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Tools and glassware needed for

preparing and serving wine:
1. Wine List
2. Note Pad and Pen
3. Side Towel
4. Bar Tray
5. Under liner Plate
6. Corkscrew
7. Wine Basket
8. Wine Bucket
9. Wine Glasses
10. Decanter

Wine List Presentation and Order Taking:

1. Greet the guest and introduce yourself and
your purpose.
2. Present the wine list to the right side of the
guest. (If it is a group, inquire about who is the
host of the party. Present the wine list to the
3. Inquire about guests preference on wine.
Suggest appropriate wines based on the guests
preference. If the guest is uncertain about the
wine, suggest those that would complement the
food orders of the guests. Do suggestive selling
and up selling of wines.

4. Write down the order including special

requests and repeat the order to the guest
for confirmation.
5. Excuse yourself and prepare the
necessary tools and glasses.

Wine Presentation Procedures:

1. Hold the wine properly, the label
facing the guest who ordered
the wine.
2. Tell what wine you are serving.
3. Inquire if the wine can be opened.
4. Open the wine following the
appropriate procedure.

Opening a Bottle of Still Wine

1. Cut and remove the metal cap or the
covering of the wine.
2. Wipe the lip of the bottle and cork to remove
molds or cork bits.
3. Insert the corkscrew, tip slightly at the
center of the cork.
4. Pull the screw to remove the cork.
5. Wipe the lip of the bottle.
6. Remove the cork from the corkscrew and
present it to the guest or place it on the
under liner plate for the guests evaluation.

Opening a Bottle of Sparkling Wine:

1. Cut and remove the metal cap or covering.
2. Unscrew the wire cage and remove it.
3. Cover the cork with the side towel and hold
the bottle in 45 angle.
4. Hold the cork firmly and slowly twist the
bottle counter with the cork to remove the
cork. Avoid popping of the cork.
5. After removing the cork, let the bottle stay
in a 45 angle for a while to avoid the wine
gushing out of the bottle.
6. Present the cork to the host or place it in an
under liner.

Pouring and Serving the Wine

1. Pour the wine in the glass full or around
2 oz. for evaluation and tasting.
2. Let the guest/host taste the wine and wait
for the approval. Then start serving the wine
starting with the VIP.
**If there is no VIP. Start with the ladies to
the left of the guest. Use a clockwise
**Hold the bottle in mid-section during
**If it is a still wine, the pouring should be in
a downward motion. If it is sparkling wine, it
should be in an upward motion.

3. Pour 2/3 full for small glasses and full for

large glasses. The bottle should not touch the
rim of the glass. Slowly twist the bottle before
lifting to avoid drippings.
4. Refill glass if there is still wine remaining in
the bottle or place it in a wine bucket
(white/sparkling) and at the table if it is red

Class Activity:
1. Find a partner.
2. Based on the steps given for
wine list presentation, wine
order taking and wine
presentation, create a
script/conversation between a
wine steward and a guest.
3. Write your output in your

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