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Positive Behavioral Intervention

and Support


How do I get a wristband?

Honor Roll (All A or A-B)
Teachers Choice (1 per quarter)

What does the wristband do?

Admin will randomly give out candy, ice
cream, school supplies, and other fun stuff!

Whats the catch?

You MUST be wearing your wristband, in
order to receive a prize.

Whats new?
Each student will have a picture ID.
Students are required to keep their ID on their

Whats new?
This is a new school-wide Positive Behavior Plan
Students can receive points for working hard and doing awesome things. (Like a mix
between Classroom Dojo and Hogwarts House Points)
More details coming soon..

All A Honor Roll Rewards

Lunch on the patio (when weather permits).
Special random patio rewards like FREE snow
cones, ice cream, candy, and other fun stuff!
Discounted (Sometimes FREE) admission to
school events and activities.

We now have bells at Kernan!!

The bell will ring to end a class however the bell
does not dismiss the classroom, the teacher does.
One minute before class starts a warning bell will
When the bell rings for class to start, teachers have
been instructed to close their doors.
If you are late, you will HAVE to go to the house office
and get a tardy slip before you will be allowed into the
If you receive too many tardies, you will get a referral.

Every classroom will have the same bathroom

There is only one pass per room.
Students who are outside of class, without an
official pass, will be returned immediately.
Students must turn in their cell phones before
leaving the classroom.
Students must wear the pass.
Ms. Rhodes is ordering hooks to hang the
passes outside the bathrooms.
No bathrooms between classes the first 10
minutes or the last 10 minutes of class.

What if there is an emergency?

If a student is hurt, call the House
There is only one pass per room.

Some important things to remember

Riding the bus
Is a privilege, not a right.
Expectations are the same as being on campus
Two (2) bus referrals will result in the loss of
bus privileges for the year.

Will NOT be tolerated.
Filming, watching, or encouraging others to
fight are punishable offenses under the new
Code of Conduct.

How to Go Home
Car Riders will be called first and leave out the front of the
building and proceed immediately to cars.
1st Wave of bus riders will be called next and will exit out the
rear of the building and proceed immediately to the buses.
Football players are the only athletes that are allowed to leave
during 1st Wave.
2nd Wave of bus riders will be called next and will exit out the
rear of the building and proceed immediately to the buses. All
Athletes and Extended Day students will be dismissed with the
2nd wave but will exit out the front doors.
Bikers and Walkers will be the last to be dismissed and will
exit out the back of the buildings in order to avoid dangers of
moving traffic.

How to Go Home
Electives will release WHEN THE WAVE IS CALLED NOT
SOONER!!! You will be given time to go to your locker, but do
not play around and miss your bus.
Again..all athletes are dismissed when the 2nd wave of buses
are dismissed and not sooner. You will be in trouble with your
coaches if you leave earlier.
There will be additional teachers monitoring the hallways
and around the buildings. If you are caught walking around
when your wave has not been called, you risk having
consequences with the Dean.

Statements are the best way for students to communicate with

Statements are reserved for violations of the Code of
Conduct, or serious issues.
Students will not be allowed to leave class to write a
statement, unless the teacher has told them to do so.
Statements are for the individual. It is not a group effort.

So Im not allowed to write a statement whenever I want?

Great Question!
Not during class time, unless a teacher tells you to.
You can write a statement at home, before or after school,
or during lunch time.
Pick up a statement form in your House Office.

Champ Protocols
C Conversation level
H - Help
A - Activity
M - Movement
P Participation
CHAMPs is part of establishing a SYSTEM of rituals and routines.
1.What is the signal to stop talking and give the adult in the room your

Dropping off
All students report to 2nd or 6th period before lunch. You may
have 1st, 2nd, or 3rd lunch depending on the class you are in during
this period.
Teachers escort the class to the doors of the cafeteria.
Teachers will then escort students to their table
Teachers will then signal Admin in the cafeteria, get a
confirmation, and then leave.

Picking up
Teachers will go to their table, and make sure that the area is
If necessary, leave 1 student to wipe and sweep.
Please signal to Admin that you are taking your class.
You must have a pass to return to class if you are kept behind in
the cafeteria.

Skateboards, Bicycles, Scooters, Roller Blades, Unicycles, Heelies, etc.

If a teacher allows a student to keep something in their closet/classroom, it
is the students responsibility to fetch the item before 2nd wave leaves
Once 2nd wave leaves campus, so do teachers. They can and do lock
classrooms, with your precious inside.
None of these items are permitted to be ridden on campus.
Please ensure that you have reached the Kernan Boulevard intersection
before riding away.

Eddie showed up to class on time, but

doesnt have any of his supplies.
When Ms. Williams asked him to get
to work, offering paper and a pencil,
he refused.
After ten minutes, she checked on
him again. He told her I dont care.
Im not doing anything today.

Is this a violation of
the Code of Conduct?
A. Yes
B. No

Kristina has been hearing from

classmates that Andi wants to fight
her. Right before 3rd period, she sees
Andi in the hall.
The girls start to shove each other
and pull hair. A group of students
gather to watch, and one student
even films it. Several people chant
Fight! Fight! Fight!

Who violated the Code

of Conduct?
A. Andi and Kristina
B. Andi, since she was talking about
fighting first

C. The classmates who chanted Fight!

D. Everyone who had a part to play in
the incident.

Skyler is wearing a halter top with

spaghetti (thin) straps. Her friend
Molly has a shirt on that shows her
Jason is sagging and wearing his pants
below his waist. His buddy Joseph has
a shirt on that makes a reference to

Which student has to

change their outfit
before going to class?
A. Skyler
B. Molly
C. Jason
D. Joseph
E. All of the above

After several redirections, Stephan

still disrupts class by calling out, and
distracting others. When Ms. Norris
tells him to gather his things, and
continue working next door in Mr.
McDonalds room, he responds by
swearing loudly.
Stephan meets with the Dean and
insists since he wasnt swearing AT
Ms. Norris, it shouldnt be an issue.

