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Effects of Social

Media To The Youth

Advantages and
Disadvantages of Using
Social Media to Studies

Now a days, especially the youth used

social media accounts. Its because its

fascinating. Also, some social media like
Google and Youtube can help youth in
their studies. But not all about social
media are good. It still influence the
youth. Youth become addicted to social
media. Addiction to social media can
cause scams, cyber bullying, starting an
early relationship, chatting with

Social Media

Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people to

create, share, or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and
pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. Social media is
defined as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the
ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow
the creation and exchange of user-generated content." Furthermore,
social media depends on mobile and web-based technologies to
create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and
communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated
content. They introduce substantial and pervasive changes to
communication between businesses, organizations, communities,
and individuals. These changes are the focus of the emerging field
of technoself studies. Social media differ from traditional or
industrial media in many ways, including quality, reach, frequency,
usability, immediacy, and permanence. Social media operates in a
dialogic transmission system (many sources to many receivers). ]
This is in contrast to traditional media that operates under a
monologic transmission model (one source to many receivers).

Social media has been broadly defined to refer

to 'the many relatively inexpensive and widely
accessible electronic tools that enable anyone
to publish and access information, collaborate
on a common effort, or build relationships."
There are many effects that stem from Internet usage.
According to Nielsen, Internet users continue to spend
more time with social media sites than any other type
of site. At the same time, the total time spent on social
media in the U.S. across PC and mobile devices
increased by 99 percent to 121 billion minutes in July
2012 compared to 66 billion minutes in July 2011. For
content contributors, the benefits of participating in
social media have gone beyond simply social sharing
to building reputation and bringing in career
opportunities and monetary income, as discussed in
Tang, Gu, and Whinston (2012).

Most Used Social



Perhaps the simplest of all social media

platforms, Twitter also just happens to be
one of the most fun and interesting.
Messages are limited to 140 characters or
less, but thats more than enough to post
a link, share an image, or even trade
thoughts with your favorite celebrity or
influencer. Twitters interface is easy to
learn and use, and setting up a new

Considered to be synonymous with

social media by some, Facebook is the
one site where youre likely to find friends,
colleagues, and relatives all floating
around. Although Facebook is mainly
centeredaroundsharing photos, links,
and quick thoughts of a personal nature,
individuals can also show their support to
brands or organizations by becoming fans.

If youre looking for a quick,

convenient connection between the
camera feature on your smart phone
and all your social profiles, then
Instagram is the answer. Not only will
allow you to share via Twitter,
Facebook, and the Instagram website,
you can choose from a variety of photo
filters and invite friends to comment on

This platform is different form many

others in that it essentially hosts
microblogs for its users. Individuals and
companies, in turn, can fill their blogs
with multimedia (like images and short
video clips). The fast-paced nature of
Tumblr makes it ideal for memes, GIFs,
and other forms of fun or viral content.

Our Respondents
Our Respondents
answered the following question
and says that:
Social Media Account which is being used is :
1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Instagram
4. Youtube
5. Wattpad
6. Google Accounts
7. Blogger
8. Skype
9. Pickld

Reasons of using those Social Media accounts:

1. More Fun to use and to explore with.
2. Being always connected and updated to the latest
3. More time to communicate with others.
4. Can help in their assignments and projects.
5. Provides entertainment, and satisfaction, as a user.
6. Being in touch with their friends and to be updated
to all people they idolized.
7. There are many things that can be accessed
through social media.
8. To connect and share captured picture to other
9. To share the users thoughts and favorites( pictures/

Most Used Social Media is:

Top 1: Facebook
Top 2: Twitter
Top 3: Instagram
Top 4: Wattpad
Top 5: Youtube or Google Accounts
Reasons why they use it most
1. When they are bored, they just scroll down and pictures makes
them happy.
2. Being in touch with their friends and always updated to people
they idolized.
3. They love creating and reading stories. ( In WATTPAD)
4. They watch video in Youtube about their lessons.
5. To trace their family, relatives and friends.
6. They use it for communication and online games.
7. It give me ideas and information about the things that I dont
8. They can express their feelings without judging to other people.
9. They can know news about their school like suspensions, etc.

How can Social Media help their studies:

1. When you dont know the answer and what to do in your reports
or school projects.
2. When they watch video about lessons in Math since it is the
subject they hate most.
3. Research about their studies.
4. They can connect o their group members whenever they have
group projects.
. Disadvantages of Social Media:
1. Less time with people around you. They tend to use social media
as a way of connecting with their friends but the more they use
it the lesser time we spent with the people at present.
and most especially FAILING GRADES. Because they cant control
the addiction in a particular social media.
3. Students no longer have the interest to use the library. It makes
the people LAZY and have low self-esteem in times of CYBER
4. It influence the youth badly.
5. It may distract your STUDIES and LIFE.

In their own opinion, how can community solve the

problem about the effects of social media for youth.
1. One possible, and practical way is by conducting an
orientation for the youth in every community. It is a way
of having a direct conversation and a direct learning from
the youth and the people conducting the program.
2. For them, they think we should start disciplining the
youth to minimize the number of the youths who were
addicted to it. And also the parents must guide their child.
3. Dont waste a lot of time in using facebook.
4. Encourage youth to read books in the library.
5. Help them learn that not all data they see in social media
are right.
6. By respecting others opinion in their social media
7. We should limit the use of it and we should teach the
youth to use it properly and wisely.
8. Parental Guidance.


We conclude that social media have pros and cons. We

can avoid the cons if we use these social media properly.
The inventors of these social media made these to help us
in our studies or business but not to be a reason to
destroy our lives. Based on our survey the most common
disadvantage of using social media is that users waste
their time in a certain account. While the most common
advantages is that social media help us in our studies, it
gives happiness, we can communicate with others and
being updated to the latest happenings in the world and
updates about their idols. As a student, we can properly
use these social media by having self-discipline and time
consciousness. Despite the high-level of technology we
still need to spent time with our loved ones by
communicating to them personally and not involving
social media. We still have time for ourselves, to study

During the whole interview, we gained many experiences about ourselves
and especially to the topic that we are investigating. Our friendship with
each other depends as we conducted the interview. We conducted the
interview in our community. We are very glad and fulfilled because of the
cooperation of our respondents and parents regarding the research.
The topic that is being investigated is about the effects of social media to
the youth. We come up to this topic because we observed that this is one
of the problems that the community is now facing.
Social media can now be used as an instrument of cyber-bullying and cyberbullying can cause death.
Many of the students nowadays also use social media to watch videos that
are not good for them. There are also students who become very addicted
to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Because of this, they tend to update
their status and follow their idols than to read books and do their
Social Media can also be useful to the youth. They can study faster using
social media than to find lessons in the library. The youth can use it for
their studies.




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