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Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

XML clustering
Sohn Jong-Soo
Intelligent Information System Lab. Korea Univ.

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

0. Index

XML and XML schema
Relational vs. XML
Paper overview
My works

Intelligent Information System Lab.

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

1. Introduction
It has become a standard for information exchange
and retrieval
With the continuous growth in the XML data
The ability to manage massive collections of XML data
and to discover knowledge from them becomes
For web based information system

Clustering method
Database objects, text data, multimedia data
XML data is different

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

2. XML and XML schema

XML document
XML schema
Can be obtained separately without scanning the whole

Style sheet


XML file


XML schema, DTD








Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

2. XML and XML schema

XML documents have elements and attributes
Elements (indicated by begin & end tags)



can be nested but cannot interleave each other

can have arbitrary number of sub-elements
can have free text as values
<chap title = Introduction To XML>
some free text
<sect title = What is XML?> </sect>
<sect title = Elements> </sect>
<sect title = Why XML?> </sect>
possibly more free text
w/ same
name can
be nested

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

2. XML and XML schema

Database Side: XML is a new way to organize data
Relational databases organize data in tables
XML documents organize data in ordered trees

Document Side: XML is a semantic markup language

HTML focuses on presentation
XML focuses on semantics/structure in the data

sect sect

sect sect

<h1> Chapter 1 </h1>
some free text
<h2> Section 1 </h2>
some more free text
<h3> Section 1.1 </h3>

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

3. Relational vs. XML

Relational data are well organized fully
structured (more strict):
E-R modeling to model the data structures in the
E-R diagram is converted to relational tables and
integrity constraints (relational schemas)

XML data are semi-structured (more flexible):

Schemas may be unfixed, or unknown
(flexible anyone can author a document)
Suitable for data integration
(data on the web, data exchange between different

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

3. Relational vs. XML

XML is not meant to replace relational
database systems
RDBMSs are well suited to OLTP applications
(e.g., electronic banking)
which has 1000+ small transactions per minute.

XML is suitable data exchange over heterogeneous

data sources
(e.g., Web services)
that allow them to talk.

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

3. Relational vs. XML

Advantages of using XML
Manage large volume of XML data
Provide high-level declarative language
Efficiently evaluate complex queries

XML Data Management Issues:

XML Data Model
XML Query Languages
XML Query Processing, Optimization and
I have interest in this branch !

Intelligent Information System Lab.

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

4. Paper overview
XML schema clustering with semantic and
hierarchical similarity measures
This paper presents a XML schema clustering process
By organising the heterogeneous XML schemas
into various groups

Combining the semantic and syntactic relationships

To calculate the linguistic similarity bet. Two elements
Considering the ancestor-child relationship

Generalizing a suitable schema class hierarchy

Using Xmine methodology

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

4. Paper overview
Evaluating Structural Similarity in XML
Develop a dynamic programming
to find this distance for any pair
of documents

It define a new method for

computing the distance
between any two XML documents in
terms of their structure
The lower this distance
the more similar the two
documents are in terms of structure

the more likely

they are to have been created
from the same DTD

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

4. Paper overview
A matching algorithm for measuring the
structural similarity between an XML document
and a DTD and its applications
This paper proposes a matching algorithm for
measuring the structural similarity
between an XML document and a DTD

The matching algorithm

by comparing the document structure against the one the
DTD requires

is able to identify commonalities and differences

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

4. Paper overview
This paper focused on five applications of the
(1) the classification of XML documents against a set of
(2) the generation of a new schema
for a DTD by extracting structural information during the
classification of XML documents;

(3) the development of an XML-based search engine

able to answer approximate structural queries

(4) the selective dissemination of XML documents

(5) the protection of the contents of documents classified
against a set of DTDs of a database, by propagating the
authorization policies specified at DTD level

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

4. Paper overview
Schema Matching for Transforming
Structured Documents
Understanding the matching problem in the context
of structured document transformations
And developing matching methods those output
serves as the basis for the automatic generation of
transformation scripts
Four basic matching process
(1)linguistic matching
(2)datatype compatibility
(3)Designer type hierarchy
(4)structural matching

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

5. My works
XML data classification
Using a XML schema and its XML files
ID3 Algorithm
By classification tool on XML data

It will contribute to XML data preprocessing for


XML has hierarchical data type
It cant present like a table

Insufficient of sample data

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

E. Bertino, G. Guerrini, M. Mesiti, A matching algorithm for measuring the
structural similarity between an XML document and a DTD and its
applications, Information Systems 29 (1) (2004) 2346.
A. Boukottaya, C. Vanoirbeek, 2005, November 0204, Schema matching
for transforming structured documents. Paper presented at the The 2005
ACM Symposium on Document engineering, Bristol, United Kingdom.

A. Doan, R. Domingos, A.Y. Halevy, 2001, Reconciling schemas of

disparate sources: a machine-learning approach. Paper
presented at the ACM SIGMOD, Santa Barbara, California, United
S. Flesca, G. Manco, E. Masciari, L. Pontieri, A. Pugliese, Fast detection of
XML structural similarities, IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data
Engineering 7 (2) (2005) 160175.

R. Nayak, S. Xu, XCLS: a fast and effective clustering algorithm

for heterogenous XML documents. Paper presented at the The
10th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (PAKDD), Singapore, 2006.

Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ.

Intelligent Information System Lab.

A. Nierman, H.V. Jagadish, 2002, December, Evaluating structural
similarity in XML documents. Paper presented at the fifth International
Conference on Computational Science (ICCS05), Wisconsin, USA.
Richi Nayak, Wina Iryadi 2006, XML schema clustering with semantics
and hierarchical similarity measures.

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