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Electrons jump from
higher levels to
lower ones.

Electrons jump from
higher levels to
lower ones.
Energy is released
or emitted in the
form of light of
specific energy (or
Electrons must first be excited up to higher
levels. This is done either with heat (eg. flame
tests) or light (atomic emission spectra).

Absorption Spectroscopy

Electrons jump from

lower levels to
higher ones.

Absorption Spectroscopy

Electrons jump from

lower levels to
higher ones.
Energy is absorbed
in the form of light
of a specific energy
(or colour).
This is the method used in UV-Vis
Spectroscopy and Atomic Absorption
Spectroscopy (AAS) and many others.

We know that white light can be split into a

spectrum of colour.
This effect is called DISPERSION.

The colours come from the different energies,

frequencies and wavelengths of light.
Energy, frequency and wavelength are
properties of light and they are all

The wavelength is the distance from the crest of

one wave to the crest of the next wave.
The longer the wavelength, the less frequent these
waves will be. ie. Long wavelength means low
The less frequent the waves, the less energy
they will carry. ie. Long wavelength means low

Red light has the longest wavelength of visible light.

This also means it has the lowest frequency and
the lowest energy.
Violet light has the shortest wavelength of
visible light, and has the highest energy.

Other colours are in between.

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