Harry S Truman

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Harry S .

By : Haley Nguyen
Hung Nguyen
Little Facts

He was born on May 8, 1884 in Lamar, Mo.

Tutored by his mother; attended public schools;
Independence High School, graduated 1901;
Kansas City Law School, 1923-1925
He used to work at as a banker and mailroom clerk,
farmer, Army officer in World War 1, county
administrative judge, U.S senator, Vice President.
Nickname “Give ‘em hell Harry“
F a m ily &
M a rria g e
• Truman was the oldest of three children - Harry
S. Truman, John Vivian Truman, Mary Jane
• Children of John Anderson Truman and Martha
Ellen Young Truman.

• He was married to Elizabeth Virginia “Bess”
Wallace on June 28, 1919.
• He had only one daughter, Margaret Truman.
Important dates
In 1895, worked at Clinton Drug Store, earning three
dollars a week.
In 1901, worked in mail room of Kansas City Star.
1902, timekeeper for contractor working for Santa Fe
1903-1905, worked at National Bank of Commerce,
Kansas City, Mo.
1905, worked at Union National Bank, Kansas City,
June 14, 1905, joined National Guard of Missouri as
charter member of Battery B.
June 22, 1917, commissioned a first lieutenant.
Sept. 26, 1917, first lieutenant, Field Artillery.
July 11, 1918, ordered to command Battery D.

Aug. 15, 1918, ordered to front.
May 6, 1919, discharged, as major.
In 1924, unsuccessful candidate for reelection as judge.
Jan. 3, 1935 – Jan 17. 1945, U.S. Senate (from Missouri)
In 1941 – 1944, chairman of Special Senate Committee
to Investigate the National Defense Program (“Truman
July. 1944, nominated as vice presidential candidate on
Democratic ticket.
Jan. 20, 1945 – Apr. 12, 1945, Vice President under
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Apr. 12, 1945, succeeded to the presidency on the death
of President Roosevelt.
Jan. 20, 1949 – Jan. 19, 1953, President (second term)
President Life & Achievements

1922 - Elected Judge of the Jackson County

(Missouri) Court.
● 1926 - Elected Presiding Judge of the Jackson
County (Missouri) Court.
● 1934 - Elected to the United States Senate.
● 1940 - Re-elected to the United States
Senate. Appointed chairman of Senate
Special Committee to Investigate the National
Defense Program (where he was
appropriately tough on corporate profiteers).

He was the 33rd President of the U.S (1945-1953)
Truman’s Vice President : Alben William Barkley
As a senator, Truman supported the New Deal.
He became a national figure in World War 2 when
he chaired the “Truman Committee”.
Aug. 9 – Aug. 14, 1945, he approved to test out the
atomic bombs on two cities of Japan, Hiroshima
and Nagasaki to bring World War 2 to an end.
Truman constructed foreign policies to contain the
Soviet Union's political power and counter in its
military strength.

In 1947, he approved "The Marshall Plan" to
re-construct Europe. Helped reconstructed
Japan. Adopted "The Truman Doctrine" in
order to "contain" communist aggression
(began the "Cold War")
He created the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO), Korean war.

Interesting Data

 He was the 1st President to witness the swearing in of one

of his Supreme Court appointees.
 He was the 1st President to travel underwater in a modern
 The first presidential address telecast from the White
House was delivered on October 5, 1947 by President
 He escaped his assassination on November 1, 1950 led by
two Puerto Rican nationalists, Oscar Collazo and Griselio
 He was the 1st President to press a conference recorded on
tape and was held at the White House on January 25,
 1st President to receive officially a woman ambassador
G o o d o r B a d P re sid e n t?
• We think Harry S. Truman was a good
president. Based on what he did to against the
expansion of the communism to the U.S by the
Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe, and Japan the
Truman Doctrine to contain aggression
communism. He was suceeded in against th Soviet
union than Roosevelt by contrast.
• Using the A-Bomb on the Japanese to end
World War II.
• But there are some bad thing about him : In 8
April 1952 when Truman ordered the seizure of
steel mills to prevent a strike. He was soft on
corruption which had permeated the IRS where
agents on the take were winking at tax evaders.
Famous quote :
Democracy is based on the conviction that
man has the moral and intellectual capacity,
as well as the inalienable right, to govern
himself with reason and justice.
Wherever you have an efficient government
you have a dictatorship.
Within the first few months I discovered that
being a president is like riding a tiger. A man
has to keep riding or be swallowed.

Facts About the Presidents
• Author : Joseph Nathan Kane
• Janet Podell
• Steven Anzovin

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