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Reviewing the Literature

The review of the related literature and

studies is one of the preliminary activities
that a research has to under before doing
his study.

Purpose of the Review

To broaden the researchers knowledge base in the

research area or topic;
To ensure originality in the conduct of ones study;
To help the researcher in designing his proposed
To provide the researcher insights on the strengths
and weaknesses of previous studies;
To provide findings and conclusions of past studies
which can be used in supporting the results of ones
research; and
To serve as basis for the researchers formulation of
the theoretical and conceptual framework of his study.

Requisites for Doing the


Reviewing the literature is not an easy task

for it involves a systematic identification,
search, and critical analysis of existing
conceptual and research literature related
to researchers topic or problem.

What is conceptual literature?

It refers to ideas, concepts and theories
propounded by experts as contained in books,
periodicals and other standard references.

What is research literature?

It consists of empirical studies conducted by
individuals and professionals on given research
problem or topic.

According to Ardales (1992), there are three

basic requirements for doing the review:
Persistence; and
These are essential qualities a researcher
must possess when doing a review because he
has to spend time spotting books, journals,
theses, dissertations, and research projects
needed in completing the review of literature.

A good knowledge of library techniques,

tools, and skills is also one of the
requirements for doing the review. A
researcher has to be skilful in locating
references in the library. In
order to
maximize his time, he has to acquaint
himself with the use of the author card,
title, and subject cards in the librarys
catalogue box.

Guidelines in Doing the Review

Go over the materials you have at home or in your

own library.
Search for existing literature in your college library
or learning center.
Prepare a working bibliography. Record all vital
details concerning the books and researches you
are to include in the working bibliography, like
author, copyright, date, title, publisher, place of
publication, and the like.
Examine each material listed in your working
bibliography. Decide which of those included in it
shall be considered in the actual review of literature
and studies.
Record important details of what you have
reviewed on a 3x5 index card.

Presenting the Review

The text of the review should be brief and to

the point. To ensure brevity and conciseness,
you have to summarize or paraphrase important
points. Avoid direct quotation of the authors
ideas or the results of the studies you reviewed.
Have a plan on how you are to present the
review. Prepare and outline before finally writing
the review. This will ensure coherence and unity
of ideas to be presented. The problem you are
going to work on can serve as your outline for
discussion of related literature and studies that
are relevant to your intended research.

Emphasize relatedness. Keep the reader

aware of the manner in which the literature
you are discussing is related to your
problem. Try to point out precisely what the
relationship is.
Review the literature; dont reproduce it.
Refrain from copying verbatim what the
authors or researchers say. Critically review
and discuss the literature in relation to your
research work.

Preparing the Research Abstract

An abstract is a summary that contains the

relevant information from a research report
according to specified categories. A good
abstract contains the following information:
Problem it includes the major and specific
Hypothesis of the Study
Subjects the individual involved in the study
Methods and Procedure
Findings and Conclusions

Presenting the Review

There are three ways

review; namely:

of presenting the

Chronological approach literature and studies

are presented according to the year when they
were written. It can be presented following the
outline below.
Recent Literature and Studies
Least Recent Literature and Studies
Synthesis of the Review

Thematic or variable approach

literature and studies with the same
findings or themes are grouped together.
When using this approach, research and
conceptual literature can be presented
following the outline below.
Literature and Studies on Variable 1
Literature and Studies on Variable 2
Synthesis of the Review

Country of origin approach literature and

studies are categorized by the country
where they came from. When using this
model, literature and studies can be
presented based on the following outline.
Foreign Literature and Studies
Local Literature and Studies
Synthesis of the Review

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