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Radiographic Technique

Chapter 3
Image Accessories

Latent Image


image produced on the film after

exposure prior to development.


image can only be visible through

the development process.


production of latent image is the first

step of the photochemical process.


The thicker the

phosphor layer
the less detail of
the image

Note the
spreading of the
light in the
thicker screen


AgNO3 + KBr = AgBr + KNO3

Emulsion is a suspension of silver bromide and certain impurities in


AgBr is formed by reacting AgNO3 and KBr.

During manufacturing process, the silver and the bromide becomes an


ION - an atom that has either many or few electrons than the protons.

The unlike charges of the two ions causes the formation of what is
known as the univalent ionic cubical lattice.

In unexposed silver halide crystal the bromine ions usually occupy the
surface of the crystal and the silver ions the center of the crystal. And
somewhere in the crystal there are electrons traps (sensitivity speck)
caused by gelatin



Effects of Exposure
photoelectric effect
Compton effect

Nucleation Process
Gurney Mott Theory
Mitchell Theory

Growth Process


Photons interact through photoelectric and Compton interaction.

Interactions usually occur at the bromine ions since they are located at the
surface of the crystal.

Photons interact through photoelectric and Compton interaction.

Interactions usually occur at the bromine ions since they are located at the
surface of the crystal.

Both interaction releases high energy electrons.

Photons interact through photoelectric and Compton interaction.

Interactions usually occur at the bromine ions since they are located at the
surface of the crystal.

Both interaction releases high energy electrons.


Bromine ions becomes neutral and they migrate out of the crystal into the

The process disrupted the crystal lattice formation.

Ions in the crystal are now free to migrate and move around.

Bromide migrate out of the crystal leaving the silver ion, free electron and
electron trap in the crystal

Unexposed Crystal

Exposed Crystal



electron that has been released by exposure is captured by a trapping center and
temporarily localized.
A mobile positively charge silver ion may migrate to this center and form a silver atom when
combined with the electron.
Unfortunately, a single silver atom is unstable, separation occurs and stage one and two happen
Fortunately, during its short life the single silver atom can act as a trap for another electron,
and if another silver ion is attracted to this site ...
A stable-atom speck is formed and is called a latent sub-image center
A free silver ion comes near to a shallow electron trap and deepens it.
A free electron, released by exposure, and a silver ion approach the trap together and
immediately form a silver atom. This is called a pre-image center
Unfortunately, as in Gurney-Mott theory, the single silver atom is unstable, and it dissociates
into a silver ion and electron.
Fortunately, the single silver atom acquire a second silver ion. And a free electron arrives before
the escape of this second silver ion, thus ...
A stable-atom speck is formed and is called a latent sub-image center.

Recorded Detail
Recorded detail refers to the distinctness or sharpness of the structural
lines that make up the recorded image. The ability of a radiographic image
to demonstrate sharp lines will determine the quality of the recorded detail.
The imaging process makes it impossible to produce a radiographic image
without some degree of unsharpness. A radiographic image that has a
greater amount of recorded detail will minimize the amount of unsharpness
of the anatomic structural lines. The amount of recorded detail is controlled
by minimizing geometric unsharpness and receptor unsharpness and by
eliminating motion unsharpness.


Growth is the enlargement of sub-image center until it

becomes development centers (at least 10 silver atoms).

Direct and Indirect


What is X-ray Film?


film is a photographic receptor consisting of

photographically active or radiation sensitive
emulsion coated on a thin sheet like material,
which is responsible to record the physical
impression of an object by which we can get detail
about the object. 3

Brief History of X-ray Film

Early in Photography Certain silver compounds react to light

making image production possible This phenomenon was applied to
x-ray procedures In 1812, silhouettes were recorded on glass plates
In 1819, the solvent action of sodium thiosulfate on silver chloride
was discovered In 1839, the phenomenon of development was
discovered by Louis Daguerre.

During WWI, nitrocelluose based film was found to be a more

feasable choice for recording x-rays This film was single-emulsion It
was later discovered that double-emulsion responded to x-rays faster
The flaw with nitrocellulose-based film was its easy flammability In
1924, cellulose acetate replaced the nitrocellulose based film Now a
days safety base of polytetrapathalate resin is used universally.

Two Types of Film

Direct Exposure Film:

Direct Exposure Film 7 Used without intensifying screens Used

mainly for extremities, previously for mammography Requires 10
100 times more the exposure dose The emulsion is thicker than screen
film Renders excellent detail.

Indirect Exposure Film:

Indirect Exposure Film 8 These films are used in conjunction with

pairs of I.S. . The latent image being produced mainly by light
emission from screen phosphors. A wide range of different films are
available both the blue- sensitive and green - sensitive . These types of
films are sometimes referred to as contrast amplifiers because their
average gradient is >1

Group 3

Mary Chriselle Ilang-ilang

Nathalie Danna Codilla

April Lim

Kathe Duenas

Aise Arro

Bryle Masangkay

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