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Hershey Kisses


Chocolates have always found its way through people's hearts. It becomes one of the most
popular food types and flavours in the world. It captures the feelings and eyes of
everybody. It makes you smile whenever you are sad. A chocolate is our friend whenever
we are stressed. Love makes the world go round but a chocolate makes life worthwhile.
Hersheys Kisses is on its way to delight and excite us in their cute mini size but mouth
melting chocolate. The kiss takes the shapes of many different objects, like a raindrop, or a
parachute when it is upside down. The kiss also takes the shape of a small mountain with
its flag flying high. Its up to you what shape the kiss really is. The kiss is a very useful tool
if you are in trouble with your significant-situation. You can use the kiss as gift for any
holidays or occasions. The convenient part about a Hersheys kisses is that it has already
its own wrapping paper.
The Hersheys kisses sits on your palm is almost weightless. Its amazing how something
so little can taste so good. As you unwrap the little candy of its shiny exterior you find a
small dark chocolate candy. When you put it into your mouth; it has an addictive taste of
milk chocolate. When it melts in your mouth, be careful! Dont chew. Just let it slowly melt
and taste its creaminess. The Hersheys kiss that was once in your mouth is now a milk
chocolate paste lingering in your mouth. As the kisses dissolves, and its swallowed, your
taste buds scream, Please another. Every day deserves a kiss.

History of Chocolates
The first recorded evidence of chocolate as a food product goes
back to Pre-Columbian Mexico. The Mayans and Aztecs were known
to make a drink called "Xocoatll from the beans of the cocoa tree. In
1528, the conquering Spaniards returned to Spain with chocolate
still consumed as a beverage. A similar chocolate drink was brought
to a royal wedding in France in 1615, and England welcomed
chocolate in 1662. To this point "chocolate" as we spell it today, had
been spelled variously as "chocalatall, "jocolatte", "jacolatte", and
In 1847, Fry & Sons in England introduced the first "eating
chocolate," but did not attract much attention due to its bitter taste.
In 1874, Daniel Peter, a famed Swiss chocolateer, experimented
with various mixtures in an effort to balance chocolates rough
flavor, and eventually stumbled upon that abundant product -- milk.
This changed everything and chocolate's acceptance after that was
quick and enthusiastic.

Hershey`s kisses were introduced to the market in 1907 and
manufactured by The Hershey`s Company. These chocolates got its
name by the machine that makes them. This is due to the machine
which made kiss sounds and appeared to kiss the conveyer belt onto
which the chocolate is dispensed. Kisses appears to be one of the most
popular candies in the world since 1989 when Hershey`s kisses were
the fifth most famous chocolate in 1989 in United States and the sales
topped to $ 400 million.
At the beginning the Hershey`s Kisses were wrapped by hand. The
automated wrapping the packaging began in 1921. The machine also
introduced a little slip of paper inside the chocolates for the packaging
which is still been used until now. The purpose of introducing the slip
because to make sure that customers get the genuine Hershey`s
products and more likely the trademarks of the company. However, the
strip became a register trademark for the Hershey`s in 1924. These
products have been produced continuously from 1907 to now except
the years between 1942 and 1949. This is because the aluminum for
the wrapping became insufficient due to World War II.

The only available wrapper for the Hershey`s Kisses is in silver wrappings
until 1962. But in 1962, few colour of wrappers were introduced such as
green and red for Christmas. Then, Easter wrappings were made in 1968
and during 1986, Valentine`s Day wrappers began being manufactured.
Originally, Hershey`s Kisses chocolates were wrapped with the silver
color foil and long-lasting for few decades. Until 1962, Kisses chocolates
were marked with different colour foiled wrappers such as green, red and
silver coincidently with the Merry Christmas season. Then, pastel blue,
pink and green wrappers were introduced for Easter Day in 1968 and
Valentine`s Day themed wrappers were introduced in 1986 with pink, red
wrappers as well with little heart on it.
Nowadays, there are varieties of color wrappers introduced by Hershey`s
company that depend on the seasonal events. However, there was
controversy within the organization regarding aluminum wrappers since
people demand and requested to replace it with more environmentallyfriendly packaging which is biodegradable materials.

