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Topic: Coca-Cola

Student Name: ABC

Course Title: EFG

Institution: HIJ

Instructor: XYZ

Date: 6-6-14

Coca Cola Company

Key Points of
Code of Ethical Conduct
Missions AndGoals
Company and Brand
Brands & Products
Fun facts

Code of ethical
The Coca-Cola
Company is our
Code of Business
The Code is
administered by our
Ethics & Compliance
Online training to all
Anyone can ask
questions about
Code and other

Missions AndGoals
To refresh the
To inspire moments
of optimism and
To create value and
make a difference.
Focus on needs of
our consumers,
customers and
franchise partners
Possess a world

Company and Brand

Coke was invented in 1886 by John Pemberton, a
pharmacist in Atlanta, GA. An immediate success,
Pemberton sold 9 glasses a day the first year. Rights
to the beverage were then purchased by Atlanta
businessman Asa Griggs Candler for $2300 between
1888-1891. Coca Cola Co. is now the largest
beverage company in the world and growing.
Employs 146,200 people
Partners with over 275 bottling plants
Has more than 2.8 million vending machines
Most recognized brand in the world
Most valuable brand in the world
$46.5 billion in revenues in 2011

Brands & Products

Coca Cola owns over 500 different brands
Owns 15 billion dollar brands (only 33
non-alcoholic beverage brands worth $1B
or more)
Top four brands (Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta,
and Diet Coke) exceeded $10 billion in
retail sales in 2011
3,500+ different beverages from sodas,
to juices, to energy drinks, to packaged
waters and sports drinks

Officially marketed and sold in over 200
countries (exceptions include Cuba,
North Korea, Burma, and Sudan)
Sold 26.7 billion cases of product
worldwide in 2011
1.7 billion units sold per day to 20
million customers each week
Average of 92 8 oz. servings consumed
per person worldwide in 2011

Fun Facts
Soda is the main source of calories in American
diets, with the average American consuming
10.8 lbs of sugar from Coke products each year
(1.7 billion lbs total per year)
There are peer-reviewed scientific papers
arguing that Coke is and is not effective as a
8 oz bottles filled with all of the Coke produced
since the company started would reach to the
moon and back over 2,000 times
Coke spends more on advertising than Apple
and Microsoft combined

The End

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