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Tea industry of

Its problems,
Remedies and
influence on global

Submitted To:

Md. Asraful Islam


Department of
Business Administration

Submitted By,


Masum Ahmad

Abdul Motin

Syed Ali

Lovely Begum

Mahmudul Karim


Introduction to tea industry

Tea is a very popular beverage

History of Bangladesh Tea Industry

Tea estates in Bangladesh


Tea Sector Overview

Bangladesh Tea Production

Tea production in Bangladesh maintained an
upward trend with an annual average rate of
increase of 1.03% and on an average produced
57.75 million Kg of tea annually during last ten
years (2002-2011).

Internal Consumption of Tea in Bangladesh

Demand for tea has been increasing in Bangladesh
since its independence due to increased tea
drinking habit, higher income, population growth
and rapid urbanization. Trend of internal
consumption has been shown in figure

Export Position of Bangladesh Tea

Export of tea from has been declining @ 8.92%
for the last 10 years (2002-2011) due to lack of
exportable surplus. Bangladesh exported 31.91
million Kg of tea in 1993 as shown in figure

Human rights of the tea gardeners

leading a life of untold misery
most vulnerable groups
government or non-government
deprived of all government facilities
socio-economic condition

Respondents are involved in different types of occupation
mostly working in the tea garden itself. Their life as usual,
is different occupations of the respondents are presented
in the following table:

Educational status of the working people has been
found frustrating in the tea gardens. Lack of schools in
the premises of tea garden is most important factor.
Low level of awareness regarding the value of education
among the people is another reason for not getting

All the people earn an amount of money one way or the other. Some of them do
not have regular income others have a fixed income for each week. Many of them
earn on daily basis and a few earns a fixed amount of money monthly.

Problems of the tea industries in Bangladesh

There are many problems in the tea estates of
Bangladesh, these problems can be furnished as
1. Natural calamity
2. Law and order situation
3. Shortage of medical facilities
4.Lack of pure water
5. Addicted person
6. Lack of infrastructure
7. Lack of capital and modern machineries
8. Lower market value of made tea
9. Lack of educational institutions
10. Malnutrition

Remedies and recommendations

Problems in the tea estates of Bangladesh can be solved
by taking following steps:
Law and order situation of the tea estates
M.B.B.S. doctor and supporting staffs
Set up sufficient number of deep and shallow tube wells
Wine consumption
Housing problems of the laborers
The executives of the tea estates must be conscious
Production cost variables
Shortage of capital and modern machinery
Solution of drought
Establish sufficient number of educational institutions

Global scenario
In the world thirty countries are producing more than 2.50 billion
kilogram of teas annually from 2.56 million hectares of plantation.
After meeting their domestic consumption, 28 countries export
about 1.02 billion kg of tea annually

Table: Comparative Production of world's major producer

countries of tea

Per Hectare Productivities of Some Tea Producing Countries

The trend of annual per ha productivities of some

tea producing countries along with world average
production has been depicted in figure:

Global Market
Although the Camellia sinensis is originally native to
mainland China, South and Southeast Asia, today the
plant is cultivated across the world in tropical and
subtropical regions

Figure: Main Tea Producing Countries Source: FAOSTAT

Production and Export (international market)

Although tea is produced in more than 35
countries, three-quarters of global production
occurs in only a handful of these countries.

Figure: Estimated Production and Export values 2010 in metric tons

of top 10 countries

Consumption and Import

Contrary to coffee and cocoa, the affluent populations
of North America, Western Europe and Japan are not the
largest markets for tea. Over 50% of global tea exports
are destined to the Middle East, North Africa and the
former Soviet Union countries.

Sustainability issues in the sector

In its current state, sufficient supply and quality of tea
is not guaranteed for the sector. Several social,
economic, and environmental issues, combined with
the finite nature of natural resources and rapidly
growing populations, lie at the root of this situation.

rview of the social, economical and environmental issues (Source: T

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