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Learning - Disable Kids

Who Made it to the top

Presentation By

MD. Faruk Iqbal

ID: 161010035

Every student has individual learning abilities. While in many
cases, one of the goals of a comprehensive education is inclusion
of all students of a particular age or grade level into the same
classroom, at times some students needs are better served in a
more focused setting. But there are some question
Does any of your known child is struggle with school?
Does he or she dread reading out loud, writing an essay, or tackling a math
Are they dump, idiots or lazy..?

Introduction Cntd.
This presentation is about four learning disable kids,
were having a trouble for learning,
suffering from a moderate learning disability
often prevents children from achieving academically and interferes with
their social development.
Often, because of their struggles with reading, writing, and spelling, these
individuals begin to feel like they are stupid.

But Dyslexia is not a disease. It's a condition that you are

born with, and it often runs in families. People with dyslexia
are not stupid or lazy. This four kids proved it. This four
losers are, respectively,

Richard Branson
Charles Schwab,
John Chambers, and
David Boies

Richard Branson

Charles Schwab

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas

business magnate, investor,
and philanthropist. He is best
known as the founder of Virgin
Group, which comprises more
than 400 companies.

Corporation is an American
company, based in San
Francisco, California
In 1973, the company changed
Commander Corporation to
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

John Chambers

David Boies

The executive chairman of

one of the most innovative and
aggressive companies of the
technological age.
Serving as CEO since 1995
Chambers proved himself to
Morgridge almost immediately
by accepting and refining
Cisco's policy of "technological

David Boies, the nation's most

highly acclaimed and soughtafter attorney
Is known for his brilliance,
creativity and passion for
Boies has represented clients
in many of the nation's
landmark high-profile cases,
including Bush v. Gore

Questioned to discuss
1) What is dyslexia ? Is it a problem?
2) How can the parents of a child with a learning
disability build the youngsters self-esteem and
3) If you or one of you adult classmates is still batting a
learning disability, how can the social learning model
of self-management can help?
4) Is learning disability can be a blessings?
5) What practical lessons about dealing more effectively
with individual differences?

What is dyslexia
It is Learning disabilities, or an umbrella term for a
wide variety of learning problems. A learning
disability is not a problem with intelligence or
motivation. Kids with learning disabilities arent lazy
or dumb. In fact, most are just as smart as everyone
else. Their brains Simply receive, see, hear, and
understand things differently.
Example: Most common types of learning disabilities
Jumble Letters, ( p with b, w with m, A with V ETC.)
confusing words reading, ( box with pox, but with put
writing, math,
listening, also

The parents to build the selfesteem and efficacy

Although dealing with dyslexia can be tough, help is available. In every
where motivation is the key mental strength, secondly positive attitude and
believe and lastly hard work. Parents often ask how best they can help
their children once a diagnosis of dyslexia has been given. The following is
offered as a result of the experience of many parents over the years:

Notice you child's success

Celebrate Every Success


Talk to your child about dyslexia and explain

Kids Feel Supported When They See

how you both can overcome it

Parents and Teachers Working Together to

Be Honest with Yourself: Set Realistic

Help Them

Read Aloud to Your Child--It's Fun and


It's Okay to Read Slowly

Share Your Own Difficulties with Your Kids

Teach Them How to Help Themselves

Don't Let Poor Spelling Stop Your Child


How can the social learning model

of self-management can help
Dyslexia is a lifelong learning disability. Dyslexic children
become dyslexic adults. Some of the supports that help
children will also be effective for adults, but their life
situation may be different.

Motivate them and dont let them fell guilty

Raise awareness of dyslexia through sharing
Present written information in an accessible format
Ask the person with dyslexia what he needs
Provide a list of possible accommodations
Protect the privacy of a persons diagnosis
Learn about communication disabilities
Realize that stress makes dyslexic deficits more pronounced
Know about strengths associated with dyslexia

Is learning disability can be a

Every child is born special and unique. Some are healthy, strong
and physically capable of doing anything while some are blessed
with special conditions that make them specially-able people.
If we focus on the diary of dyslexic people most of them made
something different in their life which lead them top of the world.
Examples could be those four dyslexic kids

Richard Branson
Charles Schwab,
John Chambers, and
David Boies

But in some case it may not be as blessing, because they had to

go through many difficulties on their day to day life. They were
called dump, lazy or loser. Sometimes they lost their hope.

Practical lessons to deal more effectively

with individual differences

Creating a dyslexia friendly workplace ensures you get the most from
your employees and can bring a number of benefits. Developing an
inclusive culture where dyslexic employees feel secure and supported is
Making reasonable adjustments: Within the workplace, employers are
required to make reasonable adjustments to enable dyslexic employees
to undertake their work effectively. These may include:
Disseminating a written disability policy
Publishing company-wide information in alternative formats such as
audio files or large print
Enabling staff to have a choice of colored backgrounds, overlays
and fonts
Creating the right work environment
Implementing specialist one-to-one training or tuition for dyslexic
employees in areas such as time management, organizational skills

Unawareness brings uneasiness, and we have the tendency to
focus on the negative side of the story. Furthermore, if we don't
understand how a person functions we can't help him.
Why not bring more awareness of the different learning styles and
use all our energy on positive matters by focusing our attention on
somebody's strengths and uniqueness so they can fully develop in
the person they really are.

Dyslexia is a very common learning disability that affects many

people throughout the world. It is a shame that not all dyslexic
individuals are getting help, and everyone should try to improve to
help these people.

Any Questions


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