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Summer Biodiversity


String on a plot of land

Chart of All species in the lake

Total Biodiversity



Lilly Pads






Bigger Fish

Analyzed Chart

There is an overall higher percentage of plants in my ecosystem. Although it has no purpose

of being there to impact the food chain but for the frogs they stay in the grass where they
cant be seen or on the lily pads. So for plants I would say it is about 50% of all of the biology
in the lake.

Fish/Minnows are at a low of 15% because of the recent pollution that my dog has brought in
the lake, like all her doggy bugs and that sort of stuff has been killing the fish and they have
become a majority in the lakes ecosystem. Another Reason that fish are disappearing from
the lake is our recent invasion of ducks and birds that have come, they came in many by
many to find a lake that is cold like ours to spend the hot Florida summer in.

Amounts of worms had also come to lake because of the cold dirt around it. They have
settled to living there to stay cool with the daily rain we get. And the amount came in big that
the grass had a small impact on the amounts of soil given up to these worms, but nothing
major has affected the worms except for the fact that my dog likes to start digging there
which has also affected their fair share of dirt.

Food Web

Changes in the ecosystem

What would happen if the fish fish came back?

A: The Population of Frogs and Ducks would increase as ducks

have a bigger supply of fish to feed off of. Meanwhile the
tadpoles, worms and minnows would decrease due to more fish
and frogs

What if all fish died

A:Frogs will have Decrease as Ducks will depend on them for food
(yes the ducks eat frogs at my lake) but it can also increase their
population as they dont have to compete for food.

Water, Carbon cycle and Human


The water cycle is a major part of the ecosystem because it is a lake, and a lake isnt a lake
without water. Also many of the plants surrounding the lake rely on the rain to thrive. And if it
were to rain more there would be more water for lake animals. But if it stopped raining the
animals would move to a different lake or could even die.

The carbon cycle is also a major factor as the many nearby plants are involved in it. If the
plants were to all die the food chain would be lost as many of the lake animals depend on the
grass one way or another in the energy chain.

If my neighbors decided to start dumping trash in the lake. First the bigger animals would
think that its food, eat it, choke on it and die. Another problem that this could bring to the
lake is the quality of the water. The pollution could very possibly poison the water in the lake
making the animals that live in it die or move to another lake. The last problem this could
bring is the smell of wet garbage that could affect any nearby ecosystems and even the
people that live nearby. This makes any human interaction with the lake a negative thing.

Importance of biodiversity

The reason why biodiversity is so important is because many species

rely on other for life, and those the more species that top predator
species rely on, the less of one of the reliant species will need to worry
about having to be relied on, an example of this is the ducks only rely on
fish and frogs for food, but in a more biodiverse pond the duck has many
more species to rely on for food, this makes the fish and frogs less afraid
of getting eaten by a duck.

Ways to prevent human impact

Although the lake is protected by the city of Tampa, it is still easy for my
neighbors to dump trash and pollute the lake. Some of the ways the lake might be
protected a little more is by warning and fining the neighbors if the law is broken,
another way is to make sure the lake is protected is a monthly or yearly cleanup
of the lake organized by the city or the neighborhood organization.

Surprise Talent

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