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I can do it!

T. Fauzia 8/16

Mohammad, only started attending to An-Nur a few months ago and is already
feeling at home. Mohammad has built up a good relationship with all the children
and teachers.Today when you came to the center after putting your lunch box away,
he went to the Montessori activities shelf and picked up a tray which contained a
bowl of dry macaroni, spoon and another empty bowl, he then sat around the table
and started playing. I showed Mohammad how to use the spoon by scooping the
macaroni from one bowl to another. Then we counted together each time you did a
scoop. Mohammad when you put the first scoop you said, "Teacher, Teacher" with a
big smile, you then showed me that you can do it by yourself. So sweet.
Learning happing here: Through this activity Mohamad was developing his fine
motor skills such as eye and hand coordination, independence and building up his
self esteem. What's next is that we will ensure that Mohamad gets enough
opportunities to develop his motor skills, and language.

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