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Vernacular Architecture


Kerala Architecture is one of the most exciting examples of
preservation of vernacular styles.
The evolution of domestic architecture of Kerala followed closely the
trend of development in temple architecture.
The primitive models of circular, square or rectangular plain shapes
with a ribbed roof evolved from functional consideration.
The climate of Kerala greatly influenced the traditional architecture.
The natural building materials available for construction in Kerala
i.e. stones, timber, clay and palm leaves have anchored and guided
the acceptance or rejection of outside influences

Influence of climate
Kerala has a warm humid climate. The rainfall is very heavy from
south west and north east monsoons
To keep the rain and sun away form the walls the roofs of the
building come down very low.
They have verandah all round the building protecting the external
walls from sun and rain.
The width of the verandah varies from 2 ft to 12ft

In rooms were people spend most of their time during day the
window openings were brought in at ground level otherwise the
windows were small so that there was only subdued light inside or
had timber jalis to give diffused light without glare.
They also have an internal courtyard for better flow of air.

Roofing system
The ridged roof pitched at angles between 30degree to 40degree
The roof with intricately carved gables protruding from the roof with
overhangs supported by wooden brackets.
The roof is prefabricated that is different members are fixed on the
ground and assembled at the top.
No nails are used.
The roof is kept in position by interlocking with the hole in the
Walls made of timber or earth and roof of coconut leaves or tiles are
common in many parts of Kerala
Structurally the roof frame was supported on the pillars on walls
erected on a plinth raised from the ground for protection against
dampness and insects in the tropical climate.

Roofing system

Flooring System
The most common type of flooring was that of beaten earth polished
with cow dung at regular intervals
Black colored traditional flooring used in the more expensive
buildings was done with the mixture of lime, sand, coconut shell,
white of egg, jaggery, coconut water and other vegetable extracts.
The smoothness was achieved by polishing the floor with a particular

Building Materials
The availability of granite -a strong and durable building stone is
restricted mainly to the highlands and marginally to some hilly zones.
Accordingly, the skill in quarrying, dressing and sculpturing of stone is
scarce in Kerala.
Laterite stone however, is abundantly found
Soft laterite available at shallow depth can be easily cut, dressed and
used as building blocks. It is a local stone that gets stronger and durable
with exposure to the atmosphere.
Block of this stone may be bonded in mortars of shell lime, - the
classic binding material used in traditional buildings.
Lime mortar can be improved in strength and performance by
admixtures of vegetable juices. Such enriched mortars were utilised for
plastering and low relief work.
Timber remains the prime structural material abundantly available in
Kerala, in many varieties - from bamboo to teak and rosewood. The
skilful choice of timber, artful assembly and delicate carving of wood
work for columns, walls and roofs frames are the unique characteristics
of Kerala architecture, using accurate fit of joints.
Clay was used in many forms - for walling, in filling the timber floors and
making bricks and tiles after firing in kilns, tempered with admixtures.
Palm leaves are still used effectively for thatching the roofs and for
making partition walls and along with mud

Vastuvidya- Traditional architecture

Traditional Kerala architecture is the Vastu vidhya is derived from
the Stapatya Veda of Adharva Veda and deals with two types of
Residential Architecture(Manusyalaya) under functional
Temples coming under conceptual architecture.

Residential Architecture
A house in Kerala is generally called Veedu. The Veedu gives
shelter to joint-family kinfolk or tharavad. The joint family
system (tharavad--kinship system) consequently promotes the
tradition of living in a huge shelter or mansion (veedu--object of
house). The term is Dravidian and is used in some parts of Tamil
Nadu and North Srilanka for all types of residential architecture,
but generally the people of Kerala will refer to their veedu as

There are various terms of house for different tribes according to

social status and profession. The house of:
Pariah - CHERI
the agrestic slave Cheraman - CHALA.
blacksmith, the goldsmith,
the carpenter, the weaver - KUDI
temple servants reside VARIYAM / PISHARAM
The ordinary Nayars - VEEDU / BHAVANAM
Nayars authority - IDAM.

