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The Grammar

English Teaching Approaches
(Saturday 6:00-9:00PM)

It started dates back to Erasmus by 14661536
It is originally used to teach Latin and
Greek in the late 19th and early 20th
By earlier in 20th century, this method
was used for the purpose of helping
students read and appreciate foreign
language literature.


Bahlsen- who was a student of

- major proponent of this
in the 19th century
- talk about
what a new kind of foreign
language instruction needed,
shedding light on what the
grammar translation was missing

They supported teaching the

language, not about the
language, and teaching in the
target language, emphasizing
speech as well as text.
Through grammar translation,
students lacked an active role
in the classroom, often
correcting their own work and
strictly following the

According to Richards and
Rodgers, the grammar
translation has been rejected as a
legitimate language teaching
method by modern scholars
Though it may be true to say
that the Grammar-Translation
Method is still widely practiced,
it has no advocates.

It is a method for which there

is no theory.
There is no literature that
offers a rationale or justification
for it or that attempts to relate
it to issues in linguistics,
psychology, or educational

Easiest for teachers to use
Does not require teachers to speak
good English or make good lesson
Only uses the textbook
Least stressful for students-teaching
occurs in the first language
Students learn the new language
without contact with native speakers.

Students lack comprehensiononly translating word-for-word
Does not allow students to
create meaning in English
Students do not learn to read.
Extensive memorization
Very little student/teacher and
student/student interaction

The ability of communicating

in the target language is not a
The students ask questions in
their native language and are
also answered by the teacher
also in their native language.
The teacher asks students in
their native language.

Deductive application of
It is important for students to
learn about the forms(grammar
rules) of the target language.
Grammar rules are presented
with examples.
Students are asked to apply
the rules to examples they are

Reading comprehension
Students answer these questions
in the target language.
Answers to the questions may be
in the reading text, or based on
the understanding of the students
or students own experiences
related to the text.

Teacher as the authority

Teacher decides whether the
students answers are correct.
It is important for students to
get the correct answers.
If students answer incorrectly,
the teacher will provide the
correct answer.

Students are asked to memorize
new words, grammatical rules, and
verb conjugation.
Teacher give students sentences with
word missing.
Students should fill in the blanks with
the new vocabulary or with a particular
grammar type.

Use words in sentences

Students are asked to make up
sentences with the new words
they learn in the text.
This technique can show
whether students really
understand the new words .

Students are asked to write a
composition in the target
The topic is based on some
aspect of the reading passage.



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