberrations. If we use polar
coordinates (,) in the hologram
plane, the third-order aberration can
be written as

where S is the coefficient of spherical
Cx, Cy are the coefficients of coma
Ax, Ay are the coefficients of
F is the coefficient of field curvature
Dx, Dy are the coefficients of

For simplicity, we will assume that
the object lies on the x axis (yO=0)
and consider only the conjugate
coefficients for the primary (virtual)
image can be obtained by changing
the signs of zO and zR in the
conjugate image.

It can then be shown that the coefficient
of spherical aberration is
When zR=zO, zC=zP, and the spherical
aberration is zero.
The coefficient of coma is
Coma can be eliminated only if zR=zO
and zP=+zO

The coefficient of astigmatism is
Astigmatism is eliminated when
(xP/zP)=- (xR/zR) and zP=zO.
Coma and astigmatism can,
therefore, be eliminated
simultaneously only when 1.

The coefficient for curvature of field is

which disappears when the astigmatism is

reduced to zero
Finally, the coefficient of distortion is

Distortion cannot normally be eliminated

when 1.

In particular, unless Mlat=1 and =1, the
longitudinal magnification is not the same
as the lateral magnification, resulting in a
distortion in depth.
However, longitudinal distortion due to
wavelengths not being the same ( is
notequal1) can be minimized by a proper
choice of the recording and reconstruction

Image Blur
A source other than a laser (one with
a finite size and spectral bandwidth)
is often used to illuminate the
hologram and view the reconstructed
image. However, the use of such a
source affects the sharpness of the
reconstructed image.
The blur of the reconstructed image
along the x axis for a source size xP is

Similarly, if the source used to illuminate
the hologram has a mean wavelength 2
very nearly equal to 1, the wavelength
used to record the hologram, and a spectral
bandwidth 2, the transverse image blur
due to the finite spectral bandwidth of the
source can be shown to be
The image blur increases with the depth of
the image and the inter beam angle.

if the central plane of the image lies in the
hologram plane, as in an image hologram,
the restrictions on the size and the
spectral bandwidth of the source used to
illuminate the hologram can be relaxed.
In fact, if the inter beam angle and the
depth of the object are small, it is possible
to use an extended white-light source to
view the image.

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