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The 5 Senses

(K)4.3 Use five senses to investigate the natural

RL.K.10 & RI.K. 10 Actively engage in group
reading activities with purpose and understanding.

Rationale: Kindergarten students must be taught that they can gather information and
investigate the natural world by using their five senses. Interacting with childrens
literature on the topic is an engaging way for students to actively explore the five senses and
how they are used to learn about the world.
My Five Senses
We have five senses: seeing, hearing,
smelling, tasting and touching. This book
introduces each of the five senses and gives
a specific example of how we use them.

When Dad Showed Me The Universe

Ulfs dad wants to take his son on a
journey to see the universe. They dress
warmly, gather their provisions, and
begin their journey.

This Cat Can Cook! Mings New Favorite

Food- Tamales!
This is a rhyming book about a Siamese cat
named Ming. Ming loves to cook and try new
foods. One day, Ming decides to make
something new to satisfy her craving. She
decides to make tamales. Ming gathers a recipe,
ingredients, and makes a tasty batch of tamales
that is big enough to share.

I Got the Rhythm

The rhythm of music overcomes a
mother and daughter while they are
on their way to the park. The little
girl hears rhythm in almost
everything from butterflies to an ice
cream seller.
Soft and Smooth, Rough
and Bumpy
This informative picture
book. It provides examples of
touch and matching


Kindergarten Lesson 1 Title: My Five Senses

Description: Introduction to the five senses: What are they? How are they used?
(K)4.3 Use five senses to investigate the natural world.
RI.K.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
SL.K.1a Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics
and texts under discussion).
Student Objective:
I can name the 5 senses that help me learn about the world.
I know that I can use my five senses to learn about the world.
I can point to the body part I use for each sense.
Introduction: TW tell the class that we will be learning about the ways in which we can gather information about the
world around us. TW show the following YouTube video.
Lesson: TW display the story My Five Senses by Aliki. TW will tell the students that will create a sentence for each
sense after reading the story. TW read story. After reading, TW facilitate a whole group activity where the class creates
a sentence for each sense that names the sense and corresponding body part. TW write the sentences on chart paper.
(Ex. I see with my eyes. I smell with my nose.)
Closure: Class will then chorally read each sentence while pointing to the corresponding body part.
Observation & Anecdotal Notes: Are students able to point to the corresponding body part for each sense?

Kindergarten Lesson 2 Title: Traveling With The 5 Senses

Description: This lesson takes students on a journey that requires the use of the senses. Students then have the opportunity to analyze the use
of the five senses and illustrate a scene from the story where a particular sense was used.
(K)4.3 Use five senses to investigate the natural world.
RL.K.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
W.K.2 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are
writing about and supply some information about the topic.
SL.K.1a Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under
RL.K.7 With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a
story an illustration depicts).
Student Objective:
I can identify when and how one or more of the five sense is used.
I can describe how a particular sense is helpful in a given situation.
I can illustrate a scene from a story where a particular five sense was used.
I can present my writing to a peer.
Introduction: Before reading this story, the teacher will tell students that we use our senses everyday and in everything that we do. We
especially use our senses when we travel the world or embark on a journey. The teacher will display the story When Dad Showed Me The
Universe by Ulf Stark and will ask students to listen for the ways that Ulf and his dad use their senses.
Lesson: The teacher will read the story. Then, as a class, make a list of ways that each sense helped the characters on their journey. We would
discuss how the journey would be different if Ulf and his father did not have their senses. Students would choose one sense and write a
sentence with the following sentence frame: Ulf used his sense of _______ when he ______. Students will then have them illustrate the scene
from the story.
Closure: Students will share their writing and illustration with a partner.
Assessment: Observation and student produced writing. Can students identify which senses are being used during particular events/scenes in
the story?

Kindergarten Lesson 3 Title: Favorite Tasty Food

Description: Our sense of taste is what tells us which foods we like and which foods we dont like. This lesson takes
students through the process of identifying why a certain food is their favorite, describing the taste, and then sharing their
ideas through writing.
(K)4.3 Use five senses to investigate the natural world.
RL.K.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
W.K.1 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the
topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book.
SL.K.1a Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and
texts under discussion).
Student Objective:
I can use adjectives to describe the taste of my favorite food.
I can write an opinion piece about my favorite food.
Introduction: The teacher will display and introduce the story This Cat Can Cook! Mings New Favorite Food- Tamales!
By Joelle Ramirez. Before reading the story, the teacher will activate prior knowledge and/or build background
knowledge about tamales by showing pictures of tamales and asking students to think about how tamales taste. The
teacher will encourage students to use adjectives when participating in discussion about tamales.
Lesson: The teacher will then read the story. After reading the story, the teacher will use Think-Pair-Share to have
students discuss their favorite food and what food they would make when having a craving. Next, the students will
complete an opinion writing piece that uses the following sentence frame: My favorite food is _______. It is the best
because it tastes _______ and _______. Students will use adjectives to describe the taste of their favorite food.
Closure: Students will share their writing with a partner.
Assessment: Students Writing: Are students able to connect their sense of taste to describing their favorite food?

Bridgette Buhlman
CIL 680
Curricular Study
Digital Poster

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