Three Types of Chala

All Chalas show typical spatial configurations of living and inner space.
(left) Chala in Chengganur, South Kerala; (middle) Chala in Waynad
and (left) Chala in Trivandrum

There are five types of traditional domestic architecture or Veedu in

Kerala, namely:
(1) the wretched humble house, unknown by any building treatise of
Kerala, belongs to ordinary folks and tribal people/ adivasis (cheri,
chala, kudi, variyam or pisharam or pumatham);
(2) the Ekasala, an I-shaped single rectangular hall house, belongs to
farmers or middle-class non-farmers;
(3) the Nalukettu, a courtyard house, belongs to landlords;
(4) the great mansion Ettuketu and Patinjarukettu (double ettukettu)
or much bigger structures, belong to very rich landlords;
(5) commoner houses are simple ordinary houses scattered abundantly
in the cities and villages.
Literally, the local term of house--veedu--means home and signifies
no important structural arrangement. Classical Indian architecture
acknowledges a concentric arrangement of buildings and a generic
spatial structure of the sala or hall.
The Ekasala is a single hall house,
dvisala a two-hall house, trisala a three-hall house, and catusala a
four-hall house/courtyard house.
The Nalukettu is the only local term for house that implies structural
importance since it is associated with the catusala. There are no local
terms for dvisala, trisala and ekasala, they are simply called veedu.

(upper- left) The Ekasala

of North Kerala. Mostly
they are shingle hipped
roof houses
(upper-right) The
Ekasala of South Kerala.
Mostly they are shingle
bent roof houses
(bottom) The Kuttikettu
or Ekasala with
courtyard extension

Three Typical Expression of Nalukettu

Central Kerala (above), North Kerala (left-bottom), South Kerala (rightbottom)

The Nambudiri Illam

They are concentrated primarily in Trichur, Palghat districts in south
As small clusters in Kottayam, Cannanore and some parts of North

Description of the Nambudiri Illam

The illams of the affluent Nambudiri families of Trichur are self contained
complex of buildings in a wide secluded compound.
The complex consists of
one or two storied Nalukettu building
An entrance gate (Padipura)
One or more tanks for bathing
Optional buildings such as a Granary, a Kitchen for feeding guests and a
Shrine or a Temple itself.
There are four wings Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western.
The built structures were on the southern and the western wings
The granary on the south has solid walls of laterite or wood.
The western block is generally raised, open hall with columns which
support the floor above. It is here that the official ceremonies take place
and the men also learn or sleep
The corner room at the north west is used for storage or for sleeping
The kitchen with its adjacent well is always without exception placed in the
northeast corner. Since the wind comes from the southwest in Kerala it is
the most logical position to ensure the smoke escapes the building directly
The northern side next to the kitchen is used for the performance of the
most important ritual of Shredda the human ritual of pouring Ghee on the
sacred fire.

The puja room is located on the north or in the east next to the kitchen.
The practical reasons for not building on the northern and eastern sides
are to allow the escape of smoke and to minimize the chance of an
external fire.
The corner rooms were segregated form the main blocks. They are
separated by corridors, stairwells and doors going to the outside. These
rooms are not considered for rituals and are used as entrance rooms,
bedrooms, the delivery rooms (south east corner) or occasionally for
storage (north west corner)

Women Spaces:
Women were considered inferior to men and they were not allowed to
enter into the main courtyard except for their marriage and at death.
In houses with one courtyard back spaces were added next to kitchen.
Accesses to main pooja room and to one or two bedrooms were only
through a back door.
Future expansions:
The additions in the last century show a slow moving towards modern
Houses with more than one courtyard were built and expanded without
much constraint as the ritual rules applied only to the first courtyard.

Nair Tharavadu of Kerala:

The Nairs are the race of people living in the state of Kerala and
constitute 16% of the state population
The concept of the house is rural, located near paddy fields in
fenced compounds with palm, banana and other fruit bearing
trees with a well or tank for water supply.
The Nair house is also called a Veedoo
The tharavad houses were joint families with 30-40 members in a
matriarchial system.
The head of the tharavad was the oldest male member.

