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The Judeo-Christian

How the great monotheistic faiths
influenced democracy.

Ancient Greek & Roman Beliefs

many gods & goddesses
who reward or punish
people for behavior

Different than the

monotheistic religions
(belief in one god),
Christianity, Judaism,


Religion of the Hebrews

Monotheistic (one God)
The Torah
God wishes for people to be moral
People are created in Gods image
Each person has dignity that can
never be taken away
Differs from Greek & Roman ideas
of dignity based on reason and the
belief in one god
People can choose (reason) between
good & evil = moral responsibility;
individual worth
You are responsible for the choices
you make


Ideas stem from Judaism

Jesus Christ
personal relationship b/w God & each human being
ALL people are equal before God, regardless of status,
wealth, nationality...
Emphasized social responsibility
Love God, yourself, neighbors, enemies
The Golden Rule

Ideas Spread

Judaism spread as the Jews were repeatedly

forced from their homelands

moved as a community, taking their beliefs to new

lands where they influenced others

Christianity spreads across Roman Empire

Roman Catholic Church becomes the
worlds most powerful institution

Christianity became the official religion of the

Roman Empire


Began in Middle East with prophet

Holy book: Quran/Koran
He emphasized
Dignity of all human beings
Believe that strong community bond will
lead to tolerance of different groups
it is the responsibility of the community
to fight oppression
give charity
help those in need
5 Pillars of Faith
Laws apply equally to ALL, even leaders

Legacy of Judaism,
Christianity & Islam
Ideas that shaped democracy:
Every person has the ability to choose
between right and wrong
The duty of the individual and the
community to combat oppression
The worth of an individual
The equality of people before God

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