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1. Open GENEX Assistant

2. TO CREATE NEW PROJECT: Click New Project

3. A window will pop. Fill in PROJECT NAME. After,

click OK

4. TO LOAD LOGFILES: Right click Logfiles. Click

Logfile Manager.

5. A new window will pop. Uncheck Auto combine.

Click Add Logfile. Choose logfiles and click Open

6. TO CHANGE BINNING: Click Project Settings. A

new window will pop, choose Binning and choose
Distance Binning. Type 3 in Binning Param
Distance. Click OK


Right click Analysis Group. Choose Analysis

8. Click Add. Put Group Name. Choose Logfile

and click >. Click OK.

9. Create a different group for upload logs. Analysis

Group Manager window should look like this. Click OK

This is based on
the number of logs
included in the

10. Right Click All Logs. Choose Run Analysis. Just

click OK on the prompt and after, analysis should
start. A Successful should show up on Status
column if it is finished.

11. You should notice a check before each group

name if analysis is done.

12. Putting Engineering Parameter EP (Cell

file): Click LTE and choose View Engineering

13. A new window will open. Click the folder icon.

Click Browse.. and open your *.csv file.

14. Click OK and a new window should open. On that

window click Apply to BTS Config Icon. Click OK on the
window that will pop up confirming its successful loading.

15. TO DISPLAY PLOT: Click Upload Group. Right

Click Serving PCI, Serving RSRP and Serving PCI
SINR and display on Map

16. To check swap sector, click Sychronize cell

color. Choose Serving PCI. To determine if it is
swapped, plot color should match its cell color. If it
is swapped, send screen cap. If not, continue with
post process.

17. To check if UL Mobility plot is passing with KPI,

expand Throughput, then RLC Throughput, then, right
click LTE RLC Throughput UL. Choose Display on sheet.
On the new window, choose Statistic. The row
Average is your UL Throughput. It should be greater
than 2mbps

18. TO CREATE FILTER: If it is less than 2 Mbps, go to

right click Query which last in the list and choose
New Query. RSRP >-115 and SINR >-3

19. From there, your window should look like this.

And click Next

20. Choose LTE RLC Throughput DL and LTE RLC

Throughput UL. Click OK

21. Do the same procedure 17. but instead, click it

under the Query.

22. TO EXPORT IT INTO TABFILE: If it is still below LTE RLC

Throughput UL < 2Mbps, still under the same filter, right click LTE RLC
Throughput UL click display on Map. Click Export Map Icon and save.

23. Open exported tabfile and sales map/prediction plot (which

will be provided to you )in Map Info. On the window, right click,
choose View entire layer and choose the sales map.

24. Click Boundary Select. Click on the colors red,

yellow and green on the Sales Map. While moving to
the next color, press Shift on your keyboard to
add selection to the one being currently selected.

25. Click Options and choose Show statistics window. A new window
will open. Drag on its corners to show Average. The value is in kbps. If
this is still not passing, escalate immediately for further analysis and/or

26. Do the same for LTE RLC Throughput DL.

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