Description of the Nair Tharavad:

Security and defence played a vital role in determining the
orientation, layout and future additions.
The courtyard and the wings surrounding it from the basic module
The house type is classified by the number of such modules
Nallukettu four chambers
Ettukettu eight chambers
Padinarkettu sixteen chambers
The number of courtyards and the house annexes are an
indication of the social standing and the wealth of the family.

The principles of siting, spatial arrangement of rooms, choice of

building materials, measurements and construction details were
based on Vastu Vidhya and Tachhushastram
Nine house types are identified on the basis of courtyards and
enclosing wings
14 house classifications according to primary building materials

Spatial Configuration
It is self contained and introvert complex of buildings each
enclosing an open to sky courtyard.
The central courtyard is the focal point of the house
The main rooms are located on the western wing
Rooms on the northern side are used for cooking
The rooms on the southern sides are used for the daily household
Steep pyramidal roofs with a 45 degree pitch, deep overhangs,
shaded verandas and cross ventilation are a response to intense
sun, heavy rainfall and humidity.







Temples of kerela
Temples in Kerala used to be called
in earlier times as mukkalvattom.
Later they came to be called
ambalam or kshetram or
sometimes tali.

Temple architecture in Kerala is different from that of other regions in

India. Largely dictated by the geography of the region that abounds
in forests blessed with the bounties of the monsoons, the structure of
the temples in Kerala is distinctive.
The Kerala temple
has srikovil as its
main core, which
usually stands in
east-west axis and
the plan may be
square, rectangular,
circular, elliptical
ground plan.

The central sanctum of a Keralite

temple is referred to as the Sree
It is surrounded by a cloistered
prakara, pierced at one or more
cardinal points with a gopuradwara.
The cloistered prakaram has a
namaskara mandapam located
directly in front of the sanctum. This
prakaram also houses subsidiary
A kitchen is located in the south
eastern corner of ths cloistered
The mukha mandapam is integrated
with the gopura entrance. The flagstaff
or dwaja stambham is located
outside of the mukha mandapam .
The balipitham may be located in the
mukhamandapam or in the outer
courtyard. The outer prakaram or
courtyard houses other subshrines,
and optionally a temple tank.

Koothambalam is also known as
The word Koothambalam refers as
templetheatre where the cultural
and traditional programs are
The cultural arts performed in this stage like Koodiyattam, Koothu,
NangiarKoothu, which is the ancient art forms of Kerala.
According to myth, it is believed that this place was built according
to the instruction of Natyasasthra of Sage Bharata.
Koothambalam is a theater hall for staging Koothu and
Koodiyattam, the ancient dramatic art forms of Kerala, India.
Koothambalams are constructed according to Ntyasstra of
Bharata Muni.
It is considered as sacred as the temple sanctum itself.
It is constructed within the premises of a Temple and usually the
structure is about 16m long and 12m broad with a 4m square
platform supported by pillars in the center.

During show, the stage is decorated with fruit-bearing plaintains,

bunches of coconuts and festooned with the fronds of the
coconut palm.
The 'para' filled with rice is placed on the stage.
The 'Nilavilakku' is used for lighting the stage.
The stage will have the Mizhavu, a percussion instrument
accompanying Koothu, placed within a railed enclosure, with a
high seat for the drummer.

Plan of
The position ofkootthambalamis
in the front and right side of the
principal deity. ie. if the deity
faces east the position of
kootthambalamis on the southeast and if the deity faces west
its position is on the north-west.
There are various types
ofkootthambalams. Generally, it is
15.6 metres long and 11.6 metres
broad with 4.26 metres square
platform supported by pillars in the
But thekootthambalam
Constructed at the Kerala Kala
Mandalam at Cheruthurutthy
(Thrissur district) is the only one
outside a temple complex.

