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Galang, Krystal Maureen
Pablo, Vhia Joy
Pasaoa, Almarie Graceilla
Rosario, Louise Angela
Valdez, Donna Mae

Stem Cell

Stem Cells are the body's

raw materials cells from
which all other cells with
specialized functions are
generated. Under the right
conditions in the body or a
laboratory, stem cells divide
to form more cells called

Generate healthy cells to

replace diseased cells
(regenerative medicine).Stem
cells can be guided into
becoming specific cells that can
be used to regenerate and repair
diseased or damaged tissues in
Embryonic stem cells.These
stem cells come from embryos

Adult stem cells.These

stem cells are found in
small numbers in most
adult tissues, such as bone
marrow or fat. Compared
with embryonic stem cells,
adult stem cells have a
more limited ability to give

Adult cells altered to have

properties of embryonic stem cells
(induced pluripotent stem
cells).Scientists have successfully
transformed regular adult cells into
stem cells using genetic
reprogramming. By altering the genes
in the adult cells, researchers can
reprogram the cells to act similarly to
embryonic stem cells.
Perinatal stem cells.Researchers
have discovered stem cells in amniotic
fluid in addition to umbilical cord blood

Bone Marrow
A bone marrow transplant is a
procedure to replace damaged or
destroyed bone marrow with
healthy bone marrow stem cells.
Bone marrow is the soft, fatty
tissue inside your bones. The
bone marrow produces blood
cells. Stem cells are immature
cells in the bone marrow that
give rise to all of your different

3 kinds of bone marrow transplants:

Autologous bone marrow

transplant: The term auto means
self. Stem cells are removed from
you before you receive high-dose
chemotherapy or radiation
Allogeneic bone marrow
transplant: The term allo means
other. Stem cells are removed from
another person, called a donor.

Before the transplant,

chemotherapy, radiation, or
both may be given. This may
be done in two ways:

Ablative (myeloablative) treatment: Highdose chemotherapy, radiation, or both are

given to kill any cancer cells. This also
kills all healthy bone marrow that
remains, and allows new stem cells to
grow in the bone marrow.
Nonablative treatment, also called a mini
transplant: People receive lower doses of
chemotherapy and radiation before a
transplant. This allows older people, and

Graft-versus-tumor effect: donor

cells recognize malignant cells
and act to eliminate them
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD):
T lymphocytes from transplanted
marrow become activated and
mount an immune response
against recipients tissues.
Rash, blisters, desquamation,
mucosal shredding, diarrhea, biliary
stasis with abdominal pain,
hepatomegaly, increased liver


When your doctor thinks youre ready, youll

have the transplant. The procedure is similar
to a blood transfusion.
If youre having an allogeneic transplant,
bone marrow cells will be harvested from
your donor a day or two before your
procedure. If your own cells are being used,
theyll be retrieved from the stem cell bank.
Cells are collected in two ways.
1. During a bone marrow harvest, cells are
collected from both hipbones through a
needle. Youre under anesthesia for this

2. Leukapheresis

During leukapheresis, a
donor is given five shots to
help the stem cells move
from the bone marrow and
into the bloodstream.
Blood is then drawn
through an intravenous (IV)
line, and a machine


Stem cells have been used to treat over 80

diseases, including malignancies, blood disorders
and immune deficiencies. Stem cells work by
providing new cells to replace damaged,
diseased, or defective cells within two to six
Stem cells will stimulate regeneration of the blood
components in the bone marrow damaged by
high doses of chemotherapy or radiation. This
often occurs in leukemia or lymphoma, for
example, when the bone marrow is diseased and
must be destroyed.
Bone marrow transplant takes a donor's healthy
blood-forming cells and puts them into the

Infusion of the stem cells may last 10

minutes to three hours, depending on
the quantity and source of the cells.
Transplant only takes a few hours, it
can take several months for the
complete marrow transition.
Many transplant patients require
hospitalization at some point during
the transplant process, although the
length of the hospital stay will vary
based on the type of transplantation
and your condition.

Hematopoietic stem cell
transplantation is used to treat a
number of cancerous as well as
non-cancerous conditions. The
cancerous conditions include:
Multiple myeloma
and Myelodysplasia


Non cancerous conditions include:

Aplastic anemia
Other Marrow Failure Syndromes
Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia
Immune Deficiency Diseases
Inherited Metabolic Disorders
Immunodeficiency disorders and conditions
affecting blood present from birth may also
be treated with hematopoietic stem cell

2. Acute thrombosis
3. Acute hemophthalmia
4. Expressed pulmonary
hypertension secondary to
vasculitis, thrombosis, pneumonia,
development of acute or subacute
pulmonary heart.

5. Terminal stage of the

6. Chronic infection lesions
7. Chronic viral infections
8. Psychiatric diseases

Nursing Management

Implementing PreTransplantation Care

Providing Care During
Providing Post-Transplantation

Bone Marrow Transplant

Efficacy (video)
Blood and Marrow Transplant (BMT)
Baylor Charles A. Sammons Cancer
Center at Dallas
More than 5,000 adult bone marrow
and blood stem cell transplants in the
past 30 years.
Is one of the 20 highest volume BMT
centers in the United States based on
the number of transplants performed.

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