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Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for presentation .

Distance & Displacement (s)

Distance, s , is the total path length
traveled from one location to another.
Scalar quantity
Unit : meter (m)

Distance & Displacement (s)

Displacement, s - the distance of its final position
from its initial position in a specified direction.
Vector quantity
Unit : meter (m)

Distance & Displacement (s)


A boy runs from A to B, and

then from B to C.
Calculate the distance travelled
by the boy and the displacement
of the boy.

Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for presentation .

Example 2 : Anita travels 4 m towards north,

3 m towards east and then 7 m towards south.
Find the distance and displacement covered by

Speed & Velocity (v)

Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for presentation .

Speed & Velocity (v)

A car moves at an average speed /
velocity of 20 ms-1
On average, the car moves a distance /
displacement of 20 m in 1 second for the
whole journey.

Acceleration & Deceleration (a)

unit : ms-2

Acceleration is positive :
The velocity of an object
increases from an initial
velocity, u, to a higher final
velocity, v

The rate of decrease in speed

in a specified direction.

Acceleration is negative:
The velocity of an object decreases from an
initial velocity, u, to a lower final velocity, v.

Zero acceleration
An object moving at a constants
velocity, that is, the magnitude and
direction of its velocity remain
unchanged is not accelerating

Constant acceleration
Velocity increases at a uniform rate.
When a car moves at a constant or
uniform acceleration of 5 ms-2,
its velocity increases by 5 ms-1 for
every second that the car is in motion.

1. Constant = uniform
2. increasing velocity = acceleration
3. decreasing velocity = deceleration
4. zero velocity = object at stationary /
at rest
5. negative velocity = object moves at
opposite direction
6. zero acceleration = constant velocity
7. negative acceleration = deceleration
Make sure you understand the varieties given and apply them wherever possible.


1. Every morning Amirul walks to

Ahmads house which is situated
80 m to the east of Amiruls house.
They then walk towards their school
which is 60 m to the south of Ahmads
What is the distance traveled by Amirul and
his displacement from his house?

(b) If the total time taken by Amirul

to travel from his house to Ahmads
house and then to school is 5 minutes,
what is his speed and velocity?

2. A boy walks finish the following

path AB. Find
(a) total distance traveled
(b) displacement

A ticker timer

A device which is used in the

laboratory to determine the velocity and
acceleration of a moving object.
It is connected to an a.c power supply of 50 Hz.
When it is turned on, the iron strip will
vibrate 50 times per second.
The time taken to make 50 dots on the
ticker tape is 1 second.
Hence, the time interval between 2 consecutive
dots is 1/50 = 0.02 s. [1 tick = 0.02 s]

1 tick = 0.02 s

Uniform velocity

The distance of the dots is equally distributed.

All lengths of tape in the chart are of equal length.
The object is moving at a uniform velocity.

Uniform Acceleration

Distance between the dots increases uniformly
The velocity is of the object is increasing uniformly
The object is moving at a uniform / constant

Uniform Deceleration

Distance between the dots decrease uniformly
The velocity of the object is decreasing uniformly
The object is experiencing uniform / constant

Relating displacement, velocity,

acceleration and time using ticker tape.

Quiz: Ticker tape

1.Calculate the velocity

2. Based on the figure above,

calculate the acceleration .

3. The figure above shows a

ticker tape contains 5 ticks
for every interval AB.BC.CD
and DE .Calculate the acceleration.

4. Calculate
(a) the acceleration
(b) the average velocity

5. Determine the acceleration of the trolley.

Equations of Linear Motion

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