It is built on the basis ofvikrushta madhyastyle (one of the

threenaatya grihasspecified by Bharatha Muni (2nd century B.C).
Its stage is of size 14.62 metres long and 7.31 metres wide having
four wooden pillars.
kootthambalamis the store-house of exquisite wood carvings
devoted topuraanicand epic themes.
Thekootthambalamhas three main parts viz,aniyara(greenroom),rangam(stage) andmridanga-padawheremizhaav(drum)
is kept.
All other spaces in the front and sides of therangamare meant for
the audience.
Thekootthambalamis used as stated earlier, to stage the
performing arts likeChakkiarkootthu, Kootiyattam, Ottam-thullal,
Mohiniyaattam, Krishnaattam, Kathhakali, Pathakametc. Of
lateKootthambalamis not constructed in any temple.
It is replaced by a stage with ante-rooms particularly in the context
of lower importance given to performing arts of temples.
The construction of this stage is also done either within or outside
the temple wall, all depending on the availability of space.

Koothambalam (Traditional Temple-Theater)

Koothambalam or
Natyagriha has for long been
part of Kerala's templeheritage.
Only a few major temples
have retained
The traditional
Koothambalams were built in
accordance with the
principles laid down in the
Natyasaastra ( The ancient
Indian dramaturgy) of sage


Koothambalam is made up of rosewood, granite, teak wood that

resembles the rich Kerala architecture style.
The roof-structure, the stage-floor and its pillars are made of teakwood and rose-wood.

The pillars of the Natyagriha are

made of granite
In addition, the stage is fully
decorated with fruit bearing
Plantain leaves, bunches of
coconut, and decorated with
coconut palms, lighted with
Nilavilakku, and Para is filled
with rice and kept on the stage.

Architecture style
The construction of Koothambalam differs from temple to temple.
Another special hall is constructed in Koothambalam is
It is constructed in square shaped platform with pyramidal roof,
which is supported by the pillars.
It is divided into two parts, where one part is used for the
performance of cultural activities and other is used for the seating of
the audience.
Mizhavu instrument is used during the performance of koothu in
Koothambalam along with drummer.

The koothu in Koothambalam can be performed only by the

Chakyar community men.
Moreover, the women form Ambalavasi-Nambiar caste can act in
Koodiyattam for female character and they can play
NangyarKoothu and Mizhavu instrument.

Koothambalam is constructed in many notable temples

in Kerala

Sree Mahadeva temple at Thiruvegappura,

Sree Krishna temple at Guruvayoor,
Subrahmania temple at Harippad,
Thirumandhamkummu Bhagavathi temple at Angadippuram,
Koodalmanikyam temple at Irinjalakkuda,
ThirunakkaraMahadeva Temple, Siva temple (
Vadakkumnathan temple) at Chengngennur,
Mahadeva temple at Peruvanam,
Subrahmania temple at Kitangur, etc.

The Kuttambalam or the theater hall of the Keralite temple is located

either as a part of the inner prakara, on the south east corner facing north,
or as a separate hall outside the innermost prakaram, either facing into the
temple or facing north. This has a stage, raised from the rest of the floor,
and a backstage area. This is the site of the performance of Kathakali or
Chakkiyar koothu recitals. Thus the kuttambalam plays a role in
educating visitors on the rich legends of the Indian cultural fabric.
The roofs are steep and pointed, and covered with copper sheets. The
Kerala roof resembles those found in the Himalayan regions and those in
East Asia.
The shape of the roof is in accordance with the plan of the sanctum below.
With a circular plan, one sees a conical roof, while with a square plan the
roof is pyramidal.
The roof is constructed with wood and is covered with copper plates. Most
of the temples seen in Kerala today, have undergone several phases of
renovation, given the perishable nature of the construction materials.
The superstructure as a conspicuous example, shows an accurate usage of
indigenous raw materials like timber and tiles to go with the climate
Vast majority of temples have their bases built of granite, the walls made
either of wood, bricks and stucco, or laterite; the sloping superstructure
made of wooden planks, tiles or sheet metal on timber frames, are adopted
to suit the high rainfall of the region.

Temple and Domestic Architecture

Unlike the other architectural traditions in the mainland the design
of Kerala temples shows a close similarity with the domestic
architecture of the region.
The surviving Nair houses have many structural elements like
raised foundations, wall and ceiling carvings, steeply sloping roofs,
etc., that are reminiscent of temple architecture.
The building materials used in the sacred and domestic
architecture, viz., timber, laterite, brick and stucco are also the
same, and thus create identical textural surfaces.

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