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Atomic Emission Spectra

How is works:
Atoms become excited by absorbing energy. This can be from either hot flames, electrical discharge
or from radiation in the stratosphere or in outer space.
When excited atoms lose energy and return to their ground state, the energy is often emitted as
electromagnetic radiation. Usually : infrared, visible or UV.
The emitted light can be split up into an atomic spectrum by passing through a prism or a diffraction
Wire with a sample of
element. Excited
atoms in hot flame
emit light.

Light being emitted.

Bright colourful lines on
a black background.




Flame Test

Different elements that are heated on a Bunsen flame emit different frequencies of light. So
different colours can be viewed if heating the elements.

Lithium Chloride

Sodium Chloride

Potassium chloride

Barium Chloride

Calcium Chloride

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