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Write On!

Jean Scheaffer
Native English Teacher

The learning objective:

Students should be able to write an organized essay
with a clear thesis or main idea,
strong topics,
and details to support those topics.

The essay should have a beginning, middle and end

introduction, body and conclusion.

The essay should have

good ideas, details and examples
and strong, varied vocabulary.

The essay should be free of grammar and punctuation errors.

Writing an essay in class takes

several days, if not weeks.

Grading Rubric


____/40 pts
Good Ideasmany details
Good Vocabularylittle or no repetition
____/30 pts
Introduction presents the main idea (thesis statement) and the
paragraph topics.
Paragraphs contain details for topic sentence.
Conclusion closes the essay, restating the main idea.
Syntax-Sentence Structure
Verb agreement

____/30 pts

____/100 pts


Starting with just ONE paragraph

Preparing for the essay includes writing sentences.

From a topic sentence, students can write more details about that
I have students combine all of their sentences into one paragraph
and call this an essay.
I have students write on a topic with a partner. They both have their
own copy of the essay. I have student pairs pick one topic out of a
hat. They must use the graphic organizers for their topic essay.
These topics are fun and easy. For each topic you can add,
Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Choco pies are better (or worse) than kim bap.
Jeju is the best place in South Korea.
Big Bang is the best K-pop group ever.
The Korean education system is good.
Captain America is a great Marvel character.

We brainstorm and use graphic

organizers or mind maps.

We can make sentences from these graphic organizers.

Restate the topic in a main idea sentence:


1. Topic Sentence

I LOVE this
Paragraph Graphic Organizer

2. Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion

more details
if you want!



3. Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion



5. Concluding Sentence

4. Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion



NOW for the 5-paragraph ESSAY

Choosing a Good Main Idea
Choose a main idea that you can find facts and information for.
Choose a main idea that you know about already.
Choose a main idea that the reader can understand and relate to.
What type of essay are you writing?
Persuasive convince me about something
Expository explain how something works or what something is
Narrative tell me a story

Sample Topic Ideas

What is your dream job?
Describe a challenge you have faced. Do you feel the result of that challenge has
made you a better person? Why or why not?
If you could travel back in time to any place, where would you go and why?
What are the advantages of living in your city? What are the disadvantages?
Who is your role model? Why do you admire them?
Think of a favorite trip you took. Where did you go? What did you enjoy about it?
The greatest movie.
A super power you would choose to have.
The proudest moment of your life.
The type of teacher you would like to be.
Who is your best friend and why?
Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
The biggest problem facing this world.
A place that is special to you.

Topic #2
Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion

Main Idea

Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion

Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion

Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion

Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion

Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion

Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion


Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion


Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion
Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion
Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion

Detail, Example,
Fact, Opinion

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