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General Dental

Oral Health Educator Dental Nurse

Prevention of
Periodontal Disease
Dental Hygienist Dental Therapist

Secondary Care
Consultant in Restorative High Street specialist
Dentistry In Periodontology.
Screening for peridontal disease
• Basic Periodontal examination codes:

BPE Code Clinical Status

0 – Coloured band is completely Health Periodontium
visible, No bleeding, No Calculus
1- Only Gingival bleeding Gingivitis

2 – Calculus Gingivitis
Gingival Bleeding
3- Colored band is partly visible Periodontitis,
Pocket depth :- 3.5 - 5.5 mm.
4. Colored band completely disappear Periodontitis
Pocket depth ≥ 5.5 mm.

* Furcation involvement or attachment loss

> 7mm.
Other Periodontal examination
• Standard of oral hygiene.
• Location & quantity of plaque & calculus.
• Examination of gingiva:
– Inflammation
– Recession
– Hyperplasia
• Furcation involvement
• Degree of tooth mobility.
• Occlusal assessment
• Any systemic disease.
• Radiographic examination
Treatment Plan
• Definition:- It is the blue print for case
• Treatment Goals:-
– Reduction or resolution of gingivitis.
– Reduction in probing pocket depth.
– Elimination of open furcation in multirooted
– Individually satisfactory esthetic & function.
Phase of Periodontal Therapy
• Emergency Phase
• Phase I :- Etiotropic phase
• Phase II :- Surgical Phase
• Phase III :- Restorative phase
• Phase IV :- Maintenance Phase
Preferred sequence Of Periodontal
Emergency Phase

Etiotropic Phase

Maintenance Phase

Surgical Restorative
Phase Phase
• Treatment of any type of pain
• Extraction of hopeless teeth.
• Draining of the abscess
• “Cause related therapy”
• “Non surgical periodontal therapy”
• Objective:-
– Elimination & Preventing of reformation of
bacterial deposits on tooth & root surface.
• This Phase includes:
1. Diet Counseling (Specially in patients with rampant caries)
2. Removal of plaque retentive factors - it may be:
Natural - Crowding,
Developmental grooves
Enamel Pearls
Iatrogenie - Poor Margins or over contoured
3. Supragingival scaling
4. Subgingival Scaling
5. Root Planning.
6. Occlusal therapy
7. Antimicrobial therapy
8. Correction of restorative & prosthetic irritatonal factors.
9. Excavation of caries & restoration.
Temp. or final :- Depending on whether the definite
prognosis for the teeth has been arrived at the location of
10. Minor orthodontic movement.
11. Chemical plaque control (for acute conditions.
( Ideally after 3 months)
Rechecking for :-
- Oral hygiene status
- Gingival inflammation & bleeding
- Probing depth
- Attachment level
- Calculus
- Caries.
Phase II - Surgical phase
(I) Various periodontal surgical procedure.
Where there is impaired access for scaling & root surface debridement
- In deeper ( > 5mm) periodontal pockets
- On wider tooth surfaces
- Presence of root fissures
- Presence of root concavities
- Furcation involvement
- Presence of faulty margins on subgingival restorations.
So it is used to –
- Gain access for thorough scaling & root surface debridment
- Establish a gingival morphology conductive to good plaque
- Reduce pocket depths
- Shift the gingival margin apically to plaque retaining restorations.
- Crown lengthening.
• Contraindication:-
– Patient who is uncooperative during cause related
therapy should not proceed to surgery.
– Smoking – Impair healing after surgery.
– Absolute Contraindication :
• Medically compromised patients
• Periodontal surgery may be classified as:-
1. Access surgery :
Provide visual & technical access for through debridement
2. Resective surgery – removal of excess soft tissue in
gingival over growth & appical relocation of gingival margin.
(a) Gingivectomy
(b) Apical displaced flap surgery
(c) Undisplaced flap with or without osseous resection.
3. Regenerative surgery :- To regenerate
the periodontal attachment complex i.e.
cementum, PDL & bone
(a) flap surgery with flap graft
(b) flap surgery with osseous graft
Evaluation of response to surgical therapy
• Oral hygiene status.
• Gingival inflammation & bleeding
• Probing depth
• Attachment level.
– Final restoration.
– Fixed prosthesis
– Removable prosthesis
Evaluation of response to restorative therapy
- Oral hygiene status
- Gingival inflammation & blearing
- Probing depth
- Attachment level
- Restoration status
• Phase IV – Maintenance phase :-
- Periodic maintenance :-
- For advanced periodontal disease - 3-4 times per year.
- Otherwise in 6 months.
• Checking for :-
– Plaque & gingival indices
– Calculus
– Attachment Level
– Pocket depth
– Bleeding on probing
– Recession
Maintenance recall procedures

PART 1 – Examination
Oral hygiene status
Gingival changes
Pocket depth changes
Mobility changes
Occlusal changes
Dental caries
Restorative & Prosthetic status
Medical history changes
Oral pathologic examination
Radiographic examination
• PART 2 – Treatment
• Oral hygiene reinforcement
• Scaling
• Polishing
• Chemical irrigation
• PART 3 – Schedule next procedure
• Schedule next recall visit
• Schedule further periodontal treatment
• Schedule or refer for restorative or prosthetic treatment
After the diagnosis & prognosis have been
established,the treatment plan is made to
coordinate all treatment procedures to create
a well functioning dentition in a healthy
Periodontal environment.

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