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Timelines, Tickers, Maps, and

Rendering Transit Data Intelligible
Shannon Mattern
School of Media Studies | The New School

Hull House maps w/ demographic data, 1895;

Chicago Plan Commission, 1940, re: planning for Congress Superhighway

Social base map of Chicago showing industrial areas, parks, transportation, and language
groups, prepared by the University of Chicago Local Community Research Committee, 1926;
Passenger train movement in Chicago, Harold M. Mayer, 1943

Jennifer Light, From Warfare to Welfare: Defense Intellectuals and Urban Problems in
Cold War America
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005)

Mark Vallianatos, Uncovering the Early History of Big Data and Smart City in Los Angeles,
Boom, June 2015.

After the Road Census, 1954

Pedestrian Traffic in
San Francisco, 1928;
San Francisco
Traffic Survey, 1937,
via Eric Fischer on

l Barry and Brian Card, Visualizing MBTA Data, MIT:

Robert Hodgin and Jonathan Kim, Taxi! Taxi!, made using NYC Open Data taxi data + Open Street Map

Marine Traffic; Georgina Voss + Wesley Goatley, Familiars;

Manan Ahmen, Jeremiah Trinidad-Christensen, Emily Ruhrman, Delivery Post by Foot

Social base map of Chicago showing industrial areas, parks, transportation, and language
groups, prepared by the University of Chicago Local Community Research Committee, 1926;
Passenger train movement in Chicago, Harold M. Mayer, 1943

RAF Fighter Command, Uxbridge, UK;

Project Cybsersyn, Chile

Real Time Crime Cente

NY; Rio Ops Center

Mi Dashboard (Open Michigan); Boston City


Urbanflow Helsink

Jonathan Solomon,Clara Wong and Adam Frampton, Cities Without Ground;

Brian McGrath and the Skyscraper Museum, Manhattan Timeformations

UCL Center for Advanced Spatial Analysis, London Dashboard;

Transport Systems Catapult, The

Transport Data Revolution:
Investigation into the Data Required
to Support and Drive Intelligent
Mobility, March 2015.

Nina Katchadourian, Austria

Chris Wong

European Commission, Stanford University, National Science Foundation, Public

Transportation: Rethinking Concepts and Theories, Gendered Innovations: ; Mei-Po
Kwan, Feminist Visualization: Re-Envisioning GIS as a Method in Feminist Geographic
Research, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 92:4 (December 2002): 645-61.


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