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The Menu and Its


Created by: Mr. Lucero D. Trangia


Define the term menu, list the types of
menus and how they are used.
Enumerate and inculcate the several
purposes of a menu in a food and beverage

A printed brochure or public display
on a poster or chalkboard that
shows the list of options for a diner
to select.
Menus vary a great deal in terms of
their length and the amount of
detail that they provide.
The menu is the waiters primary
sales tool.

Functions of Menu
A menu informs guests as to what dishes
are available and the price charged for a
particular dish;
It enables a guest select dish of choice
which they can afford;
It guides the chef in the matter of his
requirements in terms of staff, equipment
and materials to efficiently prepare the
items included in the menu

Functions of Menu
It enables the service staff to prepare their
mise-en-place (preparation), take the
correct order, pick up and serve the correct
dishes from the kitchen according to what
has been ordered and to present the correct
bill to the guest;
It helps the magement work out the cost of
the food and analyze the utility of a
particular menu; and
It enables the manager to predict trends
and to plan future courses of action for the

Menu Types
Full Selective menu that offers three or
more choices to all of the menu courses.
Semi Selective menu that offers two or
more choices to some but not all menu
Non Selective menu that is limited to
specific dishes for certain diets.

Menu Types
Pricing Method
Table DHote It comprises a complete
meal at a predetermined price
Ala Carte Literally, from the menu, but
meaning a menu on which individual items
are individually priced.
Du Jour Literally, of the day, meaning a
daily special, often soup du jour, or soup of
the day, will be featured on menus.

Menu Types
Use Method
Cycle Menu Menu which is rotated at a
predetermined period of time.
Static Menu Menu which does not
change from time to time.

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