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Extending Oracle Apps to

Streamline Fixed Assets

Brett Ford, VMware Inc.
NorCal OAUG Training Day
January 24, 2006

The standard Oracle FA Mass Additions
process typically requires extra manual
intervention and data entry. This
presentation will demonstrate a few simple
custom extensions which can be utilized
to minimize manual intervention and
streamline the FA Mass Additions process.

Standard Mass Additions Process




Prepare Mass Additions

Asset Category
Depreciation Expense Code Combination
Asset Number
Tag Number
Serial Number
Assigned To
Queue Name
Date Place in Service

Additional Issues
There can be a timing difference between
when an asset is physically received and
when the invoice is received and processed
by Accts Payable. This often results in offline asset tracking systems!

Opportunities to Streamline
Minimize manual intervention in FA Mass
Additions by capturing asset information in
the Receiving transaction
Immediately record asset receipts into the
Oracle Assets module by creating $0 mass
additions from Receiving.

More Opportunities to
Streamline the Prepare Mass Additions
Automate required fields
Facilitate easy merge
Automate the Add to Asset function

Solution Components
Apps Config
PO Item Category
Receiving Transactions
Asset Locations

Value Sets
Concurrent Programs & Executables
Customize Mass Additions Folder

More Solution Components

Custom view for uninterfaced Asset
Receipts (track by rcv_trx_id)
Custom SQL to interface Asset Receipts to
fa_mass_additions ($0 mass additions)
Custom SQL to automate the Prepare Mass
Additions process
Custom SQL to add lines to existing asset

Putting it all together

Net Result
Streamlined Fixed Assets process to
facilitate faster, more accurate asset
processing with minimal accounting
Accomplished with no customizations of
standard Oracle code!

Receiving DFF

Map Asset Categories to PO Item


Map Depreciation Expense Distributions to

Employee HR Assignment

Custom Mass Additions folder to

facilitate merging

Additional Info
Streamlining Fixed Assets Mass Additions Mark
Schwerdt, Oakton Solutions Pty Ltd OAUG Asia Pacific
2000 Conference

For sample code or additional info


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