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Didactic Unit Part 2

Guided Activity 2
Aprendizaje y Enseanza de Lengua Extranjera (Ingls)

Cristian Martn Reinhold

Part 1 (not included)

1. Introduction
2. Legal framework
3. Setting
4. Basic competences
5. Contents, objectives and evaluation criteria
Part 2

6. Methodology
Part 3 (not included)

7. Lesson Plan


The lesson plan is part for the unit 5 of 12. It is divided into 6 sessions
over two weeks with 3 sessions per week.

It focuses on leisure activities and arts.

Each session will deal with one of the topics that students agreed on
being more interested in. These topics have to do with everyday life

The session format is based on the Task Based Learning approach.

Timings are given on each activity to help in planning, but they are

Activities are motivating, varied and graded in difficulty so that they

are accessible to all students.

The aim of these activities is to improve the level of communication

skills of the students and to consolidate their competences.

Task based learning

Communicative approach emphasizing on interaction.

Learners produce vocabulary and are free to use the

language as they want so that they can communicate more.

Teacher monitors, facilitates and helps

Learners know they have to present at the end of the class

so they are focused on what they are doing.

Learners present what they have practiced

There is some grammar time at the end to discuss doubts

as well as new grammar issues or vocabulary.

Task based learning

Part of the Communicative Language Teaching methodologies

The aim of the lesson is to complete a task using the target


What is to be learned will be developed throughout the lesson.

Assessment is based on task outcome rather than accuracy of

Good for developing target language fluency and student


A task should:

Be clearly defined

Have a primary focus on meaning

Solve some kind of gap (information gap, reasoning gap, opinion gap)

Stages of a Task Based Activity


The teacher presents and defines the task.

It should be clear what the students have to achieve by the end of the

Weak: Some key vocabulary is presented as means to better perform

the task (similar to the Present-Practice-Produce methodology)

Strong: Learners choose the language. Some introduction through rich

media content (audio, video, photos) can be presented to help to clarify
the task.


Students are normally divided in small groups to perform the task.

The teacher acts now as mere observer, consultor, coach, facilitator.

A student-centered methodology: let them learn by doing.

Students create tangible linguistic products to be presented on the

review phase.

Stages of a Task-Based Activity


Learners can review each others work and give feedback

Teacher can also add relevant information or feedback

If the task needs more than one session, and repeats this
pattern in an iterative way, following a review, we could be
talking then about a Project-based learning

The teacher can add some extra short exercises to

reinforce what has been learned

Roles in Task-Based Learning

In order to remain all members actives, rotating roles will be

assigned to each one of them:


Makes sure instructions are followed.

Helps others understand what needs to be done.

Takes the final decisions.


Takes notes on the main points, summarizes.

Writes down any collaborative decision made.


Keeps track of time to finish the task.

Exposes to other groups/reporters what their group has done so


Temporalization of a TBL

[Bruton, A. (2005) Task Based Language Learning: For the state

FL classroom?
of the Journal,
time) No 31, 55-68]

Engages students to the topic, makes them want to know more. Lasts
around 10 minutes usually and uses videos or other multimedia to put the
user into context.

Task objectives are clarified What to achieve and why.

Teacher is an activator.

TASK: (75-80% of the time)

Work in groups mainly to build the solution together. Cooperation is a must.

(Optional): Each student has a different role when performing the task.

(Optional): Findings can be shared to other groups.

Teacher is facilitator/guide.

LANGUAGE-FOCUS/REVIEW: (10-15% of the time)

Teacher clarifies concepts and explain grammar contents.

Teacher is an instructor.

Unit 5

Unit 5 theme leisure activities chosen by students.

Unit divided in 6 sessions (3 lessons per week)

55 minutes per session 5 minutes lost on average

minutes of planned activity

= 50

Task-Based Learning approach is used throughout all six


Their individual progress as well as their group progress

will be marked on each session

Final comments and visual design will be included on their


Unit 5:
Leisure and everyday activities

Session 1: Music in our everyday life. (Monday, 20th June)

Session 2: Clothes. (Wednesday, 22nd June)

Task: Discuss in what jobs and placer music is beneficial and why.

Task: Listen to conversations at a mall to identify vocabulary of

clothes and decide with your partners what you prefer to buy and

Session 3: Travelling. (Friday, 24th June)

Task: You are preparing yourselves for your holidays. Decide with
your partner what you should put in the luggage.
* Sessions 1 and 3 will be explained in Activity 3

Unit 5:
Leisure and everyday activities

Session 4: Wild Sports. (Monday, 27th June)

Session 5: Videogames. (Wednesday, 29nd June)

Task: Create a telephone conversation to make a

reservation in a leisure area where several wild sports are

Task: Disc. Discuss in groups arguments for and against of

playing videogames in todays world.

Session 6: Famous stars. (Friday, 1st July)

Task: Listen to an interview of Kith Harrington (Game of

Thrones) about what he likes to do on his free time. Do you
agree or not? What would you do different?

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