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slamization at State and Society Level


to regulate the relationship between man and his Creator
to regulate the social relationships of people

Sources of Islamic Jurisprudence:

Fiqh is an expansion of Shariah or Islamic law based on five sources
which are classified into primary and secondary:
Primary sources:
The Quran
Secondary sources:
Ijma(Consensus of opinion)

Islamization is the process of a society's conversion

to the religion of Islam

The idea of Pakistans creation was that Muslims are
separate nation because of their religion and they
need a separate homeland in Muslim majority states
of India for creation of an Islamic state where they
can practice Islam in private and public sphere.
Adoption of an Islamist social and political system in
a society

Islam in Pakistancontd
The Muslim poet-philosopher Allama Muhammad
Iqbal first proposed the idea of a Muslim state in
northwestern South Asia.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah expressed agreement with
Iqbal's views: That Muslims required a separate
Until 1977-88 Islamic law was largely restricted to
personal status issues. Zia ul Haq introduced
Shariah courts and made far reaching changes in
the criminal justice system.

Islamization in Pakistan (1977-88)

Shariat ordinance/Hudood Ordinance 1979

Zakat and Ushr Ordinance 1983
Interest-Free Banking (PLS Accts 1st jan 1981)
Establishment of Federal Shariat Courts
(10 Feb 1979)
Islamiat and Pakistan Studies (compulsory)
Nizam-e-Salat and Arrangement of Azan
Zakat and Ushr Ordinance 1983
Ehtram e Ramzan Ordinance:500 Rs fine
Study of Arabic:class 6th to 8th
International Islamic University-Islamabad:1981
Shariat Faculty:Quaid e Azam University
Government donations to religious schools or madaris

Role of people in Islamization in

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
General Zia-ul-Haq

Process of Islamization

Islam in constitution
The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973,
Preamble states:
Whereas sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Almighty

Allah alone, and the authority to be exercised by the people of

Pakistan within the limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust
Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance
and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully
Wherein the Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives in the
individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teachings
and requirements of Islam as set out in the Holy Quran and

Role of Islam in Pakistan

Islam established as state ideology to distinguish

Pakistans identity as separate from Hindu India.

Islam served as the base for the creation and

unification of a separate state.

Islam remains an important element of national

identification and is a central issue in Pakistans


General Ayub
Family Law Ordinance 1961
Islamic Advisor Council 1962


Islamization by Bhutto
OIC Summit 1972
Ban on drinking/gambling etc
Ministry of Religious Affairs


Zia Ul Haq
Eman Taqwa and Jihad Moto of Pak Army
Salat Ordinance
Prohibition (of Wine) Order 19777
Hadood Ordinance 1979
Zakat o Usher Ordinance 1980
Ihteram e Ramzan Ordinance/Reverence for Fasting

Hajj Arrangements
Bismillah Ceremony
Ulema o Mashaikh Convention

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