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Javon Fells: Biology

CIED 1003: Introduction to Technology in Education

This is Me

My Professional Goals
Graduate from the university with a bachelor's/ master's degree
Get a career as a college Mathematics professor

What More I Would Like to Learn About Computer


I would like to learn how to write more types of codes.

I would like to learn how to create editing videos.

I would like to learn how to program different kinds of computer


My Plans After College

My plans for after college are to obtain my
masters degree and apply at schools to
become a Mathematics professor. I then
hope to get married and have children of
my own. My plans are to live life by
traveling the world and taking care of my
family. My plans are then to retire and just
live with family while having plenty of fun.
I would really just like to enjoy life and
follow my dreams after I graduate college.

What I Would Like For Dr.Orr to Know

I would like you to know that
I really enjoy
your class, I think that it has
helped my decision on what I would like my profession to be. Also I
would like you to know that I am a very hard working young man that is
trying to make something better of myself.

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