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Optical Properties

& Characteristics

Prepared by:
Rogelyn C. Josol

A white light beam experiences both refraction

and dispersion as it passes through the triangular glass prism. Refraction occurs when the
direction of the light beam is bent at both glassair prism interfaces (i.e., as it passes into and out
of the prism). And dispersion (chromatic) occurs

By optical property is meant a materials response to
exposure to electromagnetic radiation and, in particular, to
visible light. This chapter first discusses some of the basic
principles and concepts relating to the nature of
electromagnetic radiation and its possible interactions with
solid materials. Next to be explored are the optical
behaviors of metallic and nonmetallic materials in terms of
their absorption, reflection, and transmission characteristics.
The final sections outline luminescence, photoconductivity,
and light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
(laser), the practical utilization of these phenomena, and
optical fibers in communications.

Electromagnetic Radiation
is considered to be wavelike, consisting of electric
perpendicular to each other and also to the
direction of propagation. Light, heat (or radiant
energy), radar, radio waves, and x-rays are all
forms of electromagnetic radiation. Each is
characterized primarily by a specific range of
wavelengths, and also according to the technique
by which it is generated. The electromagnetic
spectrum of radiation spans the wide range from

Light Interactions with Solids

The optical behavior of a solid material is
a function of its interactions with electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths
within the visible region of the spectrum.
Possible interactive phenomena include
refraction,reflection,absorption,and transmission of incident light.

Light Interactions with Solids

Transparent -Materials that are capable of
transmitting light with relatively little absorption
and reflection areone can see through them.
Translucent - materials are those through
which light is transmitted diffusely;that is,light is
scattered within the interior, to the degree that
objects are not clearly distinguishable when
viewed through a specimen of the material.
Opaque -Materials that are impervious to the

Optical Properties of Metals

Metals appear opaque as a result of the
absorption and then reemission of light radiation
within a thin outer surface layer. Absorption
occurs via the excitation of electrons from
occupied energy states to unoccupied ones above
the Fermi energy level. Reemission takes place by
decay electron transitions in the reverse direction.
The perceived color of a metal is determined by
the spectral composition of the reflected light.

Optical Properties of Metals

of visible light
are absorbed
by metals
because of
states, which

Optical Properties of Metals

Since metals are opaque and highly reflective, the
perceived color is determined by the wavelength
distribution of the radiation that is reflected and not
absorbed. A bright silvery appearance when
exposed to white light indicates that the metal is
highly reflective over the entire range of the visible
spectrum. In other words, for the reflected beam,
the composition of these reemitted photons, in
terms of frequency and number, is approximately
the same as for the incident beam. Aluminum and
silver are two metals that exhibit this reflective

Atomic and Electronic Interactions

The optical phenomena that occur within
solid materials involve interactions
between the electromagnetic radiation
and atoms, ions, and/or electrons. Two of
the most important of these interactions
are electronic polarization and
electron energy transitions.

Electronic Polarization
One component of an electromagnetic wave is
simply a rapidly fluctuating electric field. For the
visible range of frequencies, this electric field
interacts with the electron cloud surrounding each
atom within its path in such a way as to induce
electronic polarization, or to shift the electron cloud
relative to the nucleus of the atom with each change
in direction of electric field component. Two
consequences of this polarization are:
(1) some of the radiation energy may be absorbed,

Electron Transitions
The absorption and emission of electromagnetic
radiation may involve electron transitions from one
energy state to another.
Another important concept is that a stimulated
electron cannot remain in an excited state
indefinitely; after a short time, it falls or decays
back into its ground state, or unexcited level, with a
reemission of electromagnetic radiation. Several
de- cay paths are possible. In any case, there must
be a conservation of energy for absorption and

Optical Properties of Nonmetals

By virtue of their electron energy band
structures, nonmetallic materials may
be transparent to visible light.
Therefore, in addition to reflection and
absorption, refraction and transmission
phenomena also need to be considered.

Light radiation experiences refraction in
transparent materials; that is, its velocity is
retarded and the light beam is bent at the
interface. Index of refraction is the ratio of
the velocity of light in a vacuum to that in
the particular medium. The phenomenon of
refraction is a consequence of electronic
polarization of the atoms or ions, which is
induced by the electric field component of

When light passes from one transparent
medium to another having a different index of refraction,some of it is reflected at
the interface.The degree of the reflectance
depends on the indices of refraction of both
media,as well as the angle of incidence.

Nonmetallic materials are either intrinsically
transparent or opaque.Opacity results in
relatively narrow-band gap materials as a
result of absorption whereby a pho- tons
energy is sufficient to promote valence
band-conduction band electron tran- sitions.
Transparent nonmetals have band gaps
greater than about 3 eV. Some light
absorption occurs in even transparent

For wide-band gap insulators that
contain impurities, decay processes
involving ex- cited electrons to states
within the band gap are possible with
the emission of pho- tons having
energies less than the band gap
energy.These materials appear colored,
and the color depends on the

Opacity and Translucency in

Normally transparent materials may be
made translucent or even opaque if
the in- cident light beam experiences
interior reflection and/or
refraction.Translucency and opacity as
a result of internal scattering may
occur, (1) in polycrystalline materials
that have an anisotropic index of
refraction, (2) in two-phase materials,

Some materials are capable of absorbing energy and
then reemitting visible light in a phenomenon called
Photons of emitted light are generated from electron
transitions in the solid. Energy is absorbed when an
electron is promoted to an excited energy state; visible
light is emitted when it falls back to a lower energy
state. The absorbed energy may be supplied as higherenergy electromagnetic radiation (causing valence
bandconduction band transitions) such as ultraviolet
light, or other sources such as high energy electrons, or

If reemission occurs for times much less
than one second, the phenomenon is
termed fluorescence; for longer times, it
is called phosphorescence. A
number of materials can be made to
fluoresce or phosphoresce; these include
some sulfides, oxides, tungstates, and a
few organic materials. Ordinarily, pure
materials do not display these phenomena,


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