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McGraw-Hill Technology

McGraw-Hill Technology Education

Copyright 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All

Copyright 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All

Chapter 6A & B

Types of Storage Devices &

Measuring and Improving
Drive Performance

McGraw-Hill Technology

Copyright 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All

Describing Storage Devices

Store data when computer is off
Two processes
Writing data
Reading data


Describing Storage Devices

Storage terms
Media is the material storing data
Storage devices manage the media
Magnetic devices use a magnet
Optical devices use lasers
Solid-state devices have physical switches


Magnetic Storage Devices

Most common form of storage
Hard drives, floppy drives, tape
All magnetic drives work the same


Magnetic Storage Devices

Floppy Disk

Hard Disk



Magnetic Storage Devices

Data organization
Disks must be formatted before use
Format draws tracks on the disk
Tracks are divided into sectors
Amount of data a drive can read

Each sector contains 512 Bytes (Floppy)


Tracks and Sectors


Magnetic Storage Devices

Finding data on disk
Each track and sector is labeled
Some are reserved

Listing of where files are stored

File Allocation Table (FAT)

Data is organized in clusters

Size of data the OS handles


Magnetic Storage Devices

Also known as floppy disks
Read with a disk drive
Mylar disk
Spin at 300 RPM
Takes .2 second to find data
3 floppy disk holds 1.44 MB


Magnetic Storage Devices

Hard disks
Primary storage device in a computer
2 or more aluminum platters
Each platter has 2 sides
Spin between 5,400 to 15,000 RPM
Data found in 9.5 ms or less
Drive capacity reached 10 TB


Optical Storage Devices

Read using a laser
Written from the inside out
CD speed is based on the original
Original CD read 150 KBps
A 10 X will read 1,500 KBps

Standard CD holds 650 MB

1 Spiral Track, Multiple sectors


Optical Storage Devices

Digital Video Disk
Use both sides of the disk
Capacities can reach 18 GB
DVD players can read CDs


USB Pen Drive

1 USB connector
2 USB mass storage controller device
3 Test points
4 Flash memory chip
5 Crystal oscillator
7 Write-protect switch
8 Space for second flash memory chip


Solid State Devices

Solid-state disks
Large amount of SDRAM
Extremely fast
Non-Volatile storage
Require battery backups
Data is stored physically
No magnets or laser
No Disk or motor


Drive Performance
Average access time
Also known as seek time
Time to find desired data
Measured in milliseconds
Depends on two factors
Time to access a track

Hard drive between 6 and 12 ms

CD between 80 and 800 ms

Drive Performance
Data transfer rate
How fast data can be read
Measured in Bps or bps
Hard drive ranges from 15 to 160 MBps
CD ROMS depend on X factor
24x CD transfers 24 x 150 KBps

Floppy disks transfer at 45 KBps


Chapter 6A & B

End of Chapter

McGraw-Hill Technology

Copyright 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All

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