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Week 2


Kingdom a state
government having a king
or queen.


Executioner- an official
who gives punishment


Lash- to cut violently
with the use of knife
or sword


Journey- traveling from
one place to another.


Reward- something
given or received
as a prize.


Procession- a line or body
of persons or things
moving along in such


Feather- the part of a
covering of the birds


Amuse- the cause of


Whistle- to make some
noise or blowing some


Daughter- a female

1. The king lost his precious ring,
he offered a reward to the
A. prize
B. pay

1. Our grandmothers often amuse
us with stories about fairies and
funny jokes.
A. entertain or cheer
B. scared
C. teach or advise

The Princess Who

Never Laughed

Once upon a time, in a far

away kingdom, there lived a
king ad his beautiful daughter.
The king was growing old and
he was getting worried about
the princess who had not yet

1. Who lived in a far away

2. Who was growing old?
3. Why do you think he was
worried about his dauhter?

There was something wrong with

the princess. She never smiled. All
day long she sat at the foot of her
fathers throne and listened to all
sorts of funny stories from her
fathers subjects, but nothing
amused her. Not
a shadow of smile crossed her face.

1. What was the problem

with the princess?

At last the king lost his

patience. Tell all people that
any man who could make the
princess laugh can have her
wife. he ordered. But who
fails shall receive one hundred

1. What solution did the king

try to solve the problem?

The news spread far and wide.

Men from all walks of life tried
their luck, because the princess
was beautiful. But they failed.
They all suffered the pain of being
lashed by the kings executioner.
The time came nobody came to
the place anymore.

1. Did the men succeed in

making the princess laugh?
2. What happened to the men
who tried to make the princess

In farthest corner of the

kingdom lived an old farmer
and his dutiful son. This son
cared for his father in his old

1. Who live in the farthest

corner of the kingdom?
2. What character trait the son

One day, her father said,

Why dont you try to make
the princess laugh? You might
succeed because you are a
cheerful boy.

I want to, Father, but I cant

leave you alone. Ill be all
right. Just leave the cows for
myself. The cows will give me
enough milk everyday. said
the old man.

1. What did the father tells

his son?
2. Was the son willing to go?

One fine morning, the son left

for the city. He made sure that
his father and the farm animals
had enough food while he was
away. He carried a basketful of
sandwiches and some sausages
to last him for the journey.

1. Where did the son go?

2. What did he bring with him
to his journey?

At noon time, the boy built a

fire under a tree and roasted a
sausage on a stick. He whistled
a merry tune as he cooked.
Soon an old man with the
goose under his arm passed
by. Both of them are hungry.

1. Who passed by?

2. What was he carrying?
3. What do you think the boy
did to the old man?

The farmers son shared his sandwiches

and sausages with the old man. You are
very kind, said the old man shaking the
boys hand after eating. That was a fine
meal. I have not eaten one like it for
many days.
Thats nothing, Sir, replied the boy. I
shall give you some sandwiches to last
you on the way.

1. What character trait did the

boy show when he shared his
food to the old man?

Thank you again, my boy.

As a reward, I shall give you
my goose. It might help you
get what you wish. said the
old man as he turned to leave.

How did the old man

reward the boys kindness to

I can never thank you enough,

good father, said the boy. But you
may need your goose later. Not
until you have used it. replied the
old man. When that time comes,
just say Go home, and turn to your
roost. It will return to me. Then he

What did the old man say to

the boy about the goose?

The boy continued his journey with the goose

under his arm. Soon he met three sisters who
were on their way to the city with their mother.
When the elder one saw the boy and his goose,
she shouted after him, Stop, young man. May I
have a goose feather for my hat?
She ran to the boy and tried to pull a feather
from the goose, but as she did so, her hand
stuck to the goose and she could not get away.

A priest who was also going to the

city saw them. He ran to the
group to help them, but he too,
got to them. And so did the others
who tried to help until a long
string of people seemed to be
following the boy with the goose.

1. Who tried to help them?

2. What happened to them?

The procession walked till

they reached the kings
palace. The king and all the
people in the palace looked at
the strange procession. The
sad princess also went to look
at them.

What a very funny sight,

said the princess and she
laughed and laughed. The
others heard her and they also
laughed. The King saw his
daughters happy face and he
too, laughed. The he called
the boy at the head of the

Dont you know the reward

for making the princess
happy? Indeed, I do. O
King. She should be happy
for having such a good
father as you are to her. O
King. he answered

The king was pleased with

his answer. He said, You
are a fine young man
worthy of my daughter. I
give to you her hand in

As soon as the boy heard

this he said to the goose,
Go home to your roost,
and the folks at his back
were suddenly set free
from the goose. They
attended the happy
wedding too.

Who succeeded in making

the princess laugh?
2. How did he do this?
3. What was the boys
4. What is the character
trait of the boy?

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