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Mrs. Reese

#1 Be in Your Seat and Ready to

Work When the Bell Rings
* Check the board for bell-work and/or
daily schedule

#2 Be Prepared to Learn
*Have your needed materialscalculator, pencil, binder, homework

#3 Keep ALL Personal

Electronics in Your Bag!

#4 Be RESPONSIBLE for Your

Own Learning

#5 RESPECT the Teacher, the

Classroom, and Other Students
*Use your manners
*Raise your hand
*Ask permission before eating
snacks and chewing gum
*Clean up after yourself



Students must
show work when
solving problems
in order to receive
full credit!


Just trust me, use a pencil!!!!!

Homework will be assigned almost daily for
continuous practice of learned concepts and
skills (unless specified by Mrs. Reese)
Homework will be reviewed in class
Homework assignments and/or problems will
be graded at random. It is wise to ALWAYS
complete assigned homework!!!

Test and Quiz Retakes

Students who score a 73% or lower (D or F)
on a test or quiz will make corrections on a
piece of notebook paper.
Mrs. Reese will check corrections and
provide further explanation if needed.
Students will retake the test or quiz during
downtime in class or during an Academic
Assist period.

Students are responsible for making up work
missed when absent.
Students are responsible for checking the
absence binder for assignments, notes, and

Hall Pass
With the exception of emergencies and
medical excuses, students will be permitted
use of the hall pass once per week to use the
restroom or go to locker.
Students that make a habit of emergency
hall pass uses will have their hall pass
privilege revoked.

Personal Electronics
Personal Electronics must be stored in your bag
Cell Phone use will be strictly prohibited
If you are caught using your cell phone during class, it
will be confiscated and turned into the office. A
detention will be issued.
Students with repeat violations will be required to turn
their phone into the teacher at the beginning of class
Mrs. Reese may occasionally allow the use of personal
electronics for academic purposes- you will be given
plenty of notice.

Eating in Class
Students must ask permission before eating
a snack or chewing gum during class.
Water is always permitted.
No drinks other than water.

We are going to
have a FANTASTIC Year!!!

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