Cell Specialization

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Cell specialization

Topic 1 Cells
(chapter 2)

Cell begin to specialize

First, cells must decide whether they are
uni-, group, or multicellular
Competition for resources makes the

1. Unicellular organisms are the most

numerous in our world
Include protists, bacteria

*Pros and cons

Mononucleosis sp. (blue)

2.Groups are single cells that can survive on

their own, but manage better in clumps of one
kind of cells
- Includes bacteria, protists

*Pro and cons

Cell specialization
3.Multicellular eukaryotic organisms have
specialized cells for specific life functions
Includes plants, animals, fungi
Tomato leaf
Human kidney

Egg (gamete, or sex cell)

+ sperm (also gamete/sex cell)
= Fertilization
1 somatic (body) cell
Cell division = mitosis

(unspecialized) cells =
embryonic stem cells

Differentiated (specialized) cells, including

skin, heart, nerve = adult stem cells

Organizing cells into various tissues in a
multicellular organism
Gene regulation required
Mesoderm: production of cardiac, skeletal, and
smooth muscle tissues in kidneys, and red blood cells
Endoderm: produces tissue within the lungs, thyroid,
and pancreas
Ectoderm: produces tissues in the epidermis (skin)
and aids in the formation of neurons within the brain,
and melanocytes (pigment cells)

Creating distinctly shaped/specialized
organs and organisms
Determines cell positioning
Gene regulation required
production, directing of signaling
molecules (fats, ions, hormones, etc)

Stem cells
have the remarkable potential to develop into many
different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair
system for the body, they can theoretically divide without
limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or
animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new
cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or
become another type of cell with a more specialized
function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a
brain cell (from NIH, 2008)


Stem cell therapy 1. Research and summarize stem cell therapy

techniques, as well as its successes and failures.
2. Evaluate the potential for stem cell therapy in
treating some diseases.
a. Stargardts disease, heart disease, diabetes, some
cancers (be specific)

3. 2 pages, with citations!

a. Use quality resources.
b. Be thoughtful. You can take a position, but be sure
to evaluate both sides critically.


Stem cell therapy 1. Research and summarize stem cell therapy

techniques, as well as its successes and failures.
2. Evaluate the potential for stem cell therapy in
treating some diseases.
a. Stargardts disease, heart disease, diabetes, some
cancers (be specific)

3. 2 pages, with citations!

a. Use quality resources.
b. Be thoughtful. You can take a position, but be sure
to evaluate both sides critically.

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