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Physical Education

Unit 3
Unit 3: Physical activity participation and
physiological performance

Key knowledge
This knowledge includes:
The role of government and non-government
organisations in promoting adherence to Australias
Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour
Guidelines in schools, workplace and communities,
including VicHealth, National Heart Foundation,
State and Federal Government departments
A range of individual and population-based
Australian physical activity promotion initiatives
and strategies.

Key skills
These skills include the ability to:
Compare and contrast subjective and
objective methods of assessing sedentary
behaviour and physical activity compliance
with Australias Physical Activity and
Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines
Collect and analyse information on
initiatives and strategies aimed at
increasing physical activity levels locally

Guidelines and Measuring Physical Activity (PA)

The Australian Government, in consultation

with health professionals, published a set of
behavioural recommendations known as the
National Physical Activity Guidelines. The
guidelines are different for each age group
and aim to achieve health benefits for the
population. That is, the guidelines are
intended to be achievable by the wider
population, and are not for high-level fitness

Why measure Physical Activity???

Why measure Physical Activity???

To see if the NPAG are being met by population
groups or individuals
To monitor the achievement of the guidelines or
PA initiatives over time
To monitor relationships between PA and health
conditions(cardiovascular risk factors, type 2
To identify biological, psychological and
environmental factors that influence PA
To detect change in an individuals behaviour
and/or health

Dimensions of Physical Activity(PA)

PA can be described according to different
Frequency: sessions or days per week
Intensity: amount of effort required for the activitylow(slow walking), moderate(brisk walk, slow
jogging), vigorous(fast jog, run, sprint)
Duration: length of session accrued amount of
physical activity during a week
Type: other information about the nature of the
activity and its purposes(e.g. Strength)
Context: the circumstances in which the activity
occurs or does not occur

Summarise the NPAG for

each age group and
provide two examples for
each point as how these
guidelines can be met?

Domains of Physical Activity

Physical activity occurs in different places

(settings) and ways (that is, in various
aspects of one's life); these are called
domains. Assessing the domain or setting
which a physical activity falls under is
helpful when deciding how to promote
physical activity.

Domains of Physical Activity

There are four commonly recognised
Household: any activity performed at
home, such as vacuuming or gardening.
Occupational/Workplace: any activity
performed while at work.
Active transport: any activity performed
while getting from one location to another.
Leisure: any activity performed in free time
for enjoyment and recreation.

Settings of PA

Domains and Settings are often the target

of physical activity promotion campaigns.
Talk to the person next to you and identify
how many Physical activity promotion
initiatives you can identify and what domain
or setting they occur in?

Physical Activity Promotion

Initiatives across Domains
Swap it Dont Stop it Active transport
Jump rope for heart School setting
Active Travel Active transport
Be Active- Leisure
10000 steps Combination of Domains
Be active at work Occupational

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