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Infer and Deduce

Thursday 6th October

To understand how to use clues from a
text to explore meaning.

Investigating thoughts and Feelings

You are going to see a variety of clips. In your
exercise book write down the thoughts and
feelings of the characters.




Infer and Deduce

When you were listening and watching the
clips what techniques did you use to
understand how the characters felt?

Exam Question
Now read Source 3, Storm at sea which
is an extract from a non-fiction book.
3) Explain some of the thoughts and
feelings Claire Francis has during the
storm. (8 marks)

Key Words ?

Your Task
Read the text and try to highlight four
sentences or phrases which give the
reader clues about the thoughts and
feelings of Claire Francis.

Timed Answer
Now read Source 3, Storm at sea which
is an extract from a non-fiction book.
3) Explain some of the thoughts and
feelings Claire Francis has during the
storm. (8 marks)
Remember to:
1) Explain how she feels .
2)Use direct evidence, from the text,
to support your analysis.

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