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Presented by Abhishek Chopra

Sahil Arora

What is ERP ?
An Enterprise is a group of people with a common
goal, which has certain resources at its disposal
to achieve that goal.

Resources included are money, and all other things
that are required to run the enterprise.

Planning is done to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

In general ERP is :
a business strategy and set of industrydomain-specific applications that build
customer and shareholder communities
value network system by enabling and
optimizing enterprise and inter-enterprise
collaborative operational and financial
processes(Source: Gartners Research Note SPA-12-0420)


1. Functional Requirements
2. Packaged vs. Developed solution
3. Identification of packages (ERP systems)
that could fit with functional
4. Assessment of fit with functional
requirements. 7 criteria to consider:
1. Functionality
2. Reliability/stability
3. Cost
4. Ease of use
5. Ease of customisation
6. Ease of implementation
7. Vendor Reputation

Vendors checklist

Consider the following factors when evaluating if ERP

systems, and the vendors that provide them, are a
good partner for your business:
What is the vendors situation and reputation?
How the vendor has changed organizationally in recent
What the vendors most recent products are, and what
new products it plans to issue in the coming years.
How long the company has been in this industry, and
how well it understands it.
Whether the vendor has specialized experience in
providing ERP solutions to organizations of a similar
size and type as yours.
The future direction of the vendors business, and
whether it is likely to continue in its current form
during the lifetime of the ERP platform.

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