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e-Types A/S Strategy

By: Karina Permata Sari


Winning the Team Danmark
Strategy of the Company vs vision of
the Customer
Cash Flow vs Identity of the company

Current Situation Analysis

Capability to create unique and edgy design, hard
working employee, cooperative relationship with the
team, good agency with a solid reputation.
Sometimes Etypes getting too cutting edge for the
client, partners who become bottleneck in a project.
International expansion of the business.
New Competitors which will be entering the market.

Be challenging for customer with an edgy
design but still representative to their
Although the short-term Cash-flows are very
important for the E-Types, in a long term
perspective, the lost of identity can
represent lower Cash-flows in the future
which will compromise the company growth.
the best way to win the market is creating
one edgy logo

if E-types show both logos to the
Denmark Team Contest, will have a
better likelihood of wining the contest
and the possibility of improving the
Cash-Flow in a short and long term and
finally, following the strategy of the
company and the customer identity.

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