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to the discipline associated with the control

of generation, storage, collection, transfer
and transport, processing, and disposal of
solid wastes in a manner that is in accord
with the best principles of public health,
economics, engineering, conservation,
aesthetics, and other environmental
considerations, and that is also responsive to
public attitudes.

Republic Act 9003

(Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000)
An act providing for an ecological solid waste
management program, creating the necessary
institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring
certain acts prohibited and providing penalties. . .

Republic Act 7160

(Local Government Code of 1991)

Non-adoption of specific plan to address

the issues

Improper waste segregation, collection,

transfer and disposal

Non-implementation of existing rules and

regulations relative to this act

Insufficient information dissemination

To ascertain compliance of local

government units with RA 7160 and RA
9003 (Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000)

Verify availability of appropriation relative to SWM

Review existing policies and procedures of the LGU

in the implementation of solid waste management

Interview personnel assigned in SWM

Conduct ocular inspection of facilities used in SWM

collection function

Assess the risk management processes in place

1. Continuous use of open dump as final

disposal site contrary to the provisions
prescribed in Republic Act 9003.
Section 37 of RA 9003 explicitly states No
open dumps shall be established and
operated, nor any practice or disposal of solid
waste by any person, including LGUs, which
constitutes the use of open dumps for solid
waste, be allowed

Ocular inspection revealed that there are

still barangays/municipalities using open
dump site despite the prohibition.
Continuous use of these open dump sites
can cause adverse health effects on the
environment and people living near the
said sites.
The said act also provides administrative
sanctions, in accordance with RA 7160, for
those local government officials and officials
of government agencies concerned who fail
to comply with and enforce rules and
regulations promulgated.

We suggest for the management to

discontinue the use of open dump
sites and identify possible sanitary
landfill to develop and operate as a
final disposal site for solid wastes.
This landfill shall be designed and
operated in accordance with the
guidelines/criteria mentioned in the
said act.

2. The LGUs had not established a

Material Recovery Facility as required by
Section 32 of RA 9003.
Section 32 of RA 9003 requires each barangay
or cluster of barangays to establish a Materials
Recovery Facility. It shall be established in a
barangay-owned or leased land or any suitable
open space to be determined by the barangay
through its Sanggunian. The barangay or
cluster of barangays shall allocate a certain
parcel of land for MRF.

Section 33 further provides that MRF shall be

designed to receive, sort, process and store
compostable and recyclable materials
efficiently and in an environmentally sound
Per audit inspection, no material recovery
facility has been established in the barangay
or cluster of barangays. In this regard, no final
sorting is done and all mixed waste are
automatically sent to their final disposal sites.

Had they opted to establish one, more mixed

waste could have been sorted, segregated,
composted, or recycled and less residual
waste been sent for final disposal.
We recommend each LGU to establish a
material recovery facility to provide area
for receiving, sorting, processing and
storage of compostable and recyclable

3. The LGUs failed to meet the requirement

s for collection of solid waste as prescribed
in Article 3, Section 23 of RA 9003.
Article 3. Section 23. Requirements for
of Solid Waste. The following shall be
the minimum standards and requirements for the
collection of solid
(a) All collectors and other personnel directly
dealing with collection of solid waste shall be
equipped with personal protective equipment to
protect them from the hazards of handling solid

Presently, majority of the collectors are

gathering waste even without protective
equipment such as gloves or mask. There is
a huge possibility that theyll get cuts and
be infected of diseases, especially those airborne, since they are dealing directly with
wastes of different sorts.
Despite their knowledge of the hazards,
some collectors refuse from using protective
equipment provided by the LGU while some
says they are not given any.

We suggest the management to

strictly implement their policy on the
use of personal protective equipment
by the collectors.

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