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Who is he?
The man who piloted the ship of Muslim freedom
movement and ultimately brought it to the shores of
independence was not destined to live long after the
realization of his age long dream. His contributions
as a creator of Pakistan are numerous. The Lord
gave him slightly more than a year to look after the
newly created state. Due to precautious health he
could not dedicate all his time to build the fabric of
infant state. But in more than a year, in face of
enormous problems,
he did a lot for the consolidations of Pakistan.
The real assessment for his achievements as
Governor General can only be made if we go
through briefly over the problems which were faced
by Pakistan in its early years of independence.


a) Administration:
A part of the government record was
destroyed during transit through Indian
Manpower for government were yet to be
assembled from various provinces.
Lack of trained staff in government
Disorganization in communal system.
b) Defense
c) Economic constraints
d) Rehabilitations of refugees
But in spite of all these problems; Jinnah did
a lot to extricate the infant state from
unthinkable difficulties. He was successful to
redress these problems turn by turn.

Revival of the doomed spirit:

He had realized that the morale of the public was at the lowest ebb.
He therefore decided to rehabilitate and restore the confidence and
morale of the people.
He delivered inspiring speeches which filled people with enthusiasm.
His words made a profound impression on the public and mitigated
the existing despair and tension.
His first stem was to address the government servants in Karachi on
October 11, 1947.
Quaid-i-Azam gave a clarion call to the assembled officials of civil and
military bureaucracy.
His words revived the drooping spirits.

Rehabilitation of Refugees
Karachi (Khokhra par camp) and Lahore (Wagha camp):
millions migrated

Advised the government officials to do

national service
Advised Pakistanis to Be above the
differences like Provincialism and
Said that he wanted to see Pakistan
Economically Consolidated and strong.

Removal of military from Waziristan and tribal areas:

The decision of reduction of forces from Waziristan and tribal

areas was amply justified by the events.
This step earned a considerable increase in the tribal goodwill.

Steps in migrate tension with

Jinnahs government followed a policy of goodwill and friendliness
towards India.

Transfer of Karachi to Government of Pakistan

A serious question of separation of Karachi from Sindh arose.

Jinnah gave his verdict in favor of transfer of Karachi from Sindh to
the government of Pakistan. Not a single word was uttered against it
and the issue was settled.

Accession of Kalat:
His memorial achievements was setting of the question of accession
of the huge borders of state of Kalat which could have given much
more trouble than settlement of Hyderabad question brought to India.

Formation of first Cabinet:

Under the leadership of Liaqat Ali Khan was established the first
Pakistan Cabinet.

State Bank of Pakistan (1-07-1948):

He fully realized the financial problems and need for sound financial
institutions. He, therefore, took personal interest in the economic
activity of the newly independent state and established SBP.

Establishment of the Federal Court:

Being the constitutionalist and apposite of indiscrimination justice, he
laid the foundation of federal court at Lahore which later on became
the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

Membership of UNO:
Jinnah was a firm believer of peaceful existence and fully realized the
importance of UN membership for Pakistan. Therefore Pakistan
became the member of UNO. (30th September 1948)

Relations with Islamic World:

Jinnah was a staunch believer of Muslim unity. Even during the
freedom movement he supported Palestinians and Indonesians for
their right of self determination. The corner-stone of his foreign policy
was solidarity among the Muslim Ummah. His main emphases were
on Middle Eastern countries. He sent delegations to different Islamic



Establishment of Embassies,
Membership of UNO (30 September 1947)
Special Relations with Muslim countries
Remedial Measures, he suggested:
i:People should be careful to elect competent
ii: Dialogue, discussions, debates and critical
Iii: unity, faith, discipline

Already drained Jinnah could no longer witness his newly created
state becoming mature. But the time he got from the Lord was fully
utilized by him to build Pakistan into strong and organized state where
the Muslims of sub-continent could live according to the ideas of Islam.
His efforts to put the infant state on the path of stability
and progress are uncountable. His efforts to enthuse people, steps for
rehabilitation of refugees, endeavors to settle internal disputes and his
maneuvers in diplomatic arena speech of his sagacity and iron will
against all hazards.




2. 1945:
Sir Homi Modi
03 Pillars:




3. Valabhai Patel:

Pakistan to fall after six months

His reply after 12 months.

B: AFTER AUGUST 14, 1947

1. September 26, 1947
Bawany Textile Mills:

Contended labour.


Funds alone-Human toil.

Human Achievement.
2. October 30, 1947:
Address to Civil, Navy, Army and Air Force Officers.
All wealth with you.
Make best of it.

B: AFTER AUGUST 14, 1947

3. July 01, 1948
SBP inaugural.
Western Economic System-No
Gap between Haves and Have Notes
Two World Wars.
4. August 14, 1948
Unlimited resources.
Build quickly


1. November 27, 1947
All Pakistan Education Conference, Karachi:

Character Building.

Technical and Vocational Education.

2. March 21, 1948
Public Meeting-Dhaka:
- Focus-Student.
- Emphasis.
- Fairness:
- Yourself
- Parents:
- State
Devote Attention to your studies.


3. April 18, 1948
Reply to welcome address at Edward College,
Specialized Education.
Objectives Raising Standard of Living.

