Lawyers Hub

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Lawyers Hub

Muhammad Kamil
Saad Siddiqui
Saddam Hussain


Lawyers hub is a Karachi based law firm,

which is providing consultancy with respect to
Civil and Common law to its respective clients
for the past 25 years in Pakistan. The
company was co-founded by KSS in 1990.
The firm is currently in the phase of expansion
by going online to cater more clientage from
all over Pakistan.

provide a one stop solution to the customers
who are seeking law related help online and
are unable to visit the lawyers
Unavailability in Market

Business Need
there is no such platform that allows customer
to interact with experienced and specialized
lawyers online.
a lucrative market for IT and law firms to
penetrate in this industry

High Level Scope

develop a web based online platform where
lawyers and customer and interact
Website with a CMS that can store information/
record and data
should have multiple communication channels
should be user friendly, light weight and mobile
Sales/ lead generation is not part of this project

High-Level Requirements
1) Complete CMS and User Management Module
2) User Friendly and Attractive User Floe/
3) Mobile Compatibility
4) Light Weight Website with less than 30
seconds load time
5) Multiple ways of consultant and lawyer
6) Back up recovery & Data security

High-Level Deliverables
1) Website Architecture Finalization
2) Initial Mock up design for website UI finalization
3) Template creation in HTML/ CSS
4) Template Integration in Website
5) Website Features Development
a. User Management b. Lawyers Management
c. Chatting mechanism d. Video & Audio Calling

6) Testing
7) Site Launch
8) Training/ Guideline documentation

Assumptions & Constraints

1) No change in scope will be observed during
the Project execution
2) Legally the company is liable to provide
online law related consultancy
3) No Sales related activity/ target is
associated with this project
1) Completion of Project within the specified
time and budget
2) Ensuring 24 x 7 availability of chat and
video software

Major Stakeholders
1) CEO
2) Business Expansion/ Sales Dept.
3) Online Marketing Dept.
4) Senior Lawyers/ Consultants who are on
Companys Pay Roll
5) IT Manager

High Level Budget


Cost/ Item

No of Items

Total Cost

Website Domain (1 year)



Hosting Services (1 Year)






Fixtures & Fitting



Communication Server (Dedicated)



Rent (Per Month)



Training & Documentation




PKR 15,65000

Success Criteria

Completion of all deliverables on Time and

as per the requirement (Ref: Scope Statement
& SRS)

Website Load time < 30 seconds

Training of 30 lawyers

Requirement Management Plan

In order to ensure that each and every

requirement of stakeholder which are in the
scope should be fulfilled and managed
throughout the project,

we are dividing the phase of requirement

management into multiple sub phases

Identification of Requirements:
we will be using the tool Interview for
this purpose.
to meet all the stakeholders separately
to identify their requirements
and expectation from this portal.

Analyzing the Requirements:

In Scope and Out of Scope
Requirements which are residing in In Scope
will be catered in the project
Requirements which are Out of Scope will not
be cateredinthe project.

Documenting the Requirement:

After analyzing the requirement, the
entire requirement will be documented
and added in the project
These requirements will also be added in the
requirement management checklist
requirement checklist should be completed
before final formal closing of the project with
sponsor and customers.

Requirement Prioritization:

bifurcated into Functional and Non Functional

functional requirement has high priority
Priority Definition

Any functional requirement directly related to the business flow/ feature/ USP of the portal


Any requirement related with the usability or basic features of the website


Minor HTML, design, content or quality related issues.

Software Requirement Specification

Administrator: the master user, because
this role handler will have all the rights in
the system without any interruption
Lawyer: this role will have access to
select cases, view case documents, add
file, chat, call etc.
Client: access to search and select
lawyer, upload his case and consult to

Functional Requirements:

The characteristics of these requirements are as follows:

Signup Module for Visitors
Profile Management for Lawyers
Lawyers Appointment Setting Mechanism
Contract, Hiring a Lawyer & Payment Mechanism
Live Chat feature
Video/ Call mechanism integration
Upload and Preview document feature for both client
and lawyer
Client Feedback/ Review form

Non Functional Requirements


System Design Specification

Flow Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Entity Relationship Diagram:

Scope Management Plan

Define Scope:
essential processes to lock the boundaries of
the project in the initial stages.
the features, design and specifications of
the website will be defining the scope of the
Once the requirement collection phase is
completed we will get official signoff on the
finalized requirement from project sponsor
and project customers to lock and define the
scope of the project

WBS Creation:
we will transform all those requirements
into work break down structure.
a hierarchical form or decomposition of
our project
help us in assigning resources and
analyzing time and cost on each work

Validate & Control Scope:

ensure that all the deliverable which are
related to the website are as per the
a formal acceptance criteria against each
deliverable will be finalized
it is important for us to continuously monitor
and control the scope
Every change request from the client will be
reviewed by the project manager to ensure
that it is in scope or not

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