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Mechatronics Proximity

Class V

Annexure I
Eddy current proximity sensors
If a coil is supplied with an alternating
current, an alternating magnetic field is
produced. If there is a metal object in close
proximity to this alternating magnetic field,
then eddy currents are induced in it.
The eddy currents themselves produce a
magnetic field. This distorts the magnetic
field responsible for their production.
As a result, the impedance of the coil
changes and so the amplitude of the
alternating current.

Optical encoders
An encoder is a device that provides
a digital output as a result of a linear
or angular displacement.
Incremental encoders that detect
changes in rotation from some datum
Absolute encoders which give the
actual angular position.

Incremental encoder
A beam of light passes through slots in a disc and is
detected by a suitable light sensor.
When the disc is rotated, a pulsed output is produced by the
sensor with the number of pulses being proportional to the
angle through which the disc rotates.
Thus the angular position of the disc, and hence the shaft
rotating it, can be determined by the number of pulses
produced since some datum position.

Absolute encoder
It gives an output in the form of a binary number of
several digits, each such number representing a
particular angular position.
The rotating disc has three concentric circles of slots
and three sensors to detect the light pulses.
The slots are arranged in such a way that the
sequential output from the sensors is a number in the
binary code.

Binary and Gray codes

Pneumatic sensors
Pneumatic sensors involve the use of
compressed air, displacement or the proximity
of an object being transformed into a change in
air pressure.
Low-pressure air is allowed to escape through a
port in the front of the sensor.
This escaping air, in the absence of any closeby object, escapes and in doing so also reduces
the pressure in the nearby sensor output port.

Proximity switches
The microswitch is a small electrical switch
which requires physical contact and a
small operating force to close the contacts.
In the case of determining the presence of
an item on a conveyor belt, this might be
actuated by the weight of the item on the
belt depressing the belt and hence a
spring loaded platform under it, with the
movement of this platform then closing the

Hall effect sensors

When a beam of charged particles passes through a
magnetic field, forces act on the particles and the beam
is deflected from its straight line path.
A current flowing in a conductor is like a beam of
moving charges and thus can be deflected by a
magnetic field.
As a consequence one plane of the conductor becomes
negatively charged, while the opposite side becomes
positively charged since the electrons are directed away
from it. This charge separation produces an electric field
in the material.
The voltage between these planes is called Hall voltage.


Fluid-level detector
A magnet is attached to a float and as the level
of fuel changes so the float distance from the
Hall sensor changes.
The result is a Hall voltage output which is a
measure of the distance of the float from the
sensor and hence the level of fuel in the tank.
Brushless d.c. motors
With such motors it is necessary to determine
when the permanent magnet
rotor is correctly aligned with the windings on
the stator so that the current through the
windings can be switched on at the right instant
to maintain the rotor rotation.
Hall effect sensors are used to detect when the
alignment is right.

Annexure II - Questions
1. What is proximity sensor?
2. Differentiate between optical and
absolute encoders.
3. What are the types of codes used
for abolute encoder? Which is the
best type?
4. What is micro switch?
5. What is the reed switch?
6. What is Hall effect?

Bourdon tube pressure measuring
device which has a simple tube that
expands when exposed to pressure.
Pirani gauge operates on the
principle of variation of thermal
conductivity of gas with pressure.

Annexure III Mindmap

Proximity sensors - detects the presence of
Eddy current , Inductive proximity switch

Optical encoders
device that provides a digital output as a result of a
linear or angular displacement.
incremental encoders
absolute encoders - binary, Gray code

Pneumatic sensors using compressed air

displacement or proximity of an object identified
Photosensitive devices - used to detect the
presence of an opaque object
Hall effect sensors used as position,
displacement and proximity sensors

Annexure V - MCQ & Higher Order Questions

1. The size of air-cored transducers in comparison ro their iron-cored
counterparts is
a. Smaller b. Same c. Bigger d.
2. Proximity sensors are pilot devices used to detect the
a. presence of an object without making any physical contact
presence of an object without making any non-physical
absence of an object without making any physical contact
absence of an object without making any non-physical
3. When a beam of charged particles passes through a magnetic
field, the beam is deflected from its straight line path due to the
forces acting on the particles. A current flowing in a conductor, like
a beam, is deflected by a magnetic field. This effect is called
photoelectric effect b.
piezoelectric effect c.
Hall effect
d. crystal effect

4. A Hall effect transducer is used for the

measurement of
a. Displacement b. Current c. Power d.
the above

all of

5. Hall effect transducers have the drawbacks of

poor resolution b. variation of Hall's
coefficient from plate to plate
c. high-sensitivity to temperature variation d. both
(b) and (c)

You are offered a choice of an

incremental shaft encoder or an
absolute shaft encoder for the
measurement of an angular
displacement. What is the principal
difference between the results that
can be obtained by these methods?

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