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Philippine Laws on Export

Dominguez, Juan Paolo V.

Philippine Laws on Export

Export Development Act of 1994 (R.A. 7844)

The Omnibus Investments Code of 1987 (E.O.

Presidential Decree no. 930 (P.D. 930)

Republic Act no. 6135 (R.A. 6135)

Philippine Export Development Act

of 1994 (Republic Act 7844)
Promote export development as a national
concern and should, thus, require a collective
effort not only from private sectors but the
government as well.

Philippine Export Development Act

of 1994 (Republic Act 7844)
Key Operating Principles:

Define and distinguish all government agencies other than

the DTI which have direct responsibilites to exporters (e.g.
Bureau of Investments, Bureau of Customs and Bureau of
Internal Revenue)

Form a council responsible for all export procedures

List down policies regarding the following:

Fisca,l, credit and Monetary Policies

Trade, tariff and customs policies

Technical support policies

Labor and industrial relation policies

Philippine Export Development Act

of 1994 (Republic Act 7844)

Fomulation of the Philippine Export

Development Plan (PEDP)

The President of the republic shall approve a threeyear plan prepared by the DTI.
The PEDP shall define the country's annual and
medium-term export thrusts, strategies, programs
and projects and shall be jointly implemented by the
government, export and other concerned sectors Art. III Sec. 5, R.A. 7844

Philippine Export Development Act

of 1994 (Republic Act 7844)

Formation of the Export Development Council


Reviews the PEDP, assesses and monitors its

Identifies problem areas and constraints that
influence the development of exports
Ensures export quality control
Formulates and adopst policies, rules and
regulations that would contribute to the development
of export

Philippine Export Development Act

of 1994 (Republic Act 7844)
Composition of the EDC (Art III Sec 8, R.A. 7844)
[a] Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry as
[b] Director-General of the National Economic and Development
[c] Secretary of the Department of Finance;
[d] Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas;
[e] Secretary of the Department of Science and Technology;
[f] Secretary of the Department of Agriculture;
[g] Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs;
[h] Secretary of the Department of Labor and Employment;
[I] Nine [9] representatives from the private sector, the majority of
whom shall be recommendees of the accredited organization,
and one of whom shall be appointed as vicechairman.chanrobles virtua

Presidential Decree no. 930 (1976)

Simplifying Export Procedures and
Documentation by Realigning Functions of
Certain Government Offices/Agencies involved
in Processing Export Documents, by Authorizing
the issuance of Periodic Clearances, by the
Adoption of Standardized Export Documents,
and for other Purposes

Presidential Decree no. 930

Key Operating Principle:
The development and promotion of exports shall
be at all times be supported by any or all of the
offices, agencies, and instrumentalities for
the sustained economic, political and social
growth of the Filipino nation. - Section 1, P.D.

Presidential Decree no. 930


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