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What is democracy? Relate it with the

history of Pakistan.

 The term is derived from the Greek :
“dēmokratía” "rule of the people“.(power of

 “dêmos” = people and “krátos” = power.

 This political system was started in some Greek


Democracy is a political government carried
out either directly by the people (direct
democracy) or by means of elected
representatives of the people (Representative

two principles of democracy ;

 Equality and Freedom.

Democracy in Pakistan
Democracy has long been a "buzzword" in

Although the Pakistani political system has
long been alternating between various forms
of electoral politics and dictatorship, nothing
seems to have alleviated Pakistan’s chronic
Democracy in Pakistan

Democracy ; a chaotic concept.

Democracy means different things to different

people, depending on their position in specific
time-space contexts. (NOW)
Decisions taken are normally based upon a
consensus of the majority.
Democracy in Pakistan
Liberal democracy transforms into illiberal
 ignore constitutional limits on their power
 deprive their citizens of basic rights and freedoms.

The phenomenon of illiberal democracy has

gained considerable ground in many parts of
the world, including Pakistan.

“Democracy in Pakistan is under threat”

Democracy in Pakistan

Musharraf regime for the restoration of
 democracy.

First, the constitution is still suspended, and it

is replaced by a provisional constitutional
ordinance (PCO). The PCO means
government decisions about policy in the
military dictatorship.
Democracy in Pakistan
General Zia, General Musharrafhad the same
ideology .
If they cannot bring back constitution, reduce
petrol, diesel, electricity prices, then they
must accept their failure as representatives of
their parties and in return the nation.
Democracy in Pakistan
Some people argue that democracy is not
suited to the sensibilities of the people in

Education and Economic development are
prerequisites for the establishment of a
democratic policy.

Still some others reject democracy as simply a
Western notion which has no place within an
Islamic society.

Democracywill be established in Pakistan.

Pakistani people need to engage in a public
discourse and a struggle to:
 (1) cultivate a culture of democracy.
 (2) stress that liberal democracy.
Iqbal said;

KHUDA un koomoon ki taqdeer nhi badalta
 na ho khayal jinhay khud apni taqdeer
badalne ka.

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