Not gold but only men can make,

A people great and strong
Men who for the truth and honors sake
Stand fast and suffer long.
Who dare, while others fly
They build a nations pillars deep
And lift them to the sky.

Of all the personalities in the

great drama of Indias rebirth to
independence, M. A. Jinnah was
the most enigmatic and the most
H. V. Hodson
Transfer of Powers

Lord William Francis Listowel Secretary of State for India

Speech at inaugural function of M. A. Jinnah Society
Lincolns Inn - April 1984
Jinnah the founder of Pakistan by Saleem Qureshi

2: Degree Of Honesty:
The degree of his honesty is revealed in the
story of Jinnah talking one day to an important
member of the firm of Tata. Jinnah complained
that Tatas gave opportunities to young men of
every faith except muslims. The representative
Tatas answered: But there are no educated
muslims whom we can take into the firm, Jinnah
scoffed at this and said that there were many
worthy of the opportunity. The representative
said then choose me six and i will take them. It
would have been feather in Jinnahs cap among
the leading muslims, had he named six of their
sons . He refused and answered, No, I wont
select them to catch their favour. You choose

3: Impatience:
The following episode relates to his
impatience of literary embelishment and
rhetoric. Jinnah was never to become excited
by the charm of words ; his prose written or
spoken was bald and factual.
Once he was drafting a statement with the
help of Liaqat Ali Khan and one of his
secretaries , he became impatient with their
search after fine sentence, and said, I dont
care for beautiful language : I only wish to see
my idea come through.

4: There should be no compromise when it

comes to self respect and dignity:

An intresting story about Quaid-eAzam relates that once in the court

of law; Quaid-e-Azam appear as
pleader of client, the glasses which
he was used to read the notes fell
down to floor, Anticipated that Jinnah
would have to bend in his court to
pick up the glasses from the floor. To
his utter disappointment Quaid-eAzam put his hand in his pocket to

5:Honesty & Self

The following incident illustrates
Jinnahs sense of self respect and
unimpeachable honesty: there was
a client who was so pleased with
Jinnahs service in a case that he
sent him an additional fee.
Jinnah returned it with a note . This is
the amount you paid me--, this was
the fee--. Here is the balance.

6: Jinnahs Personality:
Jinnahs personality can be better understood in
contrast with Gandhi , His political adversary in the
struggle for Pakitan. These men could not have
been less alike: they clashed in mind,temperament
and method. While Gandhi lived in a world of
Vague , philosophical absurdities and played upon
the emotions of the people Jinnah appealed to
reason and shunned emotion and sentimentality. In
his political career Jinnah was shere to many talks
with Gandhi, but the cleavage remained and
revealed itself in facetious exchange of mokery
and sharp answers.

10:Jinnahs Answer:

One day Gandhi said to Jinnah ,"You

have mesmarized the muslims"Jinnah
answered,"You have hypnotized the
hindus." another day when they
appeared together bafore an attack
of repoters and press
photographers,Gandhi said to
Jinnah,"You like this don`t you?"
Jinnah answered,"Not as much as

11:Set backs in life shouldnt

block you way to success:
The death of Quaid-e-Azams wife
Maryam Jinnah in 1929 had been a
huge setback in Jinnahs life.
It was irreplaceable loss for him as
she passed away at the age of 29.
Despite this Quaid-e-Azam continued
fighting for the rights of Muslims and
focused on his goal.

One of his friend remarks: The flashes of temper
in him were superficial; in his heart he was a man
extraordinaryfree from pettiness and smll
prejudices-espacially over racial differences. I
went to him at once, at the height of enmity
between mslims and hindus. Jinnah had a hindu
butler, and i said rather as a joke, arent you
afraid he may do an injury or something? He
answered, oh, no. I like him and trust him. These
days, he seems to be talking an intrest in
congress activities, but he is a verry good fellow

15: Faith in himself:

Jinnah faith in himself was

incredible.You must have read the
story of his reply to the judge who
said to him:"Mr. Jinnah remember
that you are not addressing to a third
class megistrate."Jinnah replid,"My
Lord,allow me to warn you that you
are not addressing a third class

16:Reply of Jinnah:
Jinnah`s methods was sometime
extraordinary.A judge once asked him to
"speak up"."we cannot hear
you,Mr.Jinnah",he said. Jinnah replied,"I am a
barrister,not an actor."The judge was
patient,but he had to interrupt
again...."Mr.jinnah,I must ask you speak
louder." Jinnah answered," If you will remove
this pile of books infront of you ,you might
be able to hear what i have to say.

14: Dedication,deration and commitment

transfers dreams into realities:

It was due to the Quaid-e-Azams

devotion that Pakistan emerged on
the map of world.
Lord Pethick Lawerence, the former
secretry of state for India , wasnt
wrong when he said:
Ghandi died by the hands of
assassins and Jinnah died by his
devotion to Pakistan

His illness
Through the
1940s, Jinnah
suffered from
only his sister
and a few others
close to him
were aware of
his condition.

In 1948, Jinnahs
health began to
falter by the
heavy workload
that had fallen
upon him

Final resting place

He died on 11 September, 1948.
He is buried in Karachi.


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