Social Deviation

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Deviation and Social Control

Todays objectives

To clarify the concept of deviation along with its

Types and Forms.

To clarify the concept of Social Control and to Discus

other relevant aspects such as Types and Agencies of
Social Control.

Definitions of Deviation
What is Deviation?

To adapt unusual Social Behavior other than on going

Social Patterns is Social Deviation ( David Popnoe )


No system of Social control works perfectly. Some persons

fail to behave as expected in known societies, although
nonconformity may be defined as Social Deviation.
(Edgerton, 1976)

Every Society has its own principles laws, norms, and rules.
These are formed according to socio economic and religogeographical particular environment of the each society. These
are made for the welfare and betterment of the masses so that
system of rights and duties agreed in society continue
smoothly. Thats why in child hood it is taught to the children
to follow these patterns of social behavior through
socialization. Despite this fact, some people break norms, rules
and laws or they dont act upon them. Such people are called
Deviant Character in Society.

Kinds of Deviation
1) Disapproved: some people in the society violate the existing
patterns and rules of the society for their personal benefits e.g.
Criminals, Robbers, Smugglers etc. this is a sort of Disapproved
2) Approved: there are some people in the society who do not like
the prevalent norms and laws. They consider their right to violate
such norms and laws. They even express their violation through
their words and acts. They do not hide from the others. They even
instigate others to imitate them. Such people are normally called
revolutionary people which is some how approved in different

( Continue )

Kinds of Deviation

3) Relative and Absolute Deviation : most people in

modern societies are neither completely conformist nor
completely deviant. A completely deviant person would
have a hard time staying alive. Nearly all Normal
people occasionally deviant. (Wallerstein and Wyle,
1974; Gold, 1970). It is clear that nearly everyone in our
society is Deviant to some degree, but some are more
frequently and broadly deviant than others. To some
extent the deviant is one who does openly what others do

Distinguish between Deviant and Criminal

Normally criminal is such person who breaks the law of the
land. But Deviant is such person who breaks the norms of the

Distinguish between Deviant and Delinquent

Delinquent is such person in the society who breaks existing
norms and social patterns. An age limit for the Delinquent is 7
to 18 years but for Deviant there is no age limit.

Causes of Social Deviation


Lack in Socialization : Socialization plays vital role in forming

a good and responsible citizen if the process of socialization is
not given proper attention then, the degree of social deviation
increases in society. Due to lack in socialization by the relevant
social institution such as family.


Ridged : if the culture of society is un-flexible and uncompatible to the changing circumstances the new generation
expresses its anger over this rigidity. They deviate from such
norms e.g. the norm inter caste marriages exchanged marriages
(watta satta) and dowry.

( Continue) Causes of Social Deviation



Unpopular Social Laws : some time the governments

implement such laws which may be in the interest of the
government but not in the public interest. So, the people
deliberately deviate from them they protest against such
Extra Ordinary Exploitation : if any group or nation
is suffering from extra ordinary exploitation then such
group or nation may Deviate and protest over the
exploitation to attract the attention of the government or
international community. e.g. the object of freedom
fighter in Kashmir is to attract the attention of Indian
Government and international community towards their
rights of self determination.

( Continue) Causes of Social

5. Cultural Invasion : Cultural invasion of any other
culture to the extreme degree the people deviate from
their own cultural patterns and do adopt the others
cultural patterns. e.g. in our society we are heavily
influenced by the Indian and western culture.


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