Hershey`s kisses had produced 8 main types
of its brands such as
Kisses HUGS and;

Kisses Air Delight

Feel each
bubble melt
smoothly in the
mouth as the air
delight aerated
milk chocolate.
The wrapper has
polka dot on it.

Kisses Milk Chocolates with Almonds

The crunchy taste of

almonds coated with a
mouth melting milk
chocolate will satisfy
your cravings. It is
wrapped with gold
aluminum foil with an
almond design and
the tail has a label of

Kisses Milk Chocolates with Caramel

Taste the
creamy caramel
and milk
chocolate melt in
your mouth that
you want to
experience again
and again

Kisses Hugs

Milk chocolate
plus white cream
will give you an
extreme hug
taste that will
melt into your

Kisses Meltaway Centre Milk Chocolates

Feature with smooth

melt away center
surrounded by a creamy
milk chocolates shell. It is
perfect for those looking
for an extra creamy
indulgence. These are
available at retail and
wrapped with silver and
amber colored foil topped
with a melt away center
inscribed plume.

Made of
Kisses Milk Chocolate
creamy milk
chocolate and
had been
enjoyed after
deserves a

Kisses Special Dark Chocolates

Kisses brand
special dark
chocolates is a
natural source of
cocoa falvanol

Kisses Cookies&

KISSES Cookies
n Creme
Candies blend
smooth white
creme with
crunchy cookie
bits. Theyre
perfect for
sharing with the
ones you love.

Other Flavours for Occasions like

Valentines Day, Halloween, Easter ETC.

varieties of wrappers were introduced for seasonal events. but there are seven main products
that had specified wrappers for it.
replace it with more environmentally- friendly packaging which is biodegradable materials.

kisses chocolates marked with different colour of foil such as green, red and silver for Christmas
pastel blue, pink and green wrappers were introduced for Easter Day in 1968 and Valentine`s Day
themed wrappers were introduced in 1986 with pink, red wrappers as well with little heart on it

the packaging originally in silver foil wrapper by hand made with milk chocolates
1921 - automated machine wrapping were introduced with strip paper which marketed as genuine
Hershey`s products

1968 - until



Timeline of the Packaging

Hershey`s Kisses changes the prices and
weights when it is necessary to
accommodate the changes in costs,
competitive environment and profit
objectives. But, at the same time maintain
the consumer value.The prices increases
and weight changes helped to offset
increases in the company input costs
including raw materials, packaging
materials, fuel, utilities, transportation and
employee benefits.

Since the Hershey`s Kisses are well known
product, the price is still affordable and
reasonable to everyone. These Hershey`s kisses
brand have high quality of milk chocolates
therefore the prices for the brand is quite
In addition, Hershey`s Kisses promote their prices
so that the regular customer will stick to them and
even can increases the number of the customers.
Since Hershey`s Kisses are worldwide product, all
the prices are not the same depending on the
economics of ones country.

There are several ways of how Hershey`s Kisses
promoting their products in order to achieve objective for
their sales targets. The following are there promotion
Advertisements like broadcasting, commercial, outdoor
billboards and other forms.
Internet, Hershey`s Kisses have their own website for the
customers to get the information about their products and
achievements. People who loves chocolates and anything
that related to chocolates can get the information about
Hershey`s Kisses through this website below:
( )

Besides, Hershey`s Kisses brand promote their products
Public relations (PR) which is includes press releases,
sponsorships, special events ad web pages.
For holiday seasons, Hershey`s Kisses brand have
introducing some holiday products especially for the
Some example of their holiday products are Giant
Hershey`s Kisses milk chocolates, Hershey`s Kisses
milk chocolates Cane, Hershey`s Kisses milk chocolates
Santa Hat and lots more. In addition, Hershey`s Kisses
have introducing Hershey`s Kisses Baking recipes.

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