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Requirements vs.



Describe what will be delivered3

Describe how it will be done3

Primary goal of analysis:


Primary goal of design:


There is more than one solution

There is only one (final) solution

Customer interested

Customer not interested (Most of

the time) except for external

Stakeholder Profiles
Representative - who (name) is representing this stakeholder
Description - brief description of the stakeholder type
Type - Qualify s-hs expertise, technical background, degree of
Responsibilities - List s-hs key responsibilities with regard to
the system being developed - why a stakeholder?
Success Criteria - How does the stakeholder define success?
How rewarded?
Involvement - involved in the project in what way?
Requirements reviewer, system tester, ...
Deliverables* - required by the stakeholder
Comments/Issues - Problems that interfere w/ success, etc.

Key Stakeholder or User Needs (3.7)

List key problems with existing solutions as perceived by
the stakeholder or user.
What are the reasons for this problem?
How is it solved now?
What solutions does the stakeholder want?
What is relative importance of solving each problem?

Alternatives and Competition (3.8)

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