Did Stephan still

violate the Code of
A. Yes
B. No

Mrs. Norris Class

About Me

Yes, I have 5 Kids..

For us to have a wonderful

year, there are some
guidelines to follow

The front is my space.

Ask before borrowing

Going behind my desk can

become dangerous. Stay

Seriously..it really isnt


The screen you are looking at is

VERY expensive. Please do not
touch unless instructed and do not
try to go behind it.

Weekly agenda and

CHAMPs are on the far
left of the board. It is
your responsibility to
write down the class
work and homework in
you planner at the
beginning of every
week. Once you do this,
you can earn a stamp
for your stamp sheet to
earn a free homework

SSR (your silent reading

There will be times when
you have finished your
warm-up or classwork
and you have nothing to
do. The tests you take in
my class are reading
tests with Science as a
topic. Practice reading
as often as you can and
bring books to do so.

Exit Slips
Exit Slips will be used from time to time

as a grade.
They are located in the front right
cabinet to the left of the sink.
Make sure you write your name on it for

Rules for class time,

Popsicle and Group Review
are listed on the right of the
board and above.

Assignments will be listed

here by day. This is what
you will write on you own
Table of Contents.

Homework (Home Learning) will be

given 2 3 times a week. If you
are not doing your homework, your
grade will be negatively effected
and a possible parent conference
will be needed.

Standards are here at the


Higher Order and Essential

Questions will be around the
room on the cork strips.

Student friendly standards

and Unit Vocab will be here.

Class Work will be turned

into the class bin. If its
early, put it underneath.

My Class is like a Cruise


If you are turning in your

work, you are above C

If you forget something,

you might fall off the
boat and now you are at
C level. You will need
some help to get back

If you are not coming to

school and not doing the
work, you will fall below
C level. You will drown
if you dont accept the

Read The

Warm Up question and

answer need to written

Extra stamp sheets, table

of contents and wish lists
are over here.

Sometimes we dont have time to answer

all the questions. Sometimes people are
nervous about asking questions during
class. Sometimes there is an issue that I
need to know about. Use the Thought

Make sure your name is on

your paper. Double check
here if you dont get an
assignment back.

Work is passed back from

here by the paper

Lost and Found

Class library is available

to you. Just make sure to
ask and make sure to

Please ask before using

the pencil sharpener.
Follow CHAMPs.

Stay out of
class closet
unless told to
You will see
everything in

The science
book is your
Bring it to class
everyday. If
you lose it, it
will cost around

Computers and laptops will be

used for assignments and
when requested for school
work at appropriate times.

Laptops will be locked

daily and will not be used

Laptops will need to be returned

correctly and neatly after each use
and both cords need to be plugged
in. If a class or individual does not
use the laptops correctly, they will
no longer have access.

The laptops are touch screen

and convertible. If you have
a stylist you may want to
bring it to class to use.

Anytime you are using a

laptop, your back must

Schedule, CHAMPs
information Team Rules
and Expectations are
posted for your benefit.

Tissues and hand

sanitizer are located
around the room. Get
permission first if

Sinks with soap will be

used for labs and with
permission. Clean up
when you are done.

Leave the sink at the

demonstration counter

Backpacks and tote bags

for gym are not allowed
in the classroom.

Materials are
available if used
and respectfully.
Ask permission

Referrals are
all now on
Focus and no
longer hand
Follow class

Mrs. Norris Class

Safe Science in the Clas


Make sure you

understand the Lab
Guidelines and
Expectations. They are

Fire extinguisher inside

closet on wall. Do not

Emergency vent for lab

fumes and only if teacher
uses. Watch the use of
Axe and Perfume.

Black button on front wall

Ms. Norris passes out because she hit
her elbow.not black
Fight, not black button.
Fight not breaking up, teacher will

direct for black button.

Someone brings out a
weapon.black button.
Aliens are attacking..black button.

Emergency Power Off.

Only works if fire from
something plugged into

When using something plugged

into outlet, be careful removing
plug so you do not become
electrocuted..like someone two
years ago..

Fire Blanket. Stop. Drop.


Goggles will be worn

during certain labs.

Only for teacher to use in

case needed.

Emergency shower and

eye wash on a silent
alarm. Do not use unless

window on silent
alarm. Use in
case of Code
Red if need to
evacuate or
hallway blocked
during fire.


.lift and push.

..I dont know what this


Lab Guidelines and

1. Listen, read and follow the directions.


if you need help.

2. Work with your group. If you do not work

well with someone in the group you MUST

write me a note explaining who you cannot
work with and why. You will not be permitted
to work alone.

Lab Guidelines and

3. Go directly to your seats and prepare for lab.

You must be ready to start when the teacher

begins going over the lab. Socializing before,
during or after lab, failure to be in your seat or not
participating with your group can be grounds for
removal from lab.

4. Keep your area neat and clean during and after

5. Lab days are not free play days.

Lab Guidelines and

6. Behave when there is a substitute, or you
will lose labs.
7. You must talk with your group during lab,

however responsible and appropriate voice

levels are expected.
8. At any point in time any student can be

suspended for a month from lab for

irresponsible behavior.

Lab Guidelines and

9. Once lab has begun, no questions will be
answered for 10 minutes.

10. Lab is a privilege and a wonderful way to

learn. But if responsibility cannot be shown,

one student to an entire class can be
suspended from lab.

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