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 Prepared by:

Mensah Senoo Prince

Ali Rageh Saad
Fatema Begum
Tareq Khaled
In a nutshell, coastal erosion is a natural process
along the world’s coastlines that occurs through the
actions of currents and waves and results in the loss
of sediment in some places and accretion in others.
• Coastal zones are dynamic areas that are constantly
undergoing change in response to a multitude of factors.
• Beaches change their shape, depth and slope in response to
wind, wave and current forces and the availability of sand.
• Causes of coastal erosion and beach loss are numerous
• The fundamental factors aggravating the high rate of
coastal erosion in Ghana include; the damming of rivers,
construction of harbour protecting structures such as
seawalls, revetments, groins and jetties, sand mining,
dredging activities, deforestation of coastal vegetation,
urbanization and industrialization.
• Other human factors include dune alteration (e.g. dune
grading and building on dunes), construction of shoreline
structures, degradation of coral reefs and construction of
harbours and navigational channels.
• One cause of natural
coastal erosion is an
increasing gradient in
transport rate in the
direction of the net
• This can be due to
gradients in the wave
conditions at certain
stretches, a curved
coastline, or special
bathymetric conditions.
 Causes of coastal erosion due to loss of sand natural factors;
 Breaching and over-wash
 Extreme wave and storm surge conditions
 Accumulative beaches
 Protruding areas
 Marine deposit shorelines
 Downstream erosion of accumulative forms
 Sea level rise
 Subsidence
 Natural variation
• human factor due to sand winning
 Coastal erosion is a huge problem. it does have an impact
on the economy that you might not have ever thought
 people live along coastlines mostly for the beaches.
 With the threat of coastal erosion, many people may end
up moving elsewhere, which will cause a downfall of that
particular area That's why it is so important to make sure
coastal erosion is stopped in its tracks.
 A cursory look at the extent and magnitude of damage that
the Ghana coastline is prone to underscores the necessity
for an understanding of the changes that is taking place
along this coastal land.
 To stop coastal erosion in keta basin in Ghana we need to
take some important step toward it
•Breakers can be placed in the water at certain points to
slow down the waves.
•Naturally this isn't going to stop the erosion, but it will
slow it down.
 The one problem with this method is that we will absolutely
need to obtain a permit from the state before we begin.
 If we do not, then we may end up with some serious legal
trouble on your hands. Natural Resources
 A living shoreline is always going to help. That’s why need
to plant plenty of seaweed and create an environment that
sea creatures will be attracted to.
 More life means less chance of erosion, which is exactly
what we're going for.
The Wind
 Wind breaks are always a good idea.
 These can be small fences that we set back from the beach
a little bit.
 More than likely we've seen these somewhere before,
probably at one of the more popular beaches.
•Beach nourishment is a great
option for stopping erosion.

•The best thing you can do is

transplant sand from other areas.
•In some cases you will be able to
purchase sand in bulk, which is a
great way to keep your beach
looking nice and healthy.
 Barrier walls can be placed at the beach if we're not
entirely worried about aesthetics.
 This will stop the waves from hitting the sand and eroding
it over time.
 It may not look great, but it will do the job, especially if we
have a house on the beach that we need to protect.
A holistic approach to solving/managing natural disasters such as sea
erosion could be an input from the ruling governments, local
authorities and opinion leaders. Proper steps should be taken to
empower recognized bodies to deal with issues relating to these natural

Awareness creation of the masses living along the coast should be
encouraged and must be given a consistent approach such that
activities which tend
to deplete the shores are discouraged outright before they
become pronounced and endanger lives and property.
I.e. sand winning, grazing of animals and building close to
the coast are common examples.


Regular monitoring of remedial measures:-regular check
and balances along the coast is important to safe guard the
coastline. This will ensure timely detection of defects and
proper intervention measures.
Since life is priceless it is important that great care is taken
to safeguard it always. One way of achieving this objective
is by the removal of human habitation and other
infrastructure located on the shore where the effect is
Structures put in place to serve the purpose of protection
such and boulder wall erection, creation of channels, sand
bagging etc. must be preserved so that the purpose for
their creation is achieved. Worn-out structures must be
replaced on time to avoid further catastrophe.
 Socio-economic implications
 Natural disasters invariable have had great negative
impact on the social lives of communities living along the
coast this include;
 Braking of homes
 Infrastructure i.e.. Roads, drainages, water supply
systems, electricity supply and other social amenities
located around the coastline
 Families have been thorn
apart due to the havoc of
sea erosion along the Keta
 Economic activities have
largely been disrupted due
to breakage in logistics and
 Destruction of the
ecosystem has also been a
major defect along the coast
of Keta.
 It is said that problems of natural disasters such as sea
erosion can not entirely be solved or curtailed because the sea
can not be contained. An attempt to resolve a problem at one
location may turn out to be a destruction agent several
kilometres away immediately or later in life.

 Therefore the best solution is to conserve nature and deal with

the destructive forces in a more humane manner such that it
does not bring reversal consequences elsewhere later.
Human induced activities should also be monitored and
controlled such that the environmental implications are
reduced drastically.

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