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The Roman Empire

Essential Question/Idea :
Analyze and explain the political,
economic and social advancements
of the Roman civilization that
resulted in empire status.
Draw connections between these
advancements and modern
civilizations in Europe and America.


Twelve Tables
Catholic Church

Roman Empire: An empire is a nation/ country or group

of territories ruled by a single powerful leader, or emperor.

Roman Characteristics
The Romans adopted many of their political ideas from Greece, yet
interpreted and applied them to their culture resulting in a

Much of the artwork, statues etc., are also knock offs of Greek
You were either a Plebian, Patrician, slave or non-citizen
Greek concept of citizenship was the foundation of this civilization
The one of the best military's in the world
The Romans were Engineers
The birth of Christianity occurred in this empire, which is one of
the most, if not the most important event to occur in western
European history

Roman Politics
Rome has experienced multiple forms of government: Monarchy,
Military Dictatorship and Republic
Early Rome
509 b.c. Rome overthrew their king and created a Republic
Three groups established a newly formed government body
Consul- elected every year and ran govt and military
Magistrate- Judges
Tribunes- An officer or magistrate chosen by the people, to protect
them from the oppression of the patricians, or nobles, and to
defend their liberties against any attempts that might be made
upon them by the senate and consuls. ( court system)
Created a Court System and the concept of innocent until proven

Roman Politics Cont.:

Establishment of a Senate
1. 300 men( initially Patricians)
2. Served for life
. Government becomes a very
intricate and well developed process
. Government is predominately
controlled by upper-class for a
majority of the Republic

Roman Political System

Roman Political Document

American Political System

American Constitution

American Senate

100 members
Men and women
6 year term
Various religion
Make laws

Ancient/Modern Comparison
Watch Video:
*** In a T chart make political
comparisons between Ancient Roman
government and the American

Roman Engineering
Known for their engineering
In other words, they were builders
and they created an Empire
Film: Ancient Rome
1. Aqueducts
2. Circus Maximus
3. The Pantheon
4. The Coliseum
5. Trajan's Forum

Rise of Christianity
Israelites /Jews were the first monotheistic
Faith in the Roman Empire. They were a minority
Jesus Christ was a Jew who lived within the border
of the Empire.
He was a prophet , a teacher of Gods word. In
addition he was viewed by many of his followers
as God and Man combined

Teachings of Jesus Christ

Key characteristics of Teachings:
1. One God ( monotheistic )
2. Ethical/ Moral Concepts
3. Offered eternal life for all
4. Condemned slavery
5. Equality
6. Helps poor
7. Focused on inner person
8. Charity

Persecution of Christians
His views were viewed as liberal by traditional Jewish
leaders and they felt threatened
This made traditional Jews felt threatened and they joined
with the Romans and turned on Jesus
Gods law before Roman laws
This minority group was viewed as traitors and persecuted,
By 313 AD Emperor Constantine issues an Edict(Legal
Announcement), called the Edict of Milan, which makes
Christianity the official religion of Roman Empire
Christianity incorporates some key polytheistic and Jewish
worship methodologies as part of the religious structure so
that it would be easier for individuals